John Rechy, Joseph von Eichendorff, Friedrich Schlegel, Jakob Wassermann, Hilde Van Cauteren

De Amerikaanse schrijver John Rechy werd geboren op 10 maart 1934 in El Paso, Texas. Zie ook alle tags voor John Rechy op dit blog.


Uit: Coming of the Night

„Jesse—”the kid”—woke with one thought on his mind. Today he would do something wild to celebrate one glorious year of being gay—and it was great to be gay and young and good-looking and hot. Of course, his designation of “one year” was not exact. He had been gay from the time he became aware of sex—early—and he had turned twenty-two three days ago, but the celebration he planned came from the fact that he had been able to go into gay bars only for that long. Not that he’d been idle before that. He had had his share of sexual encounters. This special day, his strategy formed, he would charge himself up from morning to earlier night. He would not come until deepest night, and then he would be the hottest ever.


In his bedroom in his neat apartment in a court of units surrounding a pool in West Hollywood, Jesse became hard thinking about the prospect. He sat on the edge of his bed wearing only white briefs, now being punched by his aroused cock.

Depending on how he dressed, combed his hair, he could look eighteen, if he wanted. Often, in bars, he would be asked for identification. He was very good-looking—and, even better than that, spectacularly “cute,” a description he welcomed, along with being called “Kid Jesse.” That made him sound like a young outlaw, although, someone once pointed out, he must be confusing Billy the Kid with Jesse James.

Still boyish, but not in the least bit “fem,” he was neither tall nor short. His blue eyes were rendered clearer by dark eyelashes, and his streaked blond hair was just long enough to allow an occasional strand to fall over his forehead. Thank God femmish long hair was going out of style among gay guys. Checking himself out in the mirror of a bar, he knew he looked sensational.

An expert gymnast in school, he did not work out with weights, like other gay men were doing. He ran, biked, swam. That kept his body tight, fabulously defined. He ate only good healthful food, didn’t do drugs, and he slept a full eight hours each night, except, of course, when, real late, the cruising just kept getting better. He had a natural glow that courted a perfect tan in summer—now. The tan accentuated glistening hairs that coated his legs, which he showed off by wearing shorts as long as the weather allowed, into the beginning of winter, and even during winter in Southern California.“


John Rechy (El Paso, 10 maart 1934)

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Chloé Delaume, Karel van de Woestijne, Boris Vian, Manolis Anagnostakis, Joaquin Miller

De Franse schrijfster en performance artieste Chloé Delaume werd geboren als Nathalie Dalain op 10 maart 1973 in Parijs. Zie ook alle tags voor Cloé Delaume op dit blog


Uit: La dernière fille avant la guerre

„Ca fait comme du chagrin qui grimpe, un chagrin aux syllabes sèches et tressées de ronces. Je n’habiterai pas en Indochine. Mon épiderme ignorera tout du souffle alangui des rizières, des égratignures de l’encens, de l’aigu du frisson qui précède l’envoûtement. Je ne connaîtrai pas les dahlias, ni les automnes qui singent l’hiver : mon passeport n’est pas validé.

J’ai été si naïve, persuadée un instant au tempo éternel qu’il suffisait la foi et la bonne volonté. Une croisière vers la rédemption, prédestination pathogène aux récifs du débarquement : mes yeux se sont cillés d’échardes, au pont je ne fus que cécité.

Je suis restée passive, emmitouflée peau d’ours mitée d’accords mineurs, enorgueillie, souveraine en mon affranchissement. Je n’irai pas en Indochine. C’est comme ça et pas autrement.

Il était une fois une histoire, celle d’une foutue malédiction. De ces châtiments moites qui vous engluent d’exil et d’innocence coupable. Un fléau, une fatalité. Je suis la chèvre, femelle du bouc, la trachée prompte aux sacrifices, l’œil distrait, le sabot fendu. Mon larynx clochette l’anathème, en toutes circonstances et tous lieux. Je ne serai pas en Indochine, et je sais que ce n’est pas tant mieux.

Il est possible que je pleure, que je sois en train de pleurer. Que j’ai envie de tuer, en moi, un quelqu’un quelque part ou bien un quelque chose. De constitutif, semble-t-il. Calcifié grappes d’étoiles au creux de la moelle osseuse. En mes entrailles ma main plonge apnée opiniâtre mais rien ne m’en revient, que de la cendre chaude.

Je resterai à l’Est, rien ne sera nouveau. Murée chant des pèlerins ma langue jamais ne sera dans la bouche du prophète, j’ai raté l’examen et ma conscience s’effrite. Je ne traverserai aucun village, toujours je serai affaiblie.“


Chloé Delaume (Parijs, 10 maart 1973)

Lees verder “Chloé Delaume, Karel van de Woestijne, Boris Vian, Manolis Anagnostakis, Joaquin Miller”

Samuel Ferguson, Georges Dor, Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, Otto Heinrich Kühner

De Ierse dichter Samuel Ferguson werd geboren op 10 maart 1810 in Belfast. Zie ook alle tags voor Samuel Ferguson op dit blog.



Irish Song


The sun has set, the stars are still,

The red moon hides behind the hill ;

The tide has left the brown beach bare,

The birds have fled the upper air ;

Upon her branch the lone cuckoo

Is chaunting still her sad adieu ;

And you, my f air-hair ‘d girl, must go

Across the salt sea under woe !

I through love have learn’d three things,

Sorrow, sin, and death it brings ;

Yet day by day my heart within

Dares shame and sorrow, death and sin

Maiden, you have aim’d the dart

Rankling in my ruin’d heart :

Maiden, may the God above

Grant you grace to grant me love !

Sweeter than the viol’s string,

And the notes that blackbirds sing ;

Brighter than the dewdrops rare

Is the maiden wondrous fair :

Like the silver swans at play

Is her neck, as bright as day !

Woe is me, that e’er my sight

Dwelt on charms so deadly bright !


Samuel Ferguson (10 maart 1810 – 9 augustus 1886)

Portret door Mary Catharine Ferguson

Lees verder “Samuel Ferguson, Georges Dor, Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, Otto Heinrich Kühner”

Peter McArthur

De Canadese dichter Peter McArthur werd geboren op 10 maart 1866 in Ekfrid, in Middlesex County, Upper Canada (nu Ontario), als zoon van Peter en Catherine (McLennan) McArthur, immigranten uit Schotland. Hij werd opgeleid aan het Strathroy Collegiale Institute en later aan de universiteit van Toronto. Gedurende zijn tijd aan de universiteit droeg hij bij aan het tijdschrift Grip, en in 1889 vertrok hij om verslaggever bij de Toronto Daily Mail te worden. McArthur werd assistent-redacteur van Truth Magazine in maart 1895, en editor-in-cheif in augustus. Als redacteur van Truth Magazine, 1895-1897, publiceerde hij het werk van Roberts, Carman, Stephen Leacock, en Duncan Campbell Scott. (Een van de door McArthur gepubliceerde gedichten was The Piper of Arl” door Scott, dat werd gelezen door de tiener John Masefield en dat wekte Masefield’s interesse in poëzie.) In september 1895 trouwde McArthur met Mabel C. Water, van de Niagara Falls, Ontario, die hem vier zonen en een dochter zou schenken.Van 1902 tot 1904 woonden de McArthurs in Londen, Engeland, waar McArthur bijdragen leverde aan Punch en aan de Review of Reviews. In 1904 keerden ze terug naar New York, waar McArthur partner werd in de uitgeverij van McArthur en Ryder.


De Profundis

Not yet are deeds fruition of my thought,
Nor is this body symbol of my soul,
For evil ever in this life is wrought
That shuns the will and its divine control.
Surely I shall not be forever weak,
Halting and stumbling on the chosen way,
Blinded by the pure and perfect light I seek
Upon the threshold of eternal day.
I do not mourn discredit to my fame
Who smile at Time and his confining shores; ‘
Tis this provokes the burning blush of shame:
The flesh still grovels though the spirit soars—
But my heart’s anguish who can understand,
Or stay my folly with a guiding hand ?



It is no bondage to be free to give
Our all to Him who first so freely gave,
That in his living we may ever live;
For, losing all, the all we lose we save.
It is not folly to become so wise
That earthly wisdom shall be known a snare,
Nor are they blind who have the light to rise
Where science stumbles in its dark despair.
The seed corrupted in the humid soil
Sends yet its flower to the bewildering sun:
Strong without will and perfect without toil,
Helpless yet doing all that may be done.’
So we, through God, though doing naught, do all,
Nor grope in darkness nor in weakness fall.


Peter McArthur
(10 maart 1866 – 10 oktober 1924)