Oodgeroo Noonuccal, Dieter Wellershoff, Hanns Heinz Ewers, William Cullen Bryant

De Australische dichteres en schrijfster Oodgeroo Noonuccal (eig. Kathleen Jean Mary Ruska) werd geboren op 3 november 1920 in Minjerribah (Stradbroke Island) in Moreton Bay. Zie ook mijn blog van 3 november 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Oodgeroo Noonuccal op dit blog.


No More Boomerang

No more boomerang
No more spear;
Now all civilised —
Colour bar and beer.

No more corroboree,
Gay dance and din.
Now we got movies,
And pay to go in.

No more sharing
What the hunter brings.
Now we work for money,
Then pay it back for things.

Now we track bosses
To catch a few bob,
Now we go walkabout
On bus to the job.

One time naked,
Who never knew shame;
Now we put clothes on
To hide whatsaname.

No more gunya,
Now bungalow,
Paid by hire purchase
In twenty year or so.

Lay down the stone axe,
Take up the steel,
And work like a nigger
For a white man meal.

No more firesticks
That made the whites scoff.
Now all electric,
And no better off.

Bunyip he finish,
Now got instead
White fella Bunyip
Call him Red.

Abstract picture now —
What they coming at?
Cripes, in our caves we
Did better than that.

Black hunted wallaby,
White hunt dollar;
White fella witchdoctor
Wear dog-collar.

No more message-stick;
Lubras and lads.
Got television now,
Mostly ads.

Lay down the woomera,
Lay down the waddy.
Now we got atom-bomb,
End every-body.

Oodgeroo Noonuccal (3 November 1920—16 September 1993)

Lees verder “Oodgeroo Noonuccal, Dieter Wellershoff, Hanns Heinz Ewers, William Cullen Bryant”

Allerzielen, Frances Bellerby, Désanne van Brederode, E. du Perron, Kees van den Heuvel, Odysseas Elytis

 Bij Allerzielen


All Souls’ Day door Jakub Schikaneder, 1888


All Souls’ Day

Let’s go our old way
by the stream, and kick the leaves
as we always did, to make
the rhythm of breaking waves.

This day draws no breath –
shows no colour anywhere
except for the leaves – in their death
brilliant as never before.

Yellow of Brimstone Butterfly,
brown of Oak Eggar Moth –
you’d say. And I’d be wondering why
a summer never seems lost

if two have been together
witnessing the variousness of light,
and the same two in lustreless November
enter the year’s night…

The slow-worm stream – how still!
Above that spider’s unguarded door,
look – dull pearls…Time’s full,
brimming, can hold no more.

Next moment (we well know,
my darling, you and I)
what the small day cannot hold
must spill into eternity.

So perhaps we should move cat-soft
meanwhile, and leave everything unsaid,
until no shadow of risk can be left
of disturbing the scatheless dead.

Ah, but you were always leaf-light.
And you so seldom talk
as we go. But there at my side
through the bright leaves you walk.

And yet – touch my hand
that I may be quite without fear,
for it seems as if a mist descends,
and the leaves where you walk do not stir.


Frances Bellerby (29 augustus 29 1899 – 1975)


De Engelse dichteres en schrijfster Mary Eirene Frances Bellerby werd geboren op 29 augustus 1899. Zie ook alle tags voor Frances Bellerby op dit blog.


Lees verder “Allerzielen, Frances Bellerby, Désanne van Brederode, E. du Perron, Kees van den Heuvel, Odysseas Elytis”

Allerheiligen, Gaston Burssens, Job Degenaar, Stefaan van Laere, Rudy Kousbroek

Bij Allerheiligen


Allerheiligen, Fra Angelico, 15e eeuw, National Gallery, Londen



De rosse blaren van de najaarsbomen
beleggen ’t macadam met gouden zomen.
Er dwaalt een blijde stemming in de stad
van wemelende mensen, weeldezat.
De zon met gouden draden, fijn als rag
spint haar kleed voor allerheiligendag.
Ach kind er hangt
een waas van weemoed over!
zie jij ’t dan niet?
De glans van zon en lover
is niet zo helder als je meisjeslach;
‘t is immers morgen allerzielendag!
Voel jij niet dat in elke vreugde trilt
het leed om ‘t niet bezit van wat je wilt?
Het leed om ’t niet-bezit van je verlangen,
Zo dat de zon half
in de mist blijft hangen.


Gaston Burssens (18 februari 1896 – 29 januari 1965)

Lees verder “Allerheiligen, Gaston Burssens, Job Degenaar, Stefaan van Laere, Rudy Kousbroek”