John Rechy, Joseph von Eichendorff, Friedrich Schlegel, Jakob Wassermann, Hilde Van Cauteren, Karel van de Woestijne

De Amerikaanse schrijver John Rechy werd geboren op 10 maart 1934 in El Paso, Texas. Zie ook alle tags voor John Rechy op dit blog.

Uit: Coming of the Night

“There was also this to account for the sexual demand he welcomed. The day itself—the impression from last night had been confirmed—was ready for celebration, heated with those winds that were supposed to arouse tensions, and—he’d heard this—violence, but who wanted that? Whatever the truth, Jesse knew that the Sant’Anas charged the night with sexual fever.
And sex was everywhere!
There were hunky guys on every corner. You didn’t even have to go home with a guy, if you didn’t want to. There were cruisy places all over where you could make out, right there, all hours—bars, baths, even some streets—and you could move from one person to another, have several at the same time. Not that he wouldn’t ever want to go home with one guy again. Sure, that was fine, having sex several times with one person—or two—but there was a time for that, and a time when you needed more.
Music—that’s what would start this magical day on its way. He riffled among his collection of albums. Van Halen—which song? “Everybody Wants Some.” True, and more than some. “Loss of Control.” Yes!
The agitated strum of a guitar, a howl or a siren, laughter—a bomb or a roaring motorcycle. His sweat-stained briefs pasted to his body, he gyrated to the record’s opening explosion. Who needed control?
Without altering his fast rhythm, he let the next song play out its funky tune, about—what else?—love, love turning tragic.
Tragic? Who needed tragic.
He stopped the record abruptly. He needed something else to set this special day on its way—the song he’d danced to, and shouted out phrases from, when it first came out last year, the beginning of the eighties, the beginning of his life. The song’s words had seemed to announce the vista opening before him—of bars, sex, dancing, sex, great times, sex, partying, sex, great sex, sex— Ugh for straight music, with all those sappy songs. The stuff they played in gay bars said something, really told it, knew what it was all about. He found the album, the song he was looking for, Kool and the Gang and “Celebration.” All right!”


John Rechy (El Paso, 10 maart 1934)
Eind jaren 1960

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