Edith Wharton, E. Th. A. Hoffmann, Ivan Ivanji, Eugen Roth, Ulrich Holbein, Charles Sackville, John Donne, Vicky Baum

De Amerikaanse schrijfster Edith Wharton werd geboren op 24 januari 1862 in New York. Zie ook alle tags voor Edith Wharton op dit blog.

Uit: A Backward Glance

“It was on a bright day of midwinter, in New York. The little girl who eventually became me, but as yet was neither me nor anybody else in particular, but merely a soft anonymous morsel of humanity–this little girl, who bore my name, was going for a walk with her father. The episode is literally the first thing I can remember about her, and therefore I date the birth of her identity from that day.
She had been put into her warmest coat, and into a new and very pretty bonnet, which she had surveyed in the glass with considerable satisfaction. The bonnet (I can see it today) was of white satin, patterned with a pink and green plaid in raised velvet. It was all drawn into close gathers, with a bavolet in the neck to keep out the cold, and thick ruffles of silky blonde lace under the brim in front. As the air was very cold a gossamer veil of the finest white Shetland wool was drawn about the bonnet and hung down over the wearer’s round red cheeks like the white paper filigree over a Valentine; and her hands were encased in white woollen mittens.
One of them lay in the large safe hollow of her father’s bare hand; her tall handsome father, who was so warm-blooded that in the coldest weather he always went out without gloves, and whose head, with its ruddy complexion and intensely blue eyes, was so far aloft that when she walked beside him she was too near to see his face. It was always an event in the little girl’s life to take a walk with her father, and more particularly so today, because she had on her new winter bonnet, which was so beautiful (and so becoming) that for the first time she woke to the importance of dress, and of herself as a subject for adornment—so that I may date from that hour the birth of the conscious and feminine ME in the little girl’s vague soul.”

Edith Wharton (24 januari 1862 – 11 augustus 1937)
Wharton als meisje. Portret door Edward Harrison May, 1870

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De Beaumarchais, Albin Zollinger, Frances Brooke, William Congreve, Stanisław Grochowiak, Wolf von Niebelschütz, Maxime Alexandre

De Franse toneelschrijver Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais werd geboren op 24 januari 1732 in Parijs. Zie ook alle tags voor De Beaumarchais op dit blog.

Uit: Le barbier de Seville

Mais, quelle idée avez-vous en insistant, Monsieur ? Est-ce encore quelque méfiance ?
Mais vous, quelle raison avez-vous de ne pas la montrer ?
Je vous répète, Monsieur, que ce papier n’est autre que la lettre de mon cousin, que vous m’avez rendue hier toute décachetée ; et puisqu’il en est question, je vous dirai tout net que cette liberté me déplaît excessivement.
Je ne vous entends pas.
Vais-je examiner les papiers qui vous arrivent ? Pourquoi vous donnez-vous les airs de toucher à ceux qui me sont adressés ? Si c’est jalousie, elle m’insulte ; s’il s’agit de l’abus d’une autorité usurpée, j’en suis plus révoltée encore.
Comment, révoltée ! Vous ne m’avez jamais parlé ainsi.
Si je me suis modérée jusqu’à ce jour, ce n’était pas pour vous donner le droit de m’offenser impunément.
De quelle offense parlez-vous ?
C’est qu’il est inouï qu’on se permette d’ouvrir les lettres de quelqu’un.”

De Beaumarchais (24 januari 1732 – 18 mei 1799)

Lees verder “De Beaumarchais, Albin Zollinger, Frances Brooke, William Congreve, Stanisław Grochowiak, Wolf von Niebelschütz, Maxime Alexandre”