Halloween (Madison Cawein)


Bij Halloween


Halloween Night door Ken Figurski, 2014



It was down in the woodland on last Hallowe’en,
Where silence and darkness had built them a lair,
That I felt the dim presence of her, the unseen,
And heard her still step on the hush-haunted air.

It was last Hallowe’en in the glimmer and swoon
Of mist and of moonlight, where once we had sinned,
That I saw the gray gleam of her eyes in the moon,
And hair, like a raven, blown wild on the wind.

It was last Hallowe’en where starlight and dew
Made mystical marriage on flower and leaf,
That she led me with looks of a love, that I knew
Was dead, and the voice of a passion too brief.

It was last Hallowe’en in the forest of dreams,
Where trees are eidolons and flowers have eyes,
That I saw her pale face like the foam of far streams,
And heard, like the night-wind, her tears and her sighs.

It was last Hallowe’en, the haunted, the dread,
In the wind-tattered wood, by the storm-twisted pine,
That I, who am living, kept tryst with the dead,
And clasped her a moment who once had been mine.


Madison Cawein (23 maart 1865 – 8 december 1914)
Oktober in Iroquois Park, Louisville, Kentucky, de geboorteplaats van Madison Cawein


Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 31e oktober ook mijn vorige twee blogs van vandaag.

Bruce Bawer, Joseph Boyden, John Keats, Don Winslow

De Amerikaanse dichter, schrijver en literatuurcriticus Bruce Bawer werd geboren op 31 oktober 1956 in New York. Zie ook alle tags voor Bruce Bawer op dit blog.

Uit: Gays in the Era of Trump (Artikel in Frontpage Magazine, februari 2017)

“Certainly, given what Islamic immigration has meant for gay people in Europe, you’d think that every half-aware gay American would have cheered Trump’s executive order temporarily blocking entry into the U.S. by citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries. In three of those nations, Syria, Somalia, and Libya, being gay is punishable by imprisonment; in three others, Yemen, Sudan, and Iran, it’s a capital offense. (In the seventh, Iraq, homosexuality is technically legal, thanks to the U.S. influence over its post-Saddam constitution, although it’s still not exactly the ideal spot for a gay honeymoon.) And yet on February 4, thousands of gays rallied outside the Stonewall Inn in New York’s Greenwich Village – where the modern gay-rights movement is generally viewed as having begun – to protest the visa ban. These protesters (like the gay idiots of the BDS movement who march in “solidarity” with Palestine) haven’t just been fed lies about Islam; they’ve failed to grasp – yet – that they’re being used by the left to whitewash a “victim group” many of whose members, if given the power, would toss them to their deaths from the tops of buildings.
But this will change. Across Europe, gays have been deserting the left in growing numbers for the so-called “far-right” parties that are standing up to Islam – and they’re making that move because they’ve seen enough of Islam to know that it represents a threat to their very lives. With Islam continuing its dread incursion into the U.S., with President Trump pronouncing the question of same-sex marriage “settled,” and (not least) with the staggeringly popular, flagrantly gay, and passionately pro-Trump Milo Yiannopoulos out there providing young audiences with desperately needed reality checks about Islam and the left, it only makes sense that gay Americans, like their European counterparts, will over time be increasingly suspicious of Islam’s apologists – and increasingly receptive to Trump’s blunt truth-telling about the Religion of Peace.”


Bruce Bawer (New York, 31 oktober 1956)
De USA Gay Pride vlag


De Canadese schrijver Joseph Boyden werd geboren op 31 oktober 1966 in Willowdale, Ontario. Zie ook alle tags voor Joseph Boyden op dit blog

Uit: The Orenda

“And when the dogs are within a few minutes of reaching me, I will suddenly begin to feel a warmth creeping. My body will continue its hard seizures, but my toes and fingers and testicles will stop burning. I will begin to feel a sense of, if not comfort, then relief, and my breathing will be very difficult and this will cause panic but that will slowly harden to resolve. And when the dogs are on the lake and racing toward me, jaws foaming and teeth bared, I will know that even this won’t hurt anymore, my eyes frozen shut as I slip into a sleep that no one can awaken from. As the dogs circle me I will try to smile at them, baring my own teeth, too, and when they begin to eat me I won’t feel myself being consumed but will, like You, Christ, give my body so that others might live.
This thought of giving, I now see, lifts me just enough to pick up the girl and begin walking away from the lake’s edge. After all, if she’s alive, won’t her people—my pursuers—consider sparing me? I will
keep her alive, not only because this is what You demand but also to save myself. The thought of betraying Your wishes feels more an intellectual quandary than what I imagine should physically cause my heart to ache, but I’ll worry about that later. For now I follow the others’ footsteps as best I can, my thick black robe catching on the branches and nettles, the bush so thick I wonder how it is that the men I follow, and those who follow me, are not part animal, contain some black magic that gives them abilities beyond what is natural. You seem very far away here in this cold hell, and the Superior’s attempts to prepare me before I left France, before my journey to this new world, seem ridiculous in their naïveté. You will face great danger. You will most certainly face death. You will question Jesus’ mercy, even His existence. This is Lucifer whispering in your ear. Lucifer’s fires are ice.
There is no warming your body and your soul by them. But Superior doesn’t have any idea what true cold is, I realize, as I allow myself and the girl to be swallowed by the darkness of trees that the bitter sun fails to penetrate.”


Joseph Boyden (Willowdale, 31 oktober 1966)


De Engelse dichter John Keats werd geboren op 31 oktober 1795 in Finsbury Pavement in Londen. Zie ook alle tags voor John Keats op dit blog.


Ode on Melancholy

No, no, go not to Lethe, neither twist
Wolf’s-bane, tight-rooted, for its poisonous wine;
Nor suffer thy pale forehead to be kiss’d
By nightshade, ruby grape of Proserpine;
Make not your rosary of yew-berries,
Nor let the beetle, nor the death-moth be
Your mournful Psyche, nor the downy owl
A partner in your sorrow’s mysteries;
For shade to shade will come too drowsily,
And drown the wakeful anguish of the soul.

But when the melancholy fit shall fall
Sudden from heaven like a weeping cloud,
That fosters the droop-headed flowers all,
And hides the green hill in an April shroud;
Then glut thy sorrow on a morning rose,
Or on the rainbow of the salt sand-wave,
Or on the wealth of globed peonies;
Or if thy mistress some rich anger shows,
Emprison her soft hand, and let her rave,
And feed deep, deep upon her peerless eyes.

She dwells with Beauty — Beauty that must die;
And Joy, whose hand is ever at his lips
Bidding adieu; and aching Pleasure nigh,
Turning to poison while the bee-mouth sips:
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil’d Melancholy has her sovran shrine,
Though seen of none save him whose strenuous tongue
Can burst Joy’s grape against his palate fine;
His soul shall taste the sadness of her might,
And be among her cloudy trophies hung.


Ode aan de neerslachtigheid

Ontwring de wrangwortel geen giftige wijn,
ontwijk de Lethe, laat geen scarabee
of doodshoofdvlinder je eigen Psyche zijn,
laat je niet kussen door Persefone,
nachtschades rode druif, op ’t bleke hoofd,
rijg niet je rozenkrans uit taxuszaad
en maak de donzige uil geen deelgenoot
van jouw geheim verdriet: je ziel verdooft
als elke schaduw in de schaduw staat –
daartussen vindt de waakzame angst de dood.

Maar komt zij plotseling uit de hemel vallen,
Neerslachtigheid, als huilbui die de bloemen
knikt maar ook voedt, en legt ze een wade op alle
hellingen met hun prille lentegroenen –
voed je verdriet dan met een morgenroos,
met welige pioenen, met de wieren
die aanspoelen omringd door regenbogen –
of, is je meesteres fantastisch boos,
vang dan haar zachte handen, laat haar tieren
en zwelg diep, diep in haar weergaloze ogen.

Ze woont bij Schoonheid, die ooit dood zal zijn,
en Blijheid, met haar hand steeds aan de lippen
ten afscheid, naast Plezier, ofwel Venijn
zo gauw de bijenmond ervan gaat nippen –
ja, de gesluierde Neerslachtigheid
heeft in het vreugdevolle heiligdom
haar soevereine schrijn, alleen betreden
door wie de druif van Blijheid met zijn tong
te barsten drukt – zijn ziel hangt na die tijd
tussen haar droeve, duistere trofeeën.


Vertaald door Jan Kuijper


John Keats (31 oktober 1795 – 23 februari 1821)
John Keats listening to the Nightingale on Hampstead Heath door Joseph Severn, ca. 1845


De Amerikaanse schrijver Don Winslow werd geboren in New York op 31 oktober 1953. Zie ook alle tags voor Don Winslow op dit blog.

Uit: The Force

“The last guy on earth anyone ever expected to end up in the Metropolitan Correctional Center on Park Row was Denny Malone.
You said the mayor, the president of the United States, the pope—people in New York would have laid odds they’d see them behind bars before they saw Detective First Grade Dennis John Malone.
A hero cop.
The son of a hero cop.
A veteran sergeant in the NYPD’s most elite unit.
The Manhattan North Special Task Force.
And, most of all, a guy who knows where all the skeletons are hidden, because he put half of them there himself.
Malone and Russo and Billy O and Big Monty and the rest made these streets their own, and they ruled them like kings. They made them safe and kept them safe for the decent people trying to make lives there, and that was their job and their passion and their love, and if that meant they worked the corners of the plate and put a little something extra on the ball now and then, that’s what they did.
The people, they don’t know what it takes sometimes to keep them safe and it’s better that they don’t.
They may think they want to know, they may say they want to know, but they don’t.
Malone and the Task Force, they weren’t just any cops on the Job. You got thirty-eight thousand wearing blue, Denny Malone and his guys were the 1 percent of the 1 percent of the 1 percent the smartest, the toughest, the quickest, the bravest, the best, the baddest.
The Manhattan North Special Task Force.
“Da Force” blew through the city like a cold, harsh, fast and violent wind, scouring the streets and alleys, the playgrounds, parks and projects, scraping away the trash and the filth, a predatory storm blowing away the predators.
A strong wind finds its way through every crack, into the project stairwells, the tenement heroin mills, the social club back rooms, the new-money condos, the old-money penthouses. From Columbus Circle to the Henry Hudson Bridge, Riverside Park to the Harlem River, up Broadway and Amsterdam, down Lenox and St. Nicholas, on the numbered streets that spanned the Upper West Side, Harlem, Washington Heights and Inwood, if there was a secret Da Force didn’t know about, it was because it hadn’t been whispered about or even thought of yet.”


Don Winslow (New York, 31 oktober 1953)


Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 31e oktober ook mijn vorige blog van vandaag.

Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Jean Améry, Nick Stone, Irina Denezhkina, Marijke Schermer

De Braziliaanse dichter Carlos Drummond de Andrade werd geboren op 31 oktober 1902 in Itabira, een klein dorpje in de staat Minas Gerais. Zie ook alle tags voorCarlos Drummond de Andrade op dit blog.



The poet rode the trolley drunk.
The sun came up behind the yards.
The small hotels slept very sadly.
The houses too were drunk.

Everything was a total wreck.
Nobody knew that the world was going to end
(only a child did but kept it quiet),
that the world was going to end at 7:45.
Last thoughts! Last telegrams!

Joe who listed pronouns,
Helen who loved men,
Sebastian who ruined himself,
Arthur who never said anything,
set off for eternity.

The poet is drunk, but
he hears a voice in the dawn:
Why don’t we all go dancing
between the trolley and the tree?

Between the trolley and the tree
dance, brothers!
Even without music
dance, brothers!
Children are being born
with so much spontaneity.
Love is fantastic
(love and what it produces).

Dance, brothers!
Death will come later
like a sacrament.



I spent one hour thinking of a verse
my pen does not want to write.
Yet, it is here inside
restless, alive.
It is here inside
and does not wish to get out.
But the poetry of this very moment
overflows my whole life.



An insect digs
digs without alarm
perforating the earth
without finding escape.
What to do, exhausted,
in a blocked country,
union of the night
root and mineral?
And the labyrinth
(oh reason and mystery)
suddenly untie itself:
in green, lonely,
an orchid is born.


Carlos Drummond de Andrade (31 oktober 1902 – 17 augustus 1987)


De Oostenrijkse schrijver Jean Améry werd geboren op 31 oktober 1912 in Wenen. Zie ook alle tags voor Jean Améry op dit blog.

Uit: Die Schiffbrüchigen

“Eugen Althager aber schwebte im Leeren. In eine unpersönliche Ferne waren ihm die Tage gerückt, in denen er gearbeitet hatte. Sachlich nur mehr und akademisch wußte er um eine Zeit, da er im Buchladen gestanden war und verkauft hatte. Unbeschwert von Erinnerungen daran war seine Seele. Das war vor drei Jahren gewesen: da sein Leben gegliedert und zielhaft gewesen war. Urlaube hatte es gegeben, die erstrebt und erhofft worden waren, Werktage der Arbeit, freie Abende, Sonntage der Einkehr und Andacht. Das waren Feiern gewesen, deren Leuchtkraft in den Jahren verblaßt war. Die ungeheure Menge freier Zeit, die nun sein Leben erfüllte, hatte jeden Begriff von Freiheit in ihm erdrückt. Er kämpfte einen erbitterten Kampf gegen diese Freiheit. Stunden um Stunden rang er ihr ab. Stunden, die trotz ihrer Sinnlosigkeit nicht würdelos versackten. Hell und hart waren seine Tage.
Nur in äußersten Fällen der inneren Trostlosigkeit, wenn drohend die Gefahr stumpfen Dämmerns vor ihm erwuchs, suchte er Umgang mit Freunden. Dann stieg er die sauberen, hellen Stiegen zu Heinrich Hessls Wohnung empor. Und Heinrichs Mutter, die ihn wohltuend und menschlich mit »Du« ansprach, öffnete ihm. Immer noch war es gut sein mit Heinrich Hessl. Achtzehn Jahre der Freundschaft lagen zwischen ihnen. Am ersten Schultag waren die Knaben damals nebeneinander gesetzt worden und nun stand Heinrich wenige Tage vor dem Rigorosum. Was alles zwischen jenem ersten Schultag und heute geschehen war! Die Tage einer ländlichen Kindheit mit den ungeheuer weiten und großartigen Spielen in den Wäldern. Was wissen davon die Knaben der Städte, die ihre mühseligen, armen Spiele hinter den grau verstaubten Büschen der Parks spielen, zwischen den Müllkübeln und Teppichstangen der Hinterhöfe. Höhlen hatten sie gemeinsam gegraben in den Wäldern, waren Reiter und Pfadfinder gewesen. Später waren die Knaben dann vorübergehend auseinandergekommen. Eugen, der die unteren Klassen eines Provinzgymnasiums besucht hatte, mußte frühzeitig einen Beruf erlernen und Heinrich wurde dem fragwürdigen städtischen Mittelschulbetrieb übergeben. Immer wieder, wenn die Freunde einander zu verlieren drohten, wenn starke Verschiedenheiten der Sphären und Lebensformen zwischen sie traten, dann war es das Erinnern der ländlichen Reiter- und Jägerzeit, das siegte.”


Jean Améry (31 oktober 1912– 17 oktober 1978)
Portret door Manfred Dübelt, 2004


De Engelse schrijver Nick Stone werd geboren op 31 oktober 1966 in Cambridge. Zie ook alle tags voor Nick Stone op dit blog.

Uit: Mr Clarinet

“New York City, 6 November 1996

Ten million dollars if he performed a miracle and brought the boy back alive, five million dollars if he came back with just the body, and another five million if he dragged the killers in with it — their dead-or-alive status was immaterial, as long as they had the kid’s blood on their hands. Those were the terms, and, if he chose to accept them, that was the deal.
Max Mingus was an ex-cop turned private investigator. Missing persons were his specialty, finding them his talent. Most people said he was the best in the business — or at least they had until 17th April 1989, the day he’d started a seven-year sentence for manslaughter on Attica Island and had his licence permanently revoked. The client’s name was Allain Carver. His son’s name was Charlie. Charlie was missing, presumed kidnapped. Optimistically, with things going to plan and ending happily for all concerned, Max was looking at riding out into the sunset a millionaire ten to fifteen times over. There were a lot of things he wouldn’t have to worry about again, and he’d been doing a lot of worrying lately, nothing but worrying. So far, so good, but now for the rest: The case was based in Haiti. Waytee?’ Max said as if he’d heard wrong. `Yes,’ Carver replied. Shit. He knew this about Haiti: voodoo, AIDS, Papa Doc, Baby Doc, boat people and, recently, an American military invasion called Operation Restore Democracy he’d seen on TV. He knew — or had known — quite a few Haitians, ex-pats he’d had regular dealings with back when he’d been a cop and worked a case in Little Haiti, Miami. They hadn’t had a decent thing to say about their homeland, ‘bad place’ being the most common and kindest. Nevertheless, he had fond memories of most of the Haitians he’d met. In fact, he’d admired them. They were honest, honourable, hard-working people who’d found themselves in the most unenviable place in America —bottom of the food chain, south of the poverty line, a lot of ground to make up. That went for most of the Haitians he’d met. When it came to people there were always plenty of exceptions to every generalization, and he’d come face to face with those. They hadn’t left him with bad memories so much as the kind of wounds that never really heal, that open up at the slightest nudge or touch. The whole thing was already sounding like a bad idea. He’d just come out of one tough spot. Why go to another? Money. That was why.”

Nick Stone (Cambridge, 31 oktober 1966)


De Russische schrijfster Irina Denezhkina werd geboren op 31 oktober 1981 in Yekaterinburg. Zie ook alle tags voor Irina Denezhkina op dit blog.

Uit: Give Me: Songs for Lovers

“Now here I am stuck in real life, trying to wake him up. Trying to make him realize I want that rapid-rush start to our relationship to continue. Sugar, it’s like the Stork and the Heron … He smokes. And looks the other way. Drinks beer. And looks the other way. Plays the drums like a maniac. And all the time it’s like I don’t exist for him. Then why does he ask me to call? Why did he take me to Peterhof with Volkova and Kres? We had a great time there, climbed in all the fountains, and a militiaman even tried to chase us. And in the last fountain it was slippery, and Lyapa took hold of my hand. Or I took hold of his. I don’t remember. And we stood there under the clear streams of water, squeezing each other’s hands, and all around us everything was bright and happy. Lyapa’s spikes ran and his whole head was covered in gel. We stood there holding hands, and Volkova couldn’t get it together to take a picture of us. Finally she clicked the shutter and we headed back, still holding hands. And that was all. Separate again. And we’re still separate now. We walk separately, and it’s all just nothing but.
… Always writing hits so the brothers will get the feel. No garbage and no drivel and no strife.
The telephone rang. I started and looked at the clock—whoa! One o’clock in the morning!
Hippolet? Volkova’s voice mocked me tenderly in the receiver.
Guess where I’m calling from!!!
I listened. Besides Volkova’s sniffling into the receiver I could hear the distant rumble of music.
From a club?
Right! And guess what phone I’m using!
A mobile.
Somehow I guessed all the answers very quickly. Volkova lost interest in her game and started telling me things in her everyday voice:
I’ve met this guy. Thirty-eight. Rich as Croesus … He gave me a lift home from work, then we went to a bar, and then came here. Tarasova’s here too. Her guy’s worse! Ha ha!
Well, naturally, I said with a nod, although Volkova couldn’t see me.
And where did you get to, mush? Volkova asked, suddenly taking an interest in me.”


Irina Denezhkina (Yekaterinburg, 31 oktober 1981)


Onafhankelijk van geboortedata

De Nederlandse schrijfster Marijke Schermer werd geboren in Amsterdam in 1975. Zie ook alle tags voor Marijke Schermer op dit blog.

Uit: Noodweer

“Na het applaus, bij het verlaten van de zaal, raken ze elkaar kwijt. Emilia zoekt een tijdje. Bruch staat niet bij een deur of boven aan de trap op haar te wachten. Ze dwaalt door de gangen. Ze kijkt op haar telefoon. Geen berichten. Ze veronderstelt dat Bruch Vincent heeft gevonden, regisseur van de voorstelling en vriend van hem van vroeger. Ze bestelt een glas bier in de foyer. De actrice die Blanche speelde had de hele tuttige enscenering goed gemaakt. Ze liet alle zinnen van Tennessee Williams woord voor woord horen. Je leek me zo zacht, zo lief, als een holte in de rots die de wereld is waarin ik me kon verbergen. Ze liet de wanhoop als een niet te breken golf in zich uitbarsten. Emilia had ergens in een kier van de avond de leegte gevoeld die zij met diepe betekenis associeert. Daar is ze melancholisch van geworden.
Ze gaat het Ajaxbalkon op. Het is er leeg en verlaten waardoor ze zich afvraagt of het eigenlijk wel is toegestaan dat zij daar is. Er staan opgestapelde kratten en twee scheef gewaaide parasols. Het heeft geregend. In haar tas zoekt ze naar sigaretten die ze niet kan vinden. Ze gaapt. En dan grijpt iemand haar plotseling van achteren vast. Een stevige greep vat haar schouder. Een grote warme vaag naar komijn ruikende hand vouwt zich over haar gezicht, drukt haar ogen dicht, vingers schuin over haar lippen, vingertoppen waarop haar huid het eelt kan onderscheiden. Haar rug raakt een massief lijf. Achter haar ogen vindt een ontploffing plaats. Een vlam panische angst. Onmiddellijk daarna verdwijnt alle kracht en alle vorm uit haar lichaam en glijdt ze, zonder een spoor van een vluchtof vechtreflex, volkomen slap, uit zijn greep op de grote harde natgeregende cementtegels.
‘Hé, Emilia! wat doe je?’ Vertraagd breekt de stem door de suizende stilte. Het is Frank, vaak genoeg aan hun eettafel gezeten. Lolbroek, zonder meer, met terugwerkende kracht ook inderdaad bezitter van die komijnachtige lichaamsgeur, ze had hem daaraan kunnen herkennen.
‘Maak je nou een grap?’ roept hij van boven. Er verstrijken zeker twintig seconden waarin het vocht uit de tegels in de stof van haar kleren trekt, waarin ze zich afvraagt of ze haar reactie met een opmerking ongedaan zou kunnen maken. Dan pas hervindt Emilia haar spieren en botten en komt ze overeind.”


Marijke Schermer (Amsterdam, 1975)


Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 31e oktober ook mijn blog van 31 oktober 2017 deel 2.