Dolce far niente, Diana Ozon, Irving Stone


Dolce far niente


Charles Leickert, Rivierlandschap in de zomer, 1853



Geef mij de sfeer van havens
de zoute lucht van zee
witgeklede matrozen
van wie ik verder niets weet

draaiing van geslagen touwen
gummi piepend tussen wal en schip
opgedroogde wieren op de kade
wespen langs een lijn vol vis

Ik leng anijsdrank aan met water
spuw de deksels van een pit
mompel in de zon iets Grieks

Geeft niet waar ik nog moet wezen
vandaag leef ik en hoef niks


Diana Ozon (Amsterdam, 7 augustus 1959)
Gezicht op het Singel met de Munttoren in Amsterdam door Isaak Ouwater, 1770


De Amerikaanse schrijver Irving Stone werd geboren op 14 juli 1903 in San Francisco. Zie ook alle tags voor Irving Stone op dit blog.

 Uit: The Agony and the Ecstasy

 “I had less trouble conquering Perugia and Bologna than I have in subduing you!”
“I am not a Papal State, Holy Father.  Why should you waste your precious time subduing me?”
The room went silent.  The Pope glared at him, thrust out his bearded chin, demanded icily, “Where did you have your religious training, that you dare to question your pontiff’s judgment?”
“As your prelate said in Bologna, Holiness, I am but an ignorant artist, without good manners.”
“Then you can carve your masterpiece in a cell of Sant’Angelo.”
All Julius had to do was wave a hand at a guard, and he could rot in a dungeon for years.  He gritted his teeth.
“That would bring you little honor.  Marble is my profession.  Let me carve the Moses, Victors, Captives.  Many would come to see the statues, offering thanks to Your Holiness for making them possible.”
“In short,” snapped Julius, “I need your sculptures to assure my place in history.”
“They could help, Holy Father.”
There was an audible gasp from those around the throne.  The Pope turned to his cardinals and courtiers.
“Do you hear that, gentlemen? I, Julius II, who recovered the long-lost Papal States for the Church and brought stability to Italy, who have cleaned out the scandals of the Borgias, published a constitution abolishing simony and elevated the decorum of the Sacred College, achieved a modern architecture for Rome . . . . I need Michelangelo Buonarotti to establish my historical position.”
Sangallo had gone deathly pale.  Cardinal Giovanni stared out a window as though he were not there.  The Pope loosened the collar of his cape against his own warmth, took a deep breath and started again.”


Irving Stone (14 juli 1903 – 26 augustus 1989)


Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 14e juli ook mijn blog van 14 juli 2014.