Manouchehr Atashi, William Michael Rossetti, Charles Robert Maturin, Herbert Heckmann


De Iraanse dichter, schrijver en journalist Manouchehr Atashi werd geboren op 25 september 1931 in Dashtestan, in de provincie Bushehr. Zie ook mijn blog van 25 september 2010.



The Lay of Regret


One morning
– One true morning –
If the sun rises according to your wishes;

A frame of mountain and valley,
A frame of window, if the bird had reaches you –

A wide plain, wet tulips!
A laughing sepal,
A sigh of contentment and peace
– O you melancholy and persistent one –
O living stone, an embodiment of patience! –
A defeated life would have been your portion.



Manouchehr Atashi (25 september 1931 – 20 november 2005)



De Engelse schrijver en criticus William Michael Rossetti werd geboren in Londen op 25 september 1829. Zie ook mijn blog van 25 september 2009 en ook mijn blog van 25 september 2010



The Evil under the Sun.


HOW long, oh Lord?–The voice is sounding still,

Not only heard beneath the altar stone,

Not heard of John Evangelist alone

In Patmos. It doth cry aloud and will

Between the earth’s end and earth’s end, until

The day of the great reckoning, bone for bone,

And blood for righteous blood, and groan for groan:

Then shall it cease on the air with a sudden thrill;

Not slowly growing fainter if the rod

Strikes one or two amid the evil throng,

Or one oppressor’s hand is stayed and numbs,–

Not till the vengeance that is coming comes:

For shall all hear the voice excepting God?

Or God not listen, hearing?–Lord, how long?




William Michael Rossetti (25 september 1829 – 5 februari 1919)

Portret door zijn broer





De Ierse schrijver Charles Robert Maturin werd geboren in Dublin op 25 september 1782. Zie ook mijn blog van 25 september 2010


Uit: Melmoth the Wanderer


“The recollection of this awful uncle from infancy, — when he was never permitted to approach him without innumerable lectures, — not to be troublesome, — not to go too near his uncle, — not to ask him any questions, — on no account to disturb the inviolable arrangement of his snuff-box, hand-bell, and spectacles, nor to suffer the glittering of the gold-headed cane to tempt him to the mortal sin of handling it, — and, finally, to pilot himself aright through his perilous course in and out of the apartment without striking against the piles of books, globes, old newspapers, wig-blocks, tobacco-pipes, and snuff-cannisters, not to mention certain hidden rocks of rat-traps and mouldy books beneath the chairs, — together with the final reverential bow at the door, which was to be closed with cautious gentleness, and the stairs to be descended as if he were ‘shod with felt.’ — This recollection was carried on to his school-boy years, when at Christmas and Easter, the ragged poney, the jest of the school, was dispatched to bring the reluctant visitor to the Lodge, — where his pastime was to sit vis-a-vis to his uncle, without speaking or moving, till the pair resembled Don Raymond and the ghost of Beatrice in the Monk, — then watching him as he picked the bones of lean mutton out of his mess of weak broth, the latter of which he handed to his nephew with a needless caution not to ‘take more than he liked,’ — then hurried to bed by daylight, even in winter, to save the expence of an inch of candle, where he lay awake and restless from hunger, till his uncle’s retiring at eight o’clock gave signal to the governante of the meagre household to steal up to him with some fragments of her own scanty meal, administering between every mouthful a whispered caution not to tell his uncle.”



Charles Robert Maturin (25 september 1782 – 30 oktober 1824)

Cover van een Nederlandse vertaling





De Duitse dichter, schrijver en literatuurwetenschapper Herbert Heckmann werd geboren op 25 september 1930 in Frankfurt am Main. Zie ook mijn blog van 25 september 2007 en ook mijn blog van 25 september 2008 en ook mijn blog van 25 september 2009 en ook mijn blog van 25 september 2010



Ein Mensch


Ein Mensch ängstlicher Natur, den allein schon die Vorstellung von Gefahr in Schrecken jagte, beschloß, sich zu sichern, um dem Grauen aus dem Wege gehen zu können, das überall auflauerte. Er kehrte sich von der Welt ab, errichtete in einsamer Gegend, die er freilich mit seinen Träumen bevölkerte, rings um sich eine Mauer, die er nach oben hin zu schließen beabsichtigte, so daß sie zu einem kegelförmigen Gebäude hochwuchs. Er mühte sich mit Steinen ab, die er von überall her zusammentrug. Obwohl er mit größter Um­sicht ans Werk ging, konnte er es nicht verhindern, daß schließlich der Schutz über ihn hereinbrach und ihn begrub. Da keiner in der Nähe weilte, konnte niemand die Feststellung treffen, daß ein sol­ches Maß an Schutz keineswegs eine Sicherheit bietet.



Herbert Heckmann (25 september 1930 – 18 oktober 1999)