Stephen Fry, Charles Wright

De Engelse komiek, schrijver, acteur en presentator Stephen John Fry werd geboren in Londen op 24 augustus 1957. Zie ook alle tags voor Stephen Fry op dit blog.

Uit: Troy

“Troy. The most marvellous kingdom in all the world. The Jewel of the Aegean. Glittering Ilium, the city that rose and fell not once but twice. Gatekeeper of traffic in and out of the barbarous east. Kingdom of gold and horses. Fierce nurse of prophets, princes, heroes, warriors and poets. Under the protection of ARES, ARTEMIS, APOLLO and APHRODITE she stood for years as the paragon of all that can be achieved in the arts of war and peace, trade and treaty, love and art, statecraft, piety and civil harmony. When she fell, a hole opened in the human world that may never be filled, save in memory. Poets must sing the story over and over again, passing it from generation to generation, lest in losing Troy we lose a part of ourselves.
To understand Troy’s end we must understand her beginning. The background to our story has many twists and turns. A host of place names, personalities and families enter and exit. It is not necessary to remember every name, every relationship of blood and marriage, every kingdom and province. The story emerges and the important names will, I promise, stick.
All things, Troy included, begin and end with ZEUS, the King of the Gods, Ruler of Olympus, Lord of Thunder, Cloud-¬Gatherer and Bringer of Storms.
Long, long ago, almost before the dawn of mortal history, Zeus consorted with Electra, a beautiful daughter of the Titan Atlas and the sea nymph Pleione. Electra bore Zeus a son, DARDANUS, who travelled throughout Greece and the islands of the Aegean searching for a place in which he could build and raise his own dynasty. He alighted at last on the Ionian coast. If you have never visited Ionia, you should know that it is the land east of the Aegean Sea which used to be called Asia Minor, but which we know as Turkish Anatolia. The great kingdoms of Phrygia and Lydia were there, but they were already occupied and ruled over, so it was in the north that Dardanus settled, occupying the peninsula that lies below the Hellespont, the straits into which Helle fell from the back of the golden ram. Years later JASON would sail through the Hellespont on his way to find the fleece of that ram. The lovestruck Leander would swim nightly across the Hellespont to be with Hero, his beloved.
The city Dardanus established was called – with little imagination and less modesty – Dardanus, while the whole kingdom took on the name Dardania.** Following the founder king’s death, Ilus, the eldest of his three sons, ruled – but he died childless, leaving the throne to his brother, the middle son, ERICHTHONIUS.”


Stephen Fry (Londen, 24 augustus 1957)


De Amerikaanse dichter Charles Wright werd geboren op 25 augustus 1935 in Pickwick Dam, Tennessee. Zie ook alle tags voor Charles Wright op dit blog.



Mijn reiskleren verlichten de middag.
Ik ben al heel lang onderweg
terug naar het verleden,
Die onverzoenlijke stad.
Iedereen wil met me mee, zo lijkt het, en ik laat ze.
Bloemen langs de weg drijven me tot het uiterste,
Zweven als lapus lazuli, daar, net buiten bereik.

Smalle weg, brede weg, wij allemaal erop, ongelukkig,
Onrustig, zeven meter tekort aan onsterfelijkheid
En nog een meter te kort om niet lang te leven.
Beter om in het hoge gras te gaan zitten
en naar de wolken te kijken,
Om onze gezichten naar de hemel op te heffen,
Aangezien – voor de meesten van ons – het leven een constante vergissing was.


Vertaald door Frans Roumen


Charles Wright (Pickwick Dam, 25 augustus 1935)


Zie voor de schrijvers van de 24e augustus ook mijn blog van 24 augustus 2020 en eveneens mijn blog van 24 augustus 2019 en ook mijn blog van 24 augustus 2018.

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