Jurga Ivanauskaitė, Fondane Benjamin, Eric Malpass, Taha Hussein, Aleardo Aleardi, Adam Oehlenschläger, Herbert Zand, Jakob Schaffner

De Litouwse schrijfster Jurga Ivanauskaitė werd geboren in Vilnius op 14 november 1961. Zie ook mijn blog van 14 november 2008 en ook mijn blog van 14 november 2009 en ook mijn blog van 14 november 2010.

Uit: The Red Dress (Vertaald door Kristina Sakalavičiūtė)

“Nora suddenly jumped up, locked the door and, throwing off the violet sweater and green skirt resolutely, grabbed the red dress and froze for an instant. Then, in a frenzy—as if someone were impatiently yelling at her to hurry—she began to dress, rushing, staggering, having difficulty getting into the sleeves. Getting into the fiery garb was not so simple, even though Nora was smaller than Elegija. The dress clung to her and outlined her body, emphasizing her breasts, pulling tight on her hips and thighs. It fell from her knees in tiny pleats, which spread on the floor like sharp tentacles. Nora looked at herself in the mirror, pulling back her black hair. It used to have a blue sheen, but now it became chestnut-colored because of the intensity of the red dress. She narrowed her eyes and smiled with satisfaction.
The inside of the dress was the opposite of its silky exterior. It was coarse and chafed her in a strange way. Nora thought it felt like a facial masque of egg whites and yeast that tightens on one’s face. She began to walk around the room, a trifle dissatisfied that the dress restricted her steps. She imagined Salome floating across the stage—not shuffling like Cho-Cho-San. Fortunately, she had another costume for the dance scene.
Suddenly, somebody knocked at the door. Nora started and rushed to take off the dress. But it was so tight it seemed almost impossible to pull off—the dress kept catching on her shoulders.
“Yes, my shoulders really are broader than Elegija’s,” Nora uttered, wriggling, squirming and crying out. The dress did not yield.
Someone was now persistently knocking at the door.
“Hey, Nor, open the door,” rang Vilija’s deep voice.”Stop fooling around.”


Jurga Ivanauskaitė (14 november 1961 – 17 februari 2007)

Lees verder “Jurga Ivanauskaitė, Fondane Benjamin, Eric Malpass, Taha Hussein, Aleardo Aleardi, Adam Oehlenschläger, Herbert Zand, Jakob Schaffner”

Fondane Benjamin, Eric Malpass, Taha Hussein, Aleardo Aleardi, Adam Oehlenschläger, Herbert Zand, Jakob Schaffner

De Roemeens-Franse dichter, toneelschrijver, literair criticus, regisseur en vertaler Fondane Benjamin (eig. Benjamin Wechsler) werd geboren op 14 november 1898 in Iaşi. Zie ook mijn blog van 14 november 2010.


Préface en prose (Fragment)

C’est à vous que je parle, homme des antipodes,

Je parle d’homme à homme,

avec le peu en moi qui demeure de l’homme

avec le peu de voix qui me reste au gosier,

mon sang est sur les routes, puisse-t-il, puisse-t-il

ne pas crier vengeance !

L’hallali est donné, les bêtes sont traquées,

laissez-moi vous parler avec ces mêmes mots

que nous eûmes en partage –

il reste peu d’intelligibles !

Un jour viendra, c’est sûr, de la soif apaisée,

nous serons au-delà du souvenir, la mort

aura parachevé les travaux de la haine,

je serai un bouquet d’orties sous vos pieds,

alors eh bien sachez que j’avais un visage

comme vous. Une bouche qui priait, comme vous.

Quand une poussière entrait, ou bien un songe,

dans l’oeil, cet oeil pleurait un peu de sel. Et quand

une épine mauvaise égratignait ma peau,

il y coulait un sang aussi rouge que le vôtre !

Certes, tout comme vous j’étais cruel, j’avais

soif de tendresse, de puissance, d’or, de plaisir, de


Tout comme vous j’étais méchant et angoissé

solide dans la paix, ivre dans la victoire,

et titubant, hagard, à l’heure de l’échec !

Oui, j’ai été un homme comme les autres hommes,

nourri de pain, de rêve, de désespoir. Eh oui, j’ai

aimé, j’ai pleuré, j’ai haï, j’ai souffert,

j’ai acheté des fleurs et je n’ai pas toujours

payé mon terme. Le dimanche j’allais à la

campagne pêcher, sous l’oeil de Dieu, des poissons


je me baignais dans la rivière

qui chantait dans les joncs et je mangeais des frites

le soir. Après, après, je rentrais me coucher

fatigué, le coeur las et plein de solitude,

le coeur plein de pitié pour moi,

plein de pitié pour l’homme,

cherchant, cherchant en vain sur un ventre de

femme cette paix impossible que nous avions

perdue naguère, dans un grand verger où fleurissait

au centre, l’arbre de la vie …


Fondane Benjamin (14 november 1898 – 2e of 03 oktober 1944)

Portret door Victor Brauner

Lees verder “Fondane Benjamin, Eric Malpass, Taha Hussein, Aleardo Aleardi, Adam Oehlenschläger, Herbert Zand, Jakob Schaffner”

Eric Malpass, Taha Hussein, Herbert Zand, Jakob Schaffner, Aleardo Aleardi, Adam Oehlenschläger

De Engelse schrijver Eric Lawson Malpass werd geboren op 14 november 1910 in Derby. Hij werd vooral bekend om zijn humoristische en geestige beschrijvingen van het gezinsleven op het platteland, met name dat van zijn schepping, de uitgebreide familie Pentecost. Maar Malpass schreef ook historische fictie, variërend in onderwerp van de late Middeleeuwen tot Edwardiaans Engeland. Malpass werd opgeleid aan de Koning Henry VIII School, Coventry. Hij schreef in zijn vrije tijd en werkte in een bank voordat hij in 1947 medewerker werd van de BBC. Na zijn eerste successen, met name met Morning’s at Seven,  richtte hij zich full-time op het schrijven. Malpass vond opmerkelijk enoeg zijn meest toegewijde lezers op het vasteland, met name in Duitsland, waar de meeste van zijn boeken werden vertaald.


Uit: The Return of the Moon Man


„A. D. 2500.

That was the year they brought the Electric to Pen-y-Craig Farm.

Wonderful it was, when Grandfather Griffiths pressed down the switch, and the great farm kitchen was flooded with light. There was Dai my father, and mother, blinking and grinning in the light, and Electric

Plumber Williams, smug as you please, looking as though he had invented the Electric himself and sent it through the pipes. Only Gran was sad. Tears streaming down her face, she picked up the old paraffin lamp and carried it sadly into the scullery.

That was funny about Gran. She was progressive, and left to herself she would have filled the house with refrigerators and atomic cookers and washers. But Grandfather called these things devil’s

inventions, and would have none of them. And yet, when Grandfather at last agreed to the Electric, Gran was in tears. Reaction, Auntie Space-Ship-Repairs Jones said it was.

‘Well,’ roared Grandfather. ‘There’s your Electric. But don’t think that because you’ve talked me into this you’ll talk me into any more of these devil’s inventions. Let no one mention the words space-ship in my presence ever again.’ .

That was intended for Gran. In her black clothes she was a rather pathetic-looking little woman, and no match for her fiery husband. But one thing she had always insisted that she wanted; a space-ship; and it had been a source of argument between them for years.

I tell you all this that you may know that we of Pen-y-Craig are not the backward savages that some people would have you believe. We are in touch with modern thought, even though we are apt to cling to the old ways. But what I really remember of those far-off, golden days of 2500 is of how the first Expedition to the Moon set off, and of how it landed in Ten Acre Field, and of the strange events that followed.

Men had been trying to set off for the Moon for years, perhaps for centuries. But you know how it is. Something always happened to stop them. The weather was bad, or someone’s auntie died, or there was an eclipse. In the autumn of 2500, however, they were ready at last. . .“


Eric Malpass (14 november 1910 – 16 oktober 1996)


Lees verder “Eric Malpass, Taha Hussein, Herbert Zand, Jakob Schaffner, Aleardo Aleardi, Adam Oehlenschläger”