Margaret Atwood, Seán Mac Falls, Jaap Meijer, Richard Dehmel, William Gilbert, Hans Reimann, Mireille Cottenjé

De Canadese schrijfster Margaret Atwood werd geboren in Ottawa op 18 november 1939. Zie ook alle tags voor Margaret Atwood op dit blog.

Uit: Hag-Seed

“Monday, January 7, 2013.
Felix brushes his teeth. Then he brushes his other teeth, the false ones, and slides them into his mouth. Despite the layer of pink adhesive he’s applied, they don’t fit very well; perhaps his mouth is shrinking. He smiles: the illusion of a smile. Pretense, fakery, but who’s to know?
Once he would have called his dentist and made an appointment, and the luxurious faux-leather chair would have been his, the concerned face smelling of mint mouthwash, the skilled hands wielding gleaming instruments. Ah yes, I see the problem. No worries, we’ll get that fixed for you. Like taking his car in for a tuneup. He might even have been graced with music on the earphones and a semi-knockout pill.
But he can’t afford such professional adjustments now. His dental care is low-rent, so he’s at the mercy of his unreliable teeth. Too bad, because that’s all he needs for his upcoming finale: a denture meltdown. Our revelth now have ended. Theeth our actorth … Should that happen, his humiliation would be total; at the thought of it even his lungs blush. If the words are not perfect, the pitch exact, the modulation delicately adjusted, the spell fails. People start to shift in their seats, and cough, and go home at intermission. It’s like death.
“Mi-my-mo-moo,” he tells the toothpaste-speckled mirror over the kitchen sink. He lowers his eyebrows, juts out his chin. Then he grins: the grin of a cornered chimpanzee, part anger, part threat, part dejection.
How he has fallen. How deflated. How reduced. Cobbling together this bare existence, living in a hovel, ignored in a forgotten backwater; whereas Tony, that self-promoting, posturing little shit, gallivants about with the grandees, and swills champagne, and gobbles caviar and larks’ tongues and suckling pigs, and attends galas, and basks in the adoration of his entourage, his flunkies, his toadies … Once the toadies of Felix.
It rankles. It festers. It brews vengefulness. If only … Enough. Shoulders straight, he orders his gray reflection. Suck it up. He knows without looking that he’s developing a paunch. Maybe he should get a truss.
Never mind! Reef in the stomach! There’s work to be done, there are plots to be plotted, there are scams to be scammed, there are villains to be misled! Tip of the tongue, top of the teeth. Testing the tempestuous teapot. She sells seashells by the seashore.
There. Not a syllable fluffed.
He can still do it. He’ll pull it off, despite all obstacles. Charm the pants off them at first, not that he’d relish the resulting sight. Wow them with wonder, as he says to his actors. Let’s make magic! And let’s shove it down the throat of that devious, twisted bastard, Tony.”


Margaret Atwood (Ottawa, 18 november 1939)


De Iers-Amerikaanse dichter Seán Mac Falls werd geboren op 18 november 1957 in Boston. Zie ook alle tags voor Seán Mac Falls op dit blog.



The Jackdaw is a bird in its own right
And not a second rate crow.
If I were a member of the Feather Assembly
And the bird tongue fluent in my gob
I’d condemn co-operation, co-flight, co-travel
In wood, in air, in ploughed land and grass land.
I’d advise, and recommend strongly
An independent organisation for Jackdaws.


Seán Mac Falls (Boston, 18 november 1957)


De dichter en historicus Jakob (Jaap) Meijer (pseudoniem Saul van Messel) werd geboren in Winschoten op 18 november 1912. Zie ook alle tags voor Jaap Meijer op dit weblog.


’’bitte Vorsicht”

in de garderobe van mijn droom
controleer ik mijn syndroom:

de J in mijn pas
de ster op mijn jas



de moeten van mijn jodenster
dateren al van eeuwen her

ik voel hem ook vandaag nog goed
die moet


Jaap Meijer (18 november 1912 – 9 juli 1993)


De Duitse dichter Richard Dehmel werd geboren op 18 november 1863 in Wendisch-Hermsdorf. Zie ook alle tags voor Richard Dehmel op dit blog.


Der Fluß

In den abendgelben Fluß
grub mein Ruder schwarze Trichter;
ohne Won und ohne Kuß
sahn wir auf die Wellenlichter,
sahn wir eine dunkle Bucht
still das kahle Ufer spiegeln,
sahn der Berge starre Wucht
seine wirbelvolle Flucht
vor uns, hinter uns verriegeln.

Als wir dann um Mittemacht
in der Stadt mit Flüsterlauten
auf der hohen Brückenwacht
standen und hinunterschauten,
schienen uns die schwarzen Mauem
in dem grauen Wasserschacht
ihren Einsturz zu belauem.

Still, die Sonne kommt herauf.
Klar verfolgen meine Träume
bis zum Meer hin seinen Lauf;
fern durch morgenrote Bäume
steigt der blaue Nebel auf.


Am Scheideweg

Ich wollt dir die Stirn küssen
und dir sagen: hab Dank!
Aber da war ein Licht in deinen Augen
wie Morgenglut auf unerklommenen Bergwäldern;
und dem haben wir folgen müssen,


Richard Dehmel (18 november 1863 – 9 februari 1920)
Kamer in het Richard- und Ida-Dehmel-Haus in Hamburg


De Engelse toneelschrijver, librettist en illustrator Sir William Schwenck Gilbert werd geboren in Londen op 18 november 1836. Zie ook alle tags voor William Gilbert op dit blog.


The Englishman

He is an Englishman!
For he himself has said it,
And it’s greatly to his credit,
That he is an Englishman!
For he might have been a Roosian,
A French, or Turk, or Proosian,
Or perhaps Itali-an!
But in spite of all temptations,
To belong to other nations,
He remains an Englishman!
For the true-born Englishman!


Only Roses

To a garden full of posies
Cometh one to gather flowers;
And he wanders through its bowers
Toying with the wanton roses,
Who, uprising from their beds,
Hold on high their shameless heads
With their pretty lips a-pouting,
Never doubting – never doubting
That for Cytherean posies
He would gather aught but roses.

In a nest of weeds and nettles,
Lay a violet, half hidden;
Hoping that his glance unbidden
Yet might fall upon her petals.
Though she lived alone, apart,
Hope lay nestling at her heart,
But, alas! the cruel awaking
Set her little heart a-breaking,
For he gathered for his posies
Only roses – only roses!


William S. Gilbert (18 november 1836 – 29 mei 1911)


De Duitse schrijver en satircus Albert Johannes (Hans) Reimann werd geboren op 18 november 1889 in Leipzig. Zie ook alle tags voor Hans Reimann op dit blog.

Uit: Joachim Ringelnatz

„Dieser mysteriöse Hamsun-Mensch war ein alkoholfreudiger Raubvogel mit säChsische Beene. Und an die Brust sanken wir gegenseitig hinan und suchten (oder, wie Ringelnatz sich ausdrücken würde: charterten) stantepede einen Kapitalisten, der viele flaschen Weins und die achtfache Anzahl Schnäpse spendieren würde, Zur förderung des gemeinnützigen Unternehmens bestiegen wir eine Straßenbahn. Sie war dicht gefüllt. Wir wurden ins Innere des Wagens bugsiert. Ringelnatz erregte Aufsehen durch die ihm anhaftende Schlipsnadel in form eines Wikinger-Bugspriets oder einer ähnlichen Obszönität. Um die gaffende Menge nicht zu enttäuschen, wendete sich Ringelnatz an mich und fragte mit schallendem Timbre: “Ist eigentlieh deine Schwester wieder aus dem Zuchthaus raus?” So, gab ein Wort das andre und eine Hanebüchenheit die andre, bis wir ausstiegen, ohne daß der Schaffnersmann gewagt hätte, uns zu belästigen. Wir zitterten in eine idyllische Klause und ließen dortselbst den lieben Gott und dergleichen Kapazitäten fromme Allegorien sein. Am übernächsten Tag sandte mir Ringelnatz ein Präsent anläßlich der Wiederkehr meines Eintritts in die Welt. Es waren ein aus stinkender Seife kunstvoll geknetetes Schwein sowie ein Reiniger für die Tabakspfeife, eine aparte Röhrengeschwulst mit Miniatur-Gummiballong. Ein Zettel lag dabei: “Herzliches Gratulatz! Verschäume das Seifenschwein, Halte die Pfeife rein, Ewig dein Ringelnatz.” Die Tränen traten mir jählings in die Augen. Dem unerachtet mußte ich sofort die Reimgungsprozedur an meiner Shag-Pfeife vornehmen. Es war ein Genuß, für den ich manchen TheateTabend hingebe. Dank dir, O Ringelnatz! Aber er hat auch schöne Gedichte geschrieben, die die gesamte Produktion des mit Recht Otto Ernst geheißenen Poeten aufwiegen. Bei Alfred Richard Meyer sind die ,Turngedichte’ erschienen, die zu den klassischen Säulen moderner Humorigkeit gehören. Außerdem: ,Kuttel Daddeldu’ (dem wir des mehreren in der ,Weltbühne’ begegnet sind) und das neueste standardwork: .,Die gebatikte Schusterpastete’.“


Hans Reimann (18 november 1889 – 13 juni 1969)


De Belgische schrijfster Mireille Cottenjé werd geboren in Moeskroen op 18 november 1933. Zie voor onderstaande schrijvers ook alle tags voor Mireille Cottenjé op dit blog.

Uit:De bevalling

“– Geef ik haar toch die spuit, dokter ?
Waarom ? Heb ik gegild ?
– ’t Is gedaan, zegt de man.
Gedaan ? Wat betekent “gedaan” ? het is uit, weg, ik ben bevrijd ? Bevrijd van wie ? Waarvan ? Van de pijn ? Van Fred ? Het kind ? Van mijn haat ? Mijn liefde ? ik krimp ineen.
– Een wee, zegt de dokter geruststellend. De foetus is los, hij zal je nu gauw verlaten.
Zoals jij mij verlaten hebt: zonder een woord.

– Het komt, zegt de dokter. Persen nu.
Persen ! denk ik met wellust. Eruit, jij, weg, gedaan ! Ha ! waar ben je nu, verwaande kwast, met je “Ik alleen ben belangrijk !” ?
– Een jongetje, zegt de dokter.
Ik lach schamper, eis overmoedig:
– Laat zien !
In mijn palm komt een slijmerig brokje leven. Het vult mijn hele hand. Het heeft een hoofd met duidelijk afgetekend neusje en oogholten en kin, en het heeft armen en benen en vingertjes en teentjes. Het stuiptrekt als een visje op het droge en opeens breekt mijn harde haat als een ijsschots en binnenin me wordt alles week en weerloos als het tere wezentje in mijn hand en ik lik het en kus het en snik : sorry, sorry, sorry en vlij het tussen mijn warme borsten en ben bereid tot ieder offer, zelfs dat van mijn eigen leven, om de klok één uur achteruit te kunnen zetten en mijn kostbaar geheim nog in mijn schoot te voelen en te koesteren als een wolvin haar wollige welp.“


Mireille Cottenjé (18 november 1933 – 9 januari 2006)

Margaret Atwood, Seán Mac Falls, Jaap Meijer, Richard Dehmel, William Gilbert, Hans Reimann, Mireille Cottenjé

De Canadese schrijfster Margaret Atwood werd geboren in Ottawa op 18 november 1939. Zie ook alle tags voor Margaret Atwood op dit blog.

Uit:The Edible Woman

“I know I was all right on Friday when I got up; if anything I was feeling more stolid than usual. When I went out to the kitchen to get breakfast Ainsley was there, moping: she said she had been to a bad party the night before. She swore there had been nothing but dentistry students, which depressed her so much she had consoled herself by getting drunk.
“You have no idea how soggy it is,” she said, “having to go through twenty conversations about the insides of peoples’ mouths. The most reaction I got out of them was when I described an abscess I once had. They positively drooled. And most men look at something besides your teeth, for god’s sake.”
She had a hangover, which put me in a cheerful mood – it made me feel so healthy – and I poured her a glass of tomato juice and briskly fixed her an Alka- Seltzer, listening and making sympathetic noises while she complained.
“As if I didn’t get enough of that at work,” she said.
Ainsley has a job as a tester of defective electric toothbrushes for an electric toothbrush company: a temporary job. What she is waiting for is an opening in one of those little art galleries, even though they don’t pay well: she wants to meet the artists. Last year, she told me, it was actors, but then she actually met some. “It’s an absolute fixation. I expect they all carry those bent mirrors around in their coat pockets and peer into their own mouths every time they go to the john to make sure they’re still cavity- free.” She ran one hand reflectively through her hair, which is long and red, or rather auburn. “Could you imagine kissing one? He’d say ‘Open wide’ beforehand. They’re so bloody one- track.”
“It must have been awful,” I said, refilling her glass. “Couldn’t you have changed the topic?”
Ainsley raised her almost non- existent eyebrows, which hadn’t been coloured in yet that morning. “Of course not,” she said. “I pretended to be terribly interested. And naturally I didn’t let on what my job was: those professional men get so huffy if you know anything about their subject. You know, like Peter.”
Ainsley tends to make jabs at Peter, especially when she isn’t feeling well. I was magnanimous and didn’t respond. “You’d better eat something before you go to work,” I said, “it’s better when you’ve got something on your stomach.”

Margaret Atwood (Ottawa, 18 november 1939)

Lees verder “Margaret Atwood, Seán Mac Falls, Jaap Meijer, Richard Dehmel, William Gilbert, Hans Reimann, Mireille Cottenjé”

Eugenio Montejo, Jaap Meijer, Margaret Atwood, William Gilbert, Hans Reimann, Mireille Cottenjé

De Venezolaanse dichter en schrijver Eugenio Montejo werd geboren in Caracas op 18 november 1938. Zie ook mijn blog van 18 november 2008 en ook mijn blog van 18 november 2009 en ook mijn blog van 18 november 2010.



To be here a few years on earth
with the clouds that arrive, with the birds
dangling from fragile hours.
On the edge, almost adrift,
closer to Saturn, more distant,
while the sun revolves and drags us with it
and the blood circles once more through the depths of its universe
more sacred than the stars.

To be here on earth; no more distant than a tree,
no more inexplicable;
thin in autumn, laden in summer,
with what we are and are not, with shadow,
memory, longing, until the end
(if there is one) voice to voice,
from house to house,
whoever it may be who carries the earth, if they carry it,
or whoever hopes for it, if they keep watch,
each time dividing our common bread
in two, in three, in four,
without forgetting the share for the ant
who is still travelling from remote stars
to be here on time at our table
even though the crumbs are bitter.


Vertaald door Peter Boyle


Eugenio Montejo (18 november 1938 – 5 juni 2008)

Lees verder “Eugenio Montejo, Jaap Meijer, Margaret Atwood, William Gilbert, Hans Reimann, Mireille Cottenjé”

Eugenio Montejo, Jaap Meijer, Margaret Atwood, William Gilbert, Hans Reimann, Mireille Cottenjé

De  Venezolaanse dichter en schrijver Eugenio Montejo werd geboren in Caracas op 18 november 1938. Zie ook mijn blog van 18 november 2008 en ook mijn blog van 18 november 2009.


The earth turned to bring us closer


The earth turned to bring us closer,
it spun on itself and within us,
and finally joined us together in this dream
as written in the Symposium.
Nights passed by, snowfalls and solstices;
time passed in minutes and millennia.
An ox cart that was on its way to Nineveh
arrived in Nebraska.
A rooster was singing some distance from the world,
in one of the thousand pre-lives of our fathers.
The earth was spinning with its music
carrying us on board;
it didn’t stop turning a single moment
as if so much love, so much that’s miraculous
was only an adagio written long ago
in the Symposium’s score.




To Vicente Gerbasi


Life boards planes and heads off into the distance;
by day, by night, at every instant
it¹s leaving for some remote airport.


Life goes away, disappears, comes back later on.
It¹s hard to follow life:
it keeps secretive unpredictable hours,
changes itinerary, sleeps right through the trip,
goes on flying.


Life could be arriving now, we don¹t know,
it might be in Nebraska or Istambul
or maybe it¹s that woman asleep opposite us
in the transit lounge.


Life¹s the unknown on the board of destinations,
the travellers who leave or return,
fear, adventure, weeping,
the clouds that wait for us beyond the good-byes
and the pure planes that lift
towards the high winds of desire.



Vertaald door Peter Boyle


Eugenio Montejo (18 november 1938 – 5 juni 2008)


Lees verder “Eugenio Montejo, Jaap Meijer, Margaret Atwood, William Gilbert, Hans Reimann, Mireille Cottenjé”