Edmund White, Jay McInerney, Daniel Kehlmann, Lorrie Moore, Jurgis Kunčinas, Clark Ashton Smith

De Amerikaanse schrijver en essayist Edmund White werd geboren op 13 januari 1940 in Cincinnati. Zie ook alle tags voor Edmund White op dit blog.

Uit: The Farewell Symphony

„I’m beginning this book on All Saints’ Day in Paris, six months after Brice’s death. This morning I went with Brice’s brother and his brother’s lover to the Père Lachaise cemetery to leave some flowers before the white marble plaque that marks the niche where Brice’s ashes are stored in an urn. At first there wasn’t a receptacle for the flowers and we’d just leave them on the cold floor, where they’d quickly wilt. But then someone-the Spanish woman who cleaned for us once a week, perhaps-attached a little brass vase to the plaque, and that’s where we put the flowers now. Today I left yellow freesias. Someone had Scotchtaped the photo of a young man to Brice’s plaque and I wondered if it was a secret admirer who’d left his own portrait; retrospectively I was jealous. Maybe it was a photo of one of the other dead young men that had been taped to our plaque by mistake.

The ashes are in the columbarium, a fancy word for “dovecote.” We wanted to be buried together, but since technically I’m not a Parisian, there was no way I could buy a plot or a niche at Père Lachaise, which is reserved for citizens of the capital. Brice thought of everything in his methodical way; he bought the niche for his urn but in my name. Now, legally, I can’t be refused entrance when I die.

I’ve never liked to feel things in the appropriate way at the right moment. I know that Brice’s brother is slightly puzzled that I don’t visit the long, subterranean corridors of the columbarium more often. Even today I was dry-eyed, bored, more curious about the new plaques than anguished about Brice’s. The day Brice was interred, there were only four other niches occupied along this whole wall. Now it’s filling up quickly-at least two hundred newcomers have arrived in the last six months. Some are Vietnamese and their inscriptions are in both French and in Chinese characters. A few are young men in their twenties-I imagine they died of AIDS, too. There are Jews and Protestants as well as Catholics; Poles and Italians as well as French. There’s even an American writer shelved just above Brice; he’s had inscribed the words “Writer-Ecrivain” just below his name.

It’s not that Brice’s brother Laurent doubts my grief. He saw me six months ago, sitting on the curb just outside the funeral home, sobbing. We’d just made all the arrangements for the cremation and now I was crying like a Sicilian widow.“


Edmund White (Cincinnati, 13 januari 1940)

Lees verder “Edmund White, Jay McInerney, Daniel Kehlmann, Lorrie Moore, Jurgis Kunčinas, Clark Ashton Smith”

Kostís Palamás, Karl Bleibtreu, Victor de Laprade, Jan de Bas, Eduard von Bauernfeld, Maler Müller, Mark Alexander Boyd

De Nieuwgrieks dichter Kostís Palamás werd geboren op 13 januari 1859 in Patra. Zie ook alle tags voor Kostís Palamás op dit blog.


Rose Fragrance

This year’s harsh winter brought me to my knees,
For it found me without youth and caught me without fire,
And time and again as I walked the snowy streets,
I felt I would fall and die.
But yesterday, as I was encouraged by the laugh of march,
And I went to find again the roads to the ancient sites,
The first fragrance of a distant rose in my path
Brought tears to my eyes.


 Vertaald door Alex Moskios


 Ancient Eternal And Immortal Spirit

Immortal spirit of antiquity,
Father of the true, beautiful and good,
Descend, appear, shed over us thy light
Upon this ground and under this sky
Which has first witnessed the unperishable fame.
Give life and animation to those noble games!
Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victors
In the race and in the strife!
Create in our breasts, hearts of steel!
In thy light, plains, mountains and seas
Shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple
To which all nations throng to adore thee,
Oh immortal spirit of antiquity!


Kostís Palamás (13 januari 1859 – 27 februari 1943)
Standbeeld in Nicosia


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