Tatamkhulu Afrika, Johann Nestroy, Gabriel Marcel

De Zuid-Afrikaanse dichter en schrijver Tatamkhulu Afrika werd geboren op 7 december 1920 in Egypte. Zie ook alle tags voor Tatamkhulu Afrika op dit blog.


Uit: Mr Chameleon: An Authobiography

“Have I just written of Dennis C–as would a gay man? Did not only admiration but lust tire me as I was confronted with a wholeness and beauty of the flesh that | knew l could never achieve? What man can honestly say that he has felt no stirring of the genitals when faced with a virility he cannot rival–that challenges his Yin with its Yang? Today, we pretend that “male bonding” is asexual love–like hell it is! Where there is love of whatever kind, there is desire of a kind as variable, and that daunting sinuousness that is the arousal of the loins runs through them all.


Chameleon, reversing the process and wanting his surroundings now to conform to the colour and pattern he had chosen, exhorted the faithful fellows to follow him into the badlands of Shi’ism, but all they saw was that bloodyminded Whiteboy who could turna clever trick or two with his tongue, but what did a Whiteboy know about the Faith, particularly when it came to what their forefathers had followed for fourteen hundred years, and they left me in droves.”


So desperate was I to smash the Whiteboy image that was robbing my life of all fullness and light that, in the winter months when it incessantly rained and I could not get down to the beach to tan, I would colour my hands, arms, neck and face with Coppertone and try to persuade myself that I felt at home in my crude, wild simulation of a bastard’s skin … [I]f I was caught by an unseasonably hot day and the Coppertone with its vinegary smell began to run on my sweating skin, I would feel like a fool in paper clothes on a rainy day and would dart, silently crying, in pursuit of the least fragment of steadying shade.”


Tatamkhulu Afrika (7 december 1920 – 23 december 2002)

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