Emily Dickinson, Karl Heinrich Waggerl, Jorge Semprún, Carolyn Kizer, Pierre Louÿs

De Amerikaanse dichteres Emily Dickinson werd geboren op 10 december 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts. Zie ook alle tags voor Emily Dickinson op dit blog.

On this long storm the rainbow rose

On this long storm the rainbow rose,    
On this late morn the sun;       
The clouds, like listless elephants,      
Horizons straggled down.        
The birds rose smiling in their nests,          
The gales indeed were done;   
Alas! how heedless were the eyes       
On whom the summer shone!  
The quiet nonchalance of death
No daybreak can bestir;                 
The slow archangel’s syllables 
Must awaken her.


Look back on time with kindly eyes

Look back on time with kindly eyes,     
He doubtless did his best;       
How softly sinks his trembling sun       
In human nature’s west!


The last night that she lived

The last night that she lived,    
It was a common night,
Except the dying; this to us     
Made nature different.  
We noticed smallest things,—        
Things overlooked before,       
By this great light upon our minds        
Italicized, as ’t were.    
That others could exist
While she must finish quite,            
A jealousy for her arose          
So nearly infinite.        
We waited while she passed;   
It was a narrow time,   
Too jostled were our souls to speak,           
At length the notice came.       
She mentioned, and forgot;      
Then lightly as a reed  
Bent to the water, shivered scarce,      
Consented, and was dead.              
And we, we placed the hair,     
And drew the head erect;         
And then an awful leisure was, 
Our faith to regulate.


Emily Dickinson (10 december 1830 – 15 mei 1886)

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