Sophie Hannah

De Britse dichteres en schrijfster Sophie Hannah werd geboren in Manchester op 28 juni 1971. Hannah is de dochter van een hoogleraar politicologie en een jeugdboekenschrijfster. Haar eerste gepubliceerde werk was het kinderboek “Carrot the Goldfish” (1992). Tussen 1993 en 2007 publiceerde ze tien poëziebundels, waarvan het merendeel verscheen bij uitgever Carcanet Press. Ook vertaalde ze twee boeken van Tove Jansson uit de Mumintrollet-serie in het Engels. Van 1997 tot 2001 was ze verbonden aan twee universiteiten, respectievelijk Cambridge (Trinity College) en Oxford (Wolfson College). In 2006 publiceerde ze voor het eerst een boek voor volwassenen, “Little Face”, een psychologische misdaadroman. Er werden 100.000 exemplaren van verkocht, en in de jaren daarna verscheen nog een tiental misdaadromans, waaronder “The Monogram Murders” (2014), een detectiveroman met Hercule Poirot, de Belgische detective geschapen door Agatha Christie, 39 jaar na “Curtain: Poirot’s Last Case”.


The Storming

There are differences, one assumes,
between us and the people we know who storm out of rooms,

sometimes crying, but not every time;
sometimes muttering, sometimes an angry marching mime

is their exit mode. Where do they go,
all those people who storm out of rooms? Will we ever know?

Are there sandwiches there, and a flask
of hot tea? We won’t find out if we never ask.

Once they’ve fled the provoking scene,
do they all get together somewhere? Do they reconvene

in a basement, an attic, a flat?
Do they also reserve the right to storm out of that,

and if so, do they take turns to storm
or link arms and desert en masse in a furious swarm,

leaving nobody in their wake?
Would there be any point in the storming, for nobody’s sake?

There are differences, one fears,
between us and the people who storm out of rooms in tears,

as if, having ruined it all,
in the snug, they imagine they’ll be better off in the hall,

and that anyone left in a chair
automatically gets to be wrong and to blame and unfair,

unaware of how bad stormers feel,
and quite lacking in feelings themselves. That is part of the deal.

Notice how I don’t leap to my feet,
how I nestle in cushions and curl myself into my seat.

Leave at once for the moral high ground.
I’ll stay here by the fire, mocking storms and just lounging around.


Sophie Hannah (Manchester, 28 juni 1971)

Florian Zeller, Ryszard Krynicki, Mark Helprin, Marlene Streeruwitz, Fritzi Harmsen van Beek, Luigi Pirandello, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Anton van Wilderode, Juan José Saer

De Franse schrijver Florian Zeller werd op 28 juni 1979 in Parijs geboren. Zie ook alle tags voor Florian Zeller op dit blog.

Uit: Climax (Vertaald door William Rodarmor)

„In this story, Sofia was a little like Poland.
Nicolas knew he would be the big loser in such an expansion. He already found it hard enough to make one woman come; the idea of having twice as much work, in the face of fierce competition, seemed more than he could handle. Unless, speaking purely technically, a transfer of competence occurred, which was something he absolutely didn’t want. Besides, how could he admit to his desire for another woman, right in front of Pauline? Let’s call this impulse erotic sovereignism, which would be the logical opposite of erotic federalism.
Erotic sovereignism might be thought infantile, and with good reason. Men, at least most of the time, are big children. Here’s proof: exhausted by all these considerations, which he suddenly found completely futile, Nicolas drank his coffee and went back to bed.
The architects of Europe thought that two things were essential for the people of the continent to feel European: a flag and an anthem. The matter of the flag was settled in 1955, and presented no particular difficulty. But that wasn’t the case with the anthem. People hoped a new world would emerge after the horror of the war, and a number of composers wanted to be part of that. They included a composer from Lyons named Jehane-Louis Gaudet. In 1949 he sent his Chant de la paix to the president of the Council of Europe and crossed his fingers. After all, wasn’t it a golden opportunity for an unknown artist to become famous?
After the Chant de la paix was presented to the Council, the president telephoned the composer to personally thank him for his contribution. Unfortunately, he said, it would be very difficult to adopt this magnificent composition as the European anthem.
“Why?” asked Gaudet in surprise.
“Because we are required to be unanimous.”
It turns out that on the day the council met, a little man with a mustache, a Dutchman from Rotterdam, had felt that the Chant de la paix was too…. The Council president had forgotten the word that had been used.
“Too what?” asked the composer. He felt a little annoyed, but was prepared to rewrite a few bars to satisfy the gentleman from Rotterdam if necessary”

Florian Zeller (Parijs, 28 juni 1979)

Lees verder “Florian Zeller, Ryszard Krynicki, Mark Helprin, Marlene Streeruwitz, Fritzi Harmsen van Beek, Luigi Pirandello, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Anton van Wilderode, Juan José Saer”