Pfingstbestellung (Joachim Ringelnatz)


Prettige Pinksterdagen!


Pinksteren door Girolamo Muziano, ca. 1577



Ein Pfingstgedichtchen will heraus
Ins Freie, ins Kühne.
So treibt es mich aus meinem Haus
Ins Neue, ins Grüne.

Wenn sich der Himmel grau bezieht,
Mich stört`s nicht im geringsten.
Wer meine weiße Hose sieht,
Der merkt doch: Es ist Pfingsten.

Nun hab ich ein Gedicht gedrückt,
Wie Hühner Eier legen,
Und gehe festlich und geschmückt —
Pfingstochse meinetwegen —
Dem Honorar entgegen.


Joachim Ringelnatz (1883-1934)
Wurzen. Joachim Ringelnatz werd geboren in Wurzen


Zie voor de schrijvers van de 5e juni ook mijn twee vorige blogs van vandaag.


Federico García Lorca, Adriaan Morriën, Ken Follett, Margo Lanagan, Carel Peeters, Robert Franquinet, Margaret Drabble, Kristin Gore


De Spaanse dichter en toneelschrijver Federico Garcia Lorca werd geboren op 5 juni 1898 in Fuente Vaqueros, Granada. Zie ook alle tags voor Federico Garcia Lorca op dit blog.


Of the Dark Doves
For Claudio Guillén

In the branches of the laurel tree
I saw two dark doves
One was the sun
and one the moon
Little neighbors I said
where is my grave — 
In my tail said the sun
On my throat said the moon
And I who was walking
with the land around my waist
saw two snow eagles
and a naked girl
One was the other
and the girl was none
Little eagles I said
where is my grave —
In my tail said the sun
On my throat said the moon
In the branches of the laurel tree
I saw two naked doves
One was the other
and both were none.


Vertaald door Sarah Arvio


Sonnet of the Wreath of Roses

The wreath, quick, I am dying!
Weave it quick now! Sing, and moan, sing!
Now the shadow is darkening my throat,
and January’s light returns, a thousand and one times.

Between what needs me, and my needing you,
starry air, and a trembling tree.
A thickness of windflowers lifts
a whole year, with hidden groaning.

Take joy from the fresh landscape of my wound,
break out the reeds, and the delicate streams,
and taste the blood, spilt, on thighs of sweetness.

But quick! So that joined together, and one,
time will find us ruined,
with bitten souls, and mouths bruised with love.


Paso (The Images of the Passion)

Virgin in a crinoline,
Virgin of Solitude,
spreading immensely
like a tulip-flower.
In your boat of light,
go –
through the high seas
of the city.
through turbulent singing,
through crystalline stars.
Virgin in a crinoline
through the roadway’s river
you go,
down to the sea!


Vertaald door A. S. Kline


Federico García Lorca (5 juni 1898 – 19 augustus 1936)
“Federico García Lorca” door Alice Wellinger, 2011

Lees verder “Federico García Lorca, Adriaan Morriën, Ken Follett, Margo Lanagan, Carel Peeters, Robert Franquinet, Margaret Drabble, Kristin Gore”

Thomas Kling, Hélène Cixous, Spalding Gray, Christy Brown, David Hare, Alifa Rifaat, Otto F. Walter, Ivy Compton-Burnett

De Duitse dichter en schrijver Thomas Kling werd geboren op 5 juni 1957 in Bingen. Zie ook alle tags voor Thomas Kling op dit blog.




inzwischn: 1499. luftbilder, -spiegel,
spiegelungn ausm engadinerkrieg. ein
sommerlicher brückenkopp (gesprengt) so
nimmt das wasser andre farbe an.

di gute
geschoßverschraubte luft! im luftzug
NAPALMHEIDE / das in den fluß
zischt, nähte zwischen leib und panzern
zieht (»da ist ja keine landschaft mehr«,
TONLOS / »hättns sollen fahren
lassn«). darüber geht di kamera, ho-
lpernd; kamerafahrt heiser, angekro-
chenes aug. vorm ortler. vor schi-
mmerndn 3000ern: demolirte sand-
sackberge (…)

                und sorgnfaltn, kummer-
volles redaktörsgesic’t: ICH HÖRE EBEN!,
(sonst in Nürnberg stationiert)!, am sattel, AM HU-

PIRKHEIMER: ja, hier pirkheimer. humanitär-
sanitäre verhältnisse … mit grawenvollen bildern
zu tun … habn hohe-luste zu zeichnen … di
geiselerschießung von meran … (FADING),
obwohl bevölkerun’ dagegn … (RAUSCH-
RAUSCH), im -iegesrausch, durchrau-
schende flüchtlinge … strom weg, alles weg …
di leitun’ zamm, damundherrn, in weißm rau-
schn, klappt zusamm das bilderwelt in riesen OH-
NELÖSCHLÖSCH. romanisch di bandnwerbun’
Gottes, tonlos di engel vorm himml. jerusalem, wei-
ße bänder spruchbänder in händn. ohne text.


Thomas Kling (5 juni 1957 – 1 april 2005)

Lees verder “Thomas Kling, Hélène Cixous, Spalding Gray, Christy Brown, David Hare, Alifa Rifaat, Otto F. Walter, Ivy Compton-Burnett”

Geoff Dyer

De Engelse schrijver Geoff Dyer werd op geboren 5 juni 1958 in Cheltenham als enig kind van een plaatwerker vader en een schooldiner dame moeder. Hij ging naar school in zijn geboorteplaats en kreeg een beurs om Engels te studeren aan het Corpus Christi College in Oxford. Dyer is de auteur van vier romans: “The Colour of Memory”, “The Search”, “Paris Trance”, en “Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi”, een kritische studie over John Berger, “Ways of Telling”; drie bundels essays “Anglo-English Attitudes”, “Working the Room” en “Otherwise Known as the Human Condition” en zes andere titels die niet direct tot een specifiek genre behoren: “But Beautiful” (over jazz), “The Missing of the Somme” (over de herdenking van WO I), “Out of Sheer Rage” (over D. H. Lawrence), “Yoga For People Who Can’t Be Bothered To Do It”, “The Ongoing Moment” (over fotografie), en Zona (over Andrei Tarkovsky’s film Stalker uit 1979). Hij is de redacteur van “John Berger: Selected Essays” en mede-redacteur, met Margaret Sartor, van “What Was True: The Photographs and Notebooks of William Gedney”. In 2014 verscheen “Another Great Day at Sea” (2014), waarin Dyer vertelt over zijn ervaringen op de USS George H.W. Bush, waarop hij twee weken meevoer als writer-in-residence. In 2005 werd Dyer Fellow van de Royal Society of Literature. In 2014 werd hij verkozen tot Honorary Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. In 2013 werd hij benoemd in het prestigieuze ambt van Bedell Distinguished Visiting Professor, verbonden aan het Nonfiction Writing Program van de Universiteit van Iowa. Hij doceert tegenwoordig aan de Universiteit van Zuid-Californië.

Uit: Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi

“On an afternoon in June 2003, when, for a brief moment, it looked as if the invasion of Iraq had not been such a bad idea after all, Jeffrey Atman set out from his flat to take a walk. He had to get out of the flat because now that the initial relief about the big picture had worn off – relief that Saddam had not turned his non-existent WMD on London, that the whole world had not been plunged into a conflagration – the myriad irritations and frustrations of the little picture were back with a vengeance. The morning’s work had bored the crap out of him. He was supposed to be writing a twelve-hundred-word so-called ’think piece’ (intended to require zero thought on the part of the reader and scarcely more from the writer but still, somehow, beyond him) that had reached such a pitch of tedium that he’d spent half an hour staring at the one-line email to the editor who’d commissioned it:
‘I just can’t do this shit any more. Yrs J.A.’
The screen offered a stark choice: Send or Delete. Simple as that. Click Send and it was all over with. Click Delete and he was back where he started. If taking your own life were this easy, there’d be thousands of suicides every day. Stub your toe on the way to the bathroom. Click. Get marmalade on your cuff while eating toast. Click. It starts raining as soon as you leave the house and your brolly’s upstairs. What to do? Go back up and get it, leave without it and get soaked, or … Click. Even as he stared at the message, as he sat there on the very brink of sending it, he knew that he would not. The thought of sending it was enough to deter him from doing so. So instead of sending the message or getting on with this article about a ‘controversial’ new art installation at the Serpentine he sat there, paralysed, doing neither.
To break the spell he clicked Delete and left the house as if fleeing the scene of some dreary, as yet uncommitted crime. Hopefully fresh air (if you could call it that) and movement would revive him, enable him to spend the evening finishing this stupid article and getting ready to fly to Venice the following afternoon. And when he got to Venice? More shit to set up and churn out. He was meant to be covering the opening of the Biennale – that was fine, that was a doddle – but then this interview with Julia Berman had come up (or at least a probable interview with Julia Berman) and now, in addition to writing about the Biennale, he was supposed to persuade her – to beg, plead and generally demean himself – to do an interview that would guarantee even more publicity for her daughter’s forthcoming album and further inflate the bloated reputation of Steven Morison, the dad, the famously overrated artist.”


Geoff Dyer (Cheltenham, 5 juni 1958)

Paul Farley


De Britse dichter en schrijver Paul Farley werd geboren op 5 juni 1965 in Liverpool. Hij studeerde schilderkunst aan de Chelsea School of Art en woonde in Londen, Brighton en Cumbria. Voor zijn eerste poëzie bundel “The Boy from the Chemist is Here to See You” (1998) en won een Forward Poetry Prize (Best First Collection) en werd op de shortlist geplaatst voor de Whitbread Prize. Het boek bezorgde hem ook de Somerset Maugham Award en in 1999 won hij de Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award. Van 2000-2002 was hij de dichter-in-residence bij de Wordsworth Trust in Grasmere. Voor zijn tweede bundel “The Ice Age” (2002), ontving hij de Whitbread Poetry Award. Zijn derde bundel “Tramp in Flames” verscheen in 2006. Voor het gedicht ‘Liverpool Disappears for a Billionth of a Second’ ‘ kreeg hij de Forward Prize voor Best Individual Poem. In hetzelfde jaar publiceerde hij ook een studie over Terence Davies film “Distant Voices, Still Lives”. In 2007 bewerkte hij een selectie van John Clare voor de dichtersreeks van Faber “Poet to Poet”. Farley heeft ook veel geschreven voor radio en televisie, en schrijft vaak over kunst en literatuur. Hij woont momenteel in Lancashire en is hoogleraar poëzie aan de universiteit van Lancaster.


Liverpool Disappears for a Billionth of a Second

Shorter than the blink inside a blink
the National Grid will sometimes make, when you’ll
turn to a room and say: Was that just me?

People sitting down for dinner don’t feel
their chairs taken away/put back again
much faster that that trick with tablecloths.

A train entering the Olive Mount cutting
shudders, but not a single passenger
complains when it pulls in almost on time.

The birds feel it, though, and if you see
starlings in shoal, seagulls abandoning
cathedral ledges, or a mob of pigeons

lifting from a square as at gunfire,
be warned it may be happening, but then
those sensitive to bat-squeak in the backs

of necks, who claim to hear the distant roar
of comets on the turn – these may well smile
at a world restored, in one piece; though each place

where mineral Liverpool goes wouldn’t believe
what hit it: all that sandstone out to sea
or meshed into the quarters of Cologne.

I’ve felt it a few times when I’ve gone home,
if anything, more often now I’m old
and the gaps between get shorter all the time.



How good we are for each other, walking through
a land of silence and darkness. You
open doors for me, I answer the phone for you.

I play jungle loud. You read with the light on.
Beautiful. The curve of your cheekbone,
explosive vowels, exact use of cologne.

What are you thinking? I ask in a language of touch
unique to us. You tap my palm nothing much.
At stations we compete senses, see which

comes first—light in the tunnel, whiplash down the rail.
I kick your shins when we go out for meals.
You dab my lips. I finger yours like Braille.


Paul Farley (Liverpool,. 5 juni 1965)