In Memoriam Edward Albee

In Memoriam Edward Albee

De Amerikaanse toneelschrijver Edward Albee is op 88-jarige leeftijd overleden. Edward Albee werd geboren op 12 maart 1928 in Washington DC. Zie ook alle tags voor Edward Albee op dit blog.

Uit: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

„GEORGE. Well. just stay on your feet, that’s all These people are your guess, you know, and…
MARTHA. I can’t even see you I haven’t been able to see you for years…
GEORGE. if you pass out, or throw up, or something…
MARTHA. I mean, you’re a blank, a cipher…
GEORGE. and try to keep your clothes on. too. There aren’t many more sickening sights than you with a couple of drinks in you and your skirt up over your head…
MARTHA : …..a zero………
GEORGE. . . . your heads I should say . .. (The fiontdoorbell chimes.)
MARTHA: Party! Party!
GEORGE. Murderously) I’m really looking forward to this, Martha…
MARTHA. (Same) Go answer the door.
GEORGE. (Not moving.) You answer it.
MARTHA. Get to that door, you. (He does not move.) I’ll fix you, you…
GEORGE. (Fake-spits.) To you (Door chime again.)
MARTHA. (Shouting… to the door.) C’MON IN! (To George, between her teeth.) I said, get over there!
GEORGE. (Moving toward the door.) All right, love whatever love wants. Isn’t it nice the way some people have manners, though, even in this day and age? Isn’t it nice that some people won’t just come braking into other people’s house: even if they do hear some subhuman monster yowling at ’em from inside…?


Scene uit de film van Mike Nichols met o.a. Richard Burton en Elizabeth Taylor (1966)


MARTHA. FUCK YOU! (Simultaneously with Martha’s last remark, George flings open the font door. Honey and Nick are framed in the entrance. There is a brief silence then…)
GEORGE. (Ostensibly a pleased recognition of Honey and Nick, but really satifaction at having Martha’s explosion overheard)
MARTHA. (A little too loud… to cover) HI! Hi, there…c’mon in!
HONEY and NICK. (Ad lib.) Hello, here we are hi… (Etc.)
GEORGE. (Very matter-off-factky) You must be our little guests.
MARTHA. Ha, ha, ha, HA! Just ignore old sour-puss over there. C’mon in, kids give your coats and stuff to sour-puss.
NICK. (Without expression.) Well, now, perhaps we shouldn’t have come.
HONEY. Yes… it is late, …and…
MARTHA. Late! Are you kidding? Throw your stuff down anywhere and c’mon in.
GEORGE. (Vaguely walking away) Anywhere . .. furniture, floor doesn’t make any difference around this place.
NICK. (To Honey) I told you we shouldn’t have come.
MARTHA. (Stentorian) I said c’mon in! Now c’mon!”


Edward Albee (12 maart 1928 – 16 september 2016)
