Graham Swift, David Guterson, Jan Mulder

De Engelse schrijver Graham Swift werd geboren op 4 mei 1949 in Londen. Zie ook alle tags voor Graham Swift op dit blog.

Uit: Wish You Were Here

“There is no end to madness, Jack thinks, once it takes hold. Hadn’t those experts said it could take years before it flared up in human beings? So, it had flared up now in him and Ellie.
Sixty-five head of healthy-seeming cattle that finally succumbed to the rushed-through culling order, leaving a silence and emptiness as hollow as the morning Mum died, and the small angry wisp of a thought floating in it: Well, they’d better be right, those experts, it had better damn well flare up some day or this will have been a whole load of grief for nothing.
So then.
Healthy cattle. Sound of limb and udder and hoof—and mind. “Not one of them mad as far as I ever saw,” Dad had said, as if it was the start of one of his rare jokes and his face would crack into a smile to prove it. But his face had looked like simply cracking anyway and staying cracked, and the words he might have said, by way of a punchline, never left his lips, though Jack thinks now that he heard them. Or it was his own silent joke to himself. Or it’s the joke he’s only arrived at now; “We must be the mad ones.”
And if ever there was a time when Jack’s dad might have put his two arms round his two sons, that was it. His arms were certainly long enough, even for his sons’ big shoulders—both brothers out of the same large Luxton mould, though with all of eight years between them. Tom would have been fifteen then, but growing fast. And Jack, though it was a fact he sometimes wished to hide, even to reverse, already had a clear inch over his father.
The three of them had stood there, like the only life left, in the yard at Jebb Farm.
But Michael Luxton hadn’t put his arms round his two sons. He’d done what he’d begun to do, occasionally, only after his wife’s death. He’d looked hard at his feet, at the ground he was standing on, and spat.”

Graham Swift (Londen, 4 mei 1949)


De Amerikaanse schrijver David Guterson werd geboren op 4 mei 1956 in Seattle. Zie ook alle tags voor David Guterson op dit blog.


Uit: Ed King

How wonderful it was – wonderful and surprising – to be attracted to a guy, to want sex. Diane found, once she was naked with him, that there were things she really liked in his performance, including, foremost, that he was relentlessly, acutely, even obsessively servile. It was fine with Ed to spend a half-hour massaging her feet and squeezing her ankles, followed by nearly equal devoted caressing of her shins and calves; next, moving up, he gave substantial attention to her knees and thighs, and when, in her massage trance, she hoped and believed that his hands would surely go where they would do the most good, Ed didn’t go there, he flipped her over instead and massaged, kneaded, stretched, rubbed, pinched, flicked, feathered, licked, kissed, and gently bit her shoulders, neck, back, and butt. Again she believed that he was on the verge of getting a hand between her legs, especially when, while massaging the small of her back, he found the tip of her tailbone. How long was he going to go on with the erotic massage and general body worship without getting to her quim? Would he please just go ahead and do something not frustrating? But she knew, before long, what he had to be waiting for. He was waiting for a display of need. So she took him by the wrist and moved the base of his hand into her pubic hair until his middle fingertip settled on the no-man’s-land between her ‘front parlor’ and ‘back door’ (those were the quaint, prudish terms of her girlhood), she got him on the node between neighbouring needs (both of which had been explored by johns who almost never tarried). She gave him this particular sign, this clear permission, and he began a careful prodding of her perineum, which was as good a starting place as any for Diane, because it instigated those processes of memory her sexuality required. It triggered memories with the uncanny force of déjà vu, and what she thought of, as Ed slaved away, was a boy from her village who had fingered her adroitly in a greenhouse thick with green tomatoes.”


David Guterson (Seattle, 4 mei 1956)


De Nederlandse columnist, schrijver, ex-voetballer, en televisiepersoonlijkheid Jan Mulder werd geboren in Bellingwolde op 4 mei 1945. Zie ook alle tags voor Jan Mulder op dit blog.


Uit: Tom Boonen (Column in Humo, 17 juni 2008)

“Wat zou Tom Boonen hebben bezield toen hij die coke snoof? Je weet toch dat er vliegende controles bestaan? Je weet toch dat het minste of geringste verkeerde tabletje dodelijk kan zijn voor je carrière?

Spelers in de Bundesliga bijvoorbeeld, draaien elk onschuldig dropje voor een verkoudheid of officieel bij de Duitse voetbalbond aangemelde zalfje tegen een eczeemallergie drie keer om en laten het daarna nog eens testen door een onafhankelijke arts voordat ze het inslikken.

Boonen snuift op een dag tussen twee voorjaarsklassiekers in een gram coke.

Niet wegens het gebruik van doping of drugs (zo zwaar was de dosis niet), maar om de ergerlijke, aan onnozelheid en brutaliteit grenzende slordigheid van deze toprenner zou Quick-Step hem op staande voet moeten ontslaan.

Op de persconferentie las Tom Boonen een door een advocatenteam opgestelde verklaring voor. Hij zei nog altijd het vertrouwen van Quick-Step te genieten, maar voorlopig op ‘low-profile’ te gaan. Ploegleider Lefevre maakte bekend dat ontslag niet aan de orde was geweest, en: ‘Tom gaat nu toch even in de wachtstand.’

In de wachtstand.

Het einde van een wielrenner kon niet treffender onder woorden worden gebracht.

Maar is het het einde?



Jan Mulder (Bellingwolde, 4 mei 1945)


Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 4e mei ook mijn blog van 4 mei 2011 deel 2 en eveneens deel 3.