Lolita Pille, David Rowbotham, Norah Lofts, Cecil Scott Forester, Lernert Engelberts

De Franse schrijfster Lolita Pille werd geboren op 27 augustus 1982 in Sèvres. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 augustus 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Lolita Pille op dit blog.

Uit:Bubble gum

“Celui-ci, je l avais nommé Bubble gum parce que tout y semblait creux, rose et gluant : decors, propos, sentiments, les personnages eux mêmes, moi compris, étaient creux, roses et gluants, au bord de l éclatement, et ce derrière quoi ils courraient, la sacro-sainte reconnaissance, la sacro-sainte célébrité, était devenue, a l époque où le non-film était supposé se dérouler, aussi creuse, rose, banale et brève qu une pauvre petite bulle de chewing-gum qui finissait inéluctablement par vous exploser a la gueule. »

Nous sommes rentrés pour démarrer cette promo et Mano s’y croyait à mort. Elle sy croyait à mort quand elle traversait Paris et qu’elle voyait sa gueule en 6 par 6 absolument partout, elle s’y croyait à mort pendant les interviews, elle virait ses attachés de presse, elle envoyait promener les types qui lui demandaient des autographes dans la rue, elle se sentait tellement unique, tellement privilégiée, elle avait l’impression d’être dans le secret de l’origine du monde, elle jubilait tout en faisant mine de se plaindre d’être trop exposée, son ego n’avait plus de limite.”

Lolita Pille (Sèvres, 27 augustus 1982)


De Australische dichter, schrijver en journalist David Rowbotham werd geboren in de Darling Downs van Queensland op 27 augustus 1924. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 augustus 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor David Rowbotham op dit blog.

Uit: The Man In The Jungle 

“Morning, laddie.”
Morden heard the words clearly. But he could not answer; he was too deliciously slothful, like someone after a long sleep from which the body shifts refreshed but unhurried, the mind cool and calm but backward. Yet the character of the words reminded him of someone he had known in the past.
After a while he realised who it was; and this, along with the idea that he felt fresh and easy only because he had been through some crucial experience or illness, brought all memory back with a bolt of shock. The relaxed center in the back of his head snapped to attention with a click and he jerked into a sitting position. He stretched his arms rigidly behind him and his finger-nails dug into dirt. The pain returned acutely to his nose, his eyes opened widely, and his speech came explosively.
“How did he get that rifle!”
Now he saw the faces. He saw them so plainly that they might have been magnified by some strange lens-like effect of the grey mist and the green forest. He touched his nose; it was covered with cotton-wool and sticking-plaster.
“How did he get it!”
“Now take it easy.”
Packs’ voice was firm, yet anxious.
“Tell me, damn you!”
The shock that had driven him upright disappeared; the fierceness in him seemed to fracture itself. He collapsed back on a hard support of rock standing out of the ground like a low-leaning, solid board. Swivelling his head, he traced out the shape of a caved-in hut among nearby trees, and, just beyond, the outline of what seemed to be a bending cross between two close tree-trunks. An ironical amusement rippled somewhere in him; he was at the Convict’s Find again. Last night he had come blindly back to it. A little more blind accuracy and he could have done his praying at the cross!
“Hullo. Got here as quick as we could.”
That was Jim. The kind aboriginal face with its apprehensive eyes was lowered towards him, and there was Packs’ broad brow under the ambulance cap. And there, to one side of them, was Milligan, looking edgy, disgruntled; and Cam Richmond with his moustache hiding his phlegmatic mouth.“

David Rowbotham (27 augustus 1924 – 6 oktober 2010)


De Britse schrijfster Norah Lofts werd geboren op 27 augustus 1904 in Shipham, Norfolk als Norah Robinson. Zie ook alle tags voor Norah Lofts op dit blogen ook mijn blog van 27 augustus 2009 en ook mijn blog van 27 augustus 2010.

Uit: The Lute Player

“NOTHER PACK OF WOLVES,” BROTHER Lawrence said as we rounded a curve in the track and sighted the little group of beggars. And I thought how much I would have preferred to meet actual four-legged wolves. One’s attitude toward a wolf pack is so simple; one hates, one fears; one attacks and scatters it or one flees in terror before it. No pity is involved. And I, for three days now, had been so wrenched by pity, so appalled by my own lack of power to help those I pitied, that now, seeing the beggars on the path, I thought that I could far more easily have stood still and let a wolf pack tear me to pieces than face a repetition of the scenes at Vibray and Amiche.
“Wake up, boy,” said Brother Lawrence, and moved his left leg so that his stirrup struck me on the upper arm. “Listen and kindly bear in mind what I say. No more hysteria, if you please. It serves no purpose and has a very ill effect. I shall give them what is left in the alms bag and pass straight on. I want no more of your nonsense. Remember, hungry men are dangerous.”
I turned my head and looked at him, and as I did so he twisted his head and looked straight ahead; but I had seen the expression-almost of gloating-with which he had been regarding me.And I wondered how far my behavior during these three days had been responsible for his. Once in the old days I had watched a bearbaiting and I had seen, on the faces of several spectators, that very look. A gloating compounded of amusement, ruthlessness, and a kind of speculation:What will this provoke? I made up my mind that this time I would betray no feeling, give him no satisfaction. He pulled the alms bag into an easily accessible position at the front of his girdle and set his face into lines of grave, remote contemplation. So we moved towards the knot of beggars; I limping on account of the blister on my heel and bending forwards a little to ease the ache in my empty belly, while my mind ran backwards and forwards, remembering the events of the last three days and dreading the moment that was approaching.”

Norah Lofts (27 August 1904 – 10 September 1983)


De Engelse schrijver Cecil Scott Forester (pseudoniem van Cecil Lewis Troughton Smith) werd geboren in Cairo, Egypte, op 27 augustus 1899. Zie ook alle tags voor C. S. Forester op dit blog en ook mijn blog van 27 augustus 2009 en ook mijn blog van 27 augustus 2010.

Uit: Ship of the Line

“Captain Hornblower struggled against hopelessness as he read the proof. Appeals of this sort were to be read in dozens in every market town. It hardly seemed likely that he could attract recruits to a humdrum ship of the line when dashing frigate captains of twice his reputation were scouring the country and able to produce figures of prize money actually won in previous voyages. To send four lieutenants, each with half a dozen men, round the southern countries to gather recruits in accordance with this poster was going to cost him practically all the pay he had accumulated last commission, and he feared lest it should be money thrown away.
Yet something had to be done. The Lydia had supplied him with two hundred able-bodied seamen (his placard said nothing of the fact that they had been compulsorily transferred without a chance of setting foot on English soil after a commission of two years’ duration) but to complete his crew he needed another fifty seamen and two hundred landsmen and boys. The guardship had found him none at all. Failure to complete his crew might mean the loss of his command, and from that would result unemployment and half pay — eight shillings a day — for the rest of his life. He could form no estimate at all of with how much favour he was regarded at the Admiralty, and in absence of data it was natural to him to believe that his employment hung precariously in the balance.
Anxiety and strain brought oaths to his lips as he tapped on the proof with his pencil — silly blasphemies of whose senselessness he was quite well aware even as he mouthed them. But he was careful to speak softly; Maria was resting in the bedroom through the double doors behind him, and he did not want to rouse her. Maria (although it was too early to be certain) believed herself to be pregnant, and Hornblower sated with her cloying tenderness.”

Cecil Scott Forester (27 augustus 1899 – 2 april 1966)
Scene uit de film “Captain Horatio Hornblower” uit 1951 met o.a. Gregory Peck


De Nederlandse dichter en schrijver Lernert Engelberts werd geboren op 27 augustus 1977 in Leerdam. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 augustus 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Lernert Engelbert op dit blog.

Uit: Echte slechte mensen

‘In ieder geval, ik kijk dus van bovenaf naar dat schilderij. Een heel fraai geometrisch werkje overigens hoor. Een soort afgeleide van die honingraat van Escher, maar dan wat naïever, wat speelser, en ik denk: dat gaat niet passen. En zij probeert alleen maar wilder om het toch in die auto te krijgen. Uiteindelijk geeft ze het op en legt het schilderij en de vogelkooi, met de vogel er nog in, op het dak van de auto, zet het raampje van haar portier open en probeert de boel vast te houden terwijl die Belgische Bryan Ferry wegrijdt.’

Lernert Engelberts (Leerdam, 27 augustus 1977)