Luise Hensel, Anna Sewell, Herbert Asmodi, Sean O’Casey, Christine Wolter

De Duitse dichteres Luise Hensel werd geboren op 30 maart 1798 in Linum nabij Fehrbellin (Brandenburg). Zie ook alle tags voor Luise Hensel op dit blog.

An St. Maria Magdalena

Erfleh’ mit Lieb’ und Tränen,
Du strenge Büßerin,
Daß ich mit reinem Sehnen
Nach Jesus strebe hin!
Daß ich zu seinen Füßen
Verzeihung mög’ erflehn,
In Tränen ganz zerfließen,
In Reue ganz vergehn.

Ich hab’ ihn viel gekränket
Und hab’es wohl gewußt;
Mein Herz hab’ich ertränket
In Erdeschmerz und -lust.
Ich hab’ ihn oft vergessen,
Den ich doch früh erkannt,
Und habe ganz vermessen
Von ihm mich abgewandt.

O, gib mir deine Reue
Und deine Tränenflut,
O, gib mir deine Treue
Und deiner Liebe Glut,
Bis er mir neues Leben
Mit diesen Worten gibt:
»Geh hin, dir ist vergeben,
Weil du so viel geliebt.«

Luise Hensel (30 maart 1798 – 18 december 1878)


De Engelse schrijfster Anna Sewell werd geboren op 30 maart 1820 in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Zie ook alle tags voor Anna Sewell op dit blog.

Uit: Black Beauty

“Well, no,” she said, “you must not say that; but though I am an old horse, and have seen and heard a great deal, I never yet could make out why men are so fond of this sport; they often hurt themselves, often spoil good horses, and tear up the fields, and all for a hare or a fox, or a stag, that they could get more easily some other way; but we are only horses, and don’t know.”
While my mother was saying this we stood and looked on. Many of the riders had gone to the young man; but my master, who had been watching what was going on, was the first to raise him. His head fell back and his arms hung down, and every one looked very serious. There was no noise now; even the dogs were quiet, and seemed to know that something was wrong. They carried him to our master’s house. I heard afterward that it was young George Gordon, the squire’s only son, a fine, tall young man, and the pride of his family.
There was now riding off in all directions to the doctor’s, to the farrier’s, and no doubt to Squire Gordon’s, to let him know about his son. When Mr. Bond, the farrier, came to look at the black horse that lay groaning on the grass, he felt him all over, and shook his head; one of his legs was broken. Then some one ran to our master’s house and came back with a gun; presently there was a loud bang and a dreadful shriek, and then all was still; the black horse moved no more.”

Anna Sewell (30 maart 1820 – 25 april 1878)
Mark Lester in een filmversie van “Black Beauty” uit 1971


De Duitse dichter, schrijver en draaiboekauteur Herbert Asmodi werd geboren op 30 maart 1923 in Heilbronn. Zie ook alle tags voor Herbert Asmodi op dit blog.

Sprich Scheherazade

Sprich Scheherazade
Du hast die Nacht im Haar
Der Mond im Wolkenbade
Ist ein anderer Mond als er war.

Laß mich den Tod vergessen
Und was ich vom Tod gedacht
Du hast vom Mond gegessen
Und zärtlich ist die Nacht.

Laß mich lauschen und liegen
Und in dein Antlitz sehn
Wie die Zauberteppiche fliegen
Und die bösen Wesire vergehn.

Sprich. Und halte nicht inne
Die Nächte tausend und ein
Tief tauchen Sehnsucht und Sinne
In deine Geschichten ein.

Ein Zeug von Träumen fallen
Wir hin durch Tag und Jahr
Es ist ein Wahn in allen
Und nur die Geschichten sind wahr.

Sprich weiter und drehe die Spiegel
Erden- und himmelwärts
Der Morgen steigt in die Bügel
Das Licht greift in die Zügel
O drück der Liebe Siegel
Mir trostvoll auf das Herz.

Herbert Asmodi (30 maart 1923 – 3 maart 2007)


De Ierse dichter en toneelschrijver Sean O’Casey werd geboren in Dublin op 30 maart 1880. Zie ook alle tags voor Sean O’Casey op dit blog.

Uit: Autobiographies

“The gangster, Christy Mahon, looked doubtfully at Sean when he came to the job with a navvy shovel on his shoulder. Mahon was another big and powerful man of fifty or so, wide-shouldered and deep-chested; lazy as sin, and as ignorant as a kish of brogues. Doesn’t know the name of his own religion, couldn’t recognize the number on his own hall-door, and hardly make out a bee from a bull’s balls, one of the workmen whispered to Sean, a few days later.

It has often been recorded in the press, by those who could guess shrewdly, that Sean was a slum dramatist, a gutter-snipe who could jingle a few words together out of what he had seen and heard. The terms were suitable and accurate, for he was both, and, all his life, he would hold the wisdom and courage that these conditions had given him. Wheresoever he would go, whomsoever he might meet, be the places never so grandiloquent and rich, the persons never so noble in rank and origin, he, O’Casey, would ever preserve, ever wear – though he would never flaunt it – the tattered badge of his tribe. Not that he thought of praise or blame for it, but simply because he had to bring his life around with him. But he would sew on that badge, soiled with the diseased sweat of the tenements, a coloured ribbon or two of his own making, and, maybe, fix in its centre (like the jewel in the toad’s head) a ruby or an emerald, giving the poor badge a gleam as good as any ancient order of chivalry, or that which goes with the posing piety of the Papal Court.”

Sean O’Casey (30 maart 1880 – 18 september 1964)


De Duitse schrijfster en vertaalster Christine Wolter werd geboren op 30 maart 1939 in Königsberg. Zie ook alle tags voor Christine Wolter op dit blog.

Uit: The Rooms Of Memory (Vertaald door Isabel Cole)

“The trees grew darker, the piece of sky was still bright, the black flitter rose and fell, on into the night. The oaks, acacias and lindens merged to a softly-swaying black mass. I turned away, back to the room which had once belonged to me, but the same twilight muteness awaited me there, only gentler, homelier, more familiar, even with the emptied bookcases.
Among the books I had set aside for myself before the used book dealer came was one I had read many years ago. It had always been like a friendly affirmation when I saw the black binding and the title in the red field, a reassuring pledge, a memory of her library from those distant shared years when the two of them, curious, not without irony, had dabbled in the currents of the life, death and nature philosophies. Now the book was packed away in a carton, the gold title on the red field out of sight: DEATH AS A FRIEND.
But really, I knew, this circling, some birds’ black soaring, was not sad and not comfortless. For I did find comfort, especially on evenings like this, even if it was not enough to satisfy my thirst for it. Even this circling, now swallowed by the darkness as I turned away, was comfort. It really was, I said to myself, nothing could be better than this soundlessness. This up and down soaring in unending unrest, this migration by unalterable decree. Not the image, not this vanished sky, so like the pale and mute sky of that other day, only I was sad.“

Christine Wolter (Königsberg, 30 maart 1939)