Michael Longley, Hilde Domin, Theodore Dreiser, Marijke Höweler, Julien Gracq, Hilaire Belloc, Vladimir Korolenko, Lafcadio Hearn, Rajzel Zychlinsk, Alexandre Dumas fils, Denis Davydov

De Ierse dichter Michael Longley werd geboren op 27 juli 1939 in Belfast. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2009.

For Penny and David Cabot

The Mountain

This is ravens’ territory, skulls, bones,
The marrow of these boulders supervised
From the upper air: I stand alone here
And seem to gather children about me,
A collection of picnic things, my voice
Filling the district as I call their names.


The Path

With my first step I dislodge the mallards
Whose necks strain over the bog to where
Kittiwakes scrape the waves: then, the circle
Widening, lapwings, curlews, snipe until
I am left with only one swan to nudge
To the far side of its gradual disdain.


The Strand

I discover, remaindered from yesterday,
Cattle tracks, a sanderling’s tiny trail,
The footprints of the children and my own
Linking the dunes to the water’s edge,
Reducing to sand the dry shells, the toe
And fingernail parings of the sea.


Michael Longley (Belfast, 27 juli 1939)


De Duitse schrijfster, dichteres en vertaalster Hilde Domin werd geboren in Keulen als Hilde Löwenstein op 27 juli 1909. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2006 en ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2009.

Ich will dich

ich will dich
aufrauhen mit Schmirgelpapier
du geleckte

(die ich meine
Freiheit von und zu)

Du wirst geleckt
mit Zungenspitzen
bis du ganz rund bist
auf allen Tüchern

Freiheit Wort
das ich aufrauhen will
ich will dich mit Glassplittern spicken
daß man dich schwer auf die Zunge nimmt
und du niemandes Ball bist

und andere
Worte möchte ich mit Glassplittern spicken
wie Konfuzius befiehlt
der alte Chinese

Die Eckenschale sagt er
Ecken haben
sagt er
Oder der Staat geht zugrunde

Nichts weiter sagt er
ist vonnöten
das Runde rund
und das Eckige eckig


Die Welt riecht süß
nach Gestern.
Düfte sind dauerhaft.

Du öffnest das Fenster.
Alle Frühlinge
kommen herein mit diesem.

Frühling der mehr ist
als grüne Blätter.
Ein Kuß birgt alle Küsse.

Immer dieser glänzend glatte
Himmel über der Stadt,
in den die Straßen fließen.

Du weißt, der Winter
und der Schmerz
sind nichts, was umbringt.

Die Luft riecht heute süß
nach Gestern –
das süß nach Heute roch.


Hilde Domin (27 juli 1909 –  22 februari 2006)


De Amerikaanse schrijver Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser werd geboren op 27 juli 1871 in Sullivan, Indiana. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2007 en ook  mijn blog van 27 juli 2008 en ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2009.

Uit: Sister Carrie

„What, pray, is a few hours—a few hundred miles? She looked at the little slip bearing her sister’s address and wondered. She gazed at the green landscape, now passing in swift review, until her swifter thoughts replaced its impression with vague conjectures of what Chicago might be.
When a girl leaves her home at eighteen, she does one of two things. Either she falls into saving hands and becomes better, or she rapidly assumes the cosmopolitan standard of virtue and becomes worse. Of an intermediate balance, under the circumstances, there is no possibility. The city has its cunning wiles, no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter. There are large forces which allure with all the soulfulness of expression possible in the most cultured human. The gleam of a thousand lights is often as effective as the persuasive light in a wooing and fascinating eye. Half the undoing of the unsophisticated and natural mind is accomplished by forces wholly superhuman. A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human hives, appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms. Without a counsellor at hand to whisper cautious interpretations, what falsehoods may not these things breathe into the unguarded ear! Unrecognised for what they are, their beauty, like music, too often relaxes, then weakens, then perverts the simpler human perceptions.
Caroline, or Sister Carrie, as she had been half affectionately termed by the family, was possessed of a mind rudimentary in its power of observation and analysis. Self-interest with her was high, but not strong. It was, nevertheless, her guiding characteristic. Warm with the fancies of youth, pretty with the insipid prettiness of the formative period, possessed of a figure promising eventual shapeliness and an eye alight with certain native intelligence, she was a fair example of the middle American class—two generations removed from the emigrant. Books were beyond her interest—knowledge a sealed book. In the intuitive graces she was still crude. She could scarcely toss her head gracefully.“


Theodore  Dreiser (27 juli 1871 – 28 december 1945)


De Nederlandse schrijfster en psychologe Marijke Höweler werd geboren in Koog aan de Zaan op 27 juli 1938. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2009.

Uit: Het Huis

 ‘Leuk hè,’ zei Laisa. En dat was alweer iets wat ik nooit zo had bekeken. Vooral de laatste tijd niet. Er was iets aan de schapen wat me niet beviel. Daarom dacht ik voornamelijk aan verkopen.

‘Wat zou u doen, in ons geval,’ vroeg hij.

‘Wat moet ie ervoor hebben?’

Eerst dacht ik nog dat ik hem niet verstond. Dus liet ik het hem nóg eens zeggen. Toen er geen twijfel mogelijk was dat het om zes miljoenen franken ging, begon ik te begrijpen waarom de eigenaar geen betere buren voor mij wist dan deze.

‘Dan weet ik er nog wel een voor jullie,’ zei ik. En zonder na te denken, wees ik mijn eigen hoeve aan, die ongeveer hetzelfde is. ‘Die is vijf, die kan je ook zo hebben!’ Het was niet serieus bedoeld. Ik was dus blij dat ik zag dat ze hem niet moesten.

Hij zei, ‘die is ook mooi natuurlijk, maar dan mis je het uitzicht wel.’

‘Dat is Zuid West,’ zei ik, ‘daar komt de wind vandaan. Daarom kan je er beter eentje vóór je hebben.’ ‘Bent u van plan om te verhuizen?’ vroeg ze.

‘Kom rustig binnen kijken,’ zei ik. En dat er wel wat rommel zijn zou, zei ik ook, omdat ik een man alleen was.“


Marijke Höweler (27 juli 1938 – 5 mei 2006)


De Franse schrijver Julien Gracq werd geboren op 27 juli 1910 als Louis Poirier in Saint-Florent-le-Vieil bij Angers. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2009.

Uit: Au château d’Argol

«Albert passa toute la journée du lendemain dans le cabinet qu’il s’était aménagé dans la plus haute des tours du château, et d’où son œil plongeait sur la forêt. Son esprit était occupé de vagues et indistinctes rêveries: la forêt à la veille de cette visite attendue lui paraissait multiplier ses retraites, faire briller de secrets cheminements; une présence imminente la pénétrait toute comme une vie légère dont l’étincellement de ses feuilles parut être à Albert le symbolique témoin. Les salles vides du château attendirent que cette présence les peuplât, dans un pesant ensommeillement: le bruit d’un pas sur les dalles, un craquement des panneaux de chêne, le choc d’une abeille contre une vitre retentirent alors jusqu’au fond du cerveau comme un signal longtemps convoité. Il parut bizarrement à Albert que ce château somnolent dût être visité, ou périr, comme un château de légende entraînant sous ses décombres ses énigmatiques serviteurs endormis.»


Julien Gracq (27 juli 1910 – 22 december 2007)


De Britse dichter en schrijver Hilaire Belloc werd geboren te St-Cloud op 27 juli 1870. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2009.

[Month of) July

The Kings come riding back from the Crusade,
The purple Kings and all their mounted men;
They fill the street with clamorous cavalcade;
The Kings have broken down the Saracen.
Singing a great song of the eastern wars,
In crimson ships across the sea they came,
With crimson sails and diamonded dark oars,
That made the Mediterranean flash with flame.

And reading how, in that far month, the ranks
Formed on the edge of the desert, armoured all,
I wish to God that I had been with them
When the first Norman leapt upon the wall,
And Godfrey led the foremost of the Franks,
And young Lord Raymond stormed Jerusalem.


[Month of] August

The soldier month, the bulwark of the year,
That never more shall hear such victories told;
He stands apparent with his heaven-high spear,
And helmeted of grand Etruscan gold.
Our harvest is the bounty he has won,
The loot his fiery temper takes by strength.
Oh! Paladin of the Imperial sun!
Oh! crown of all the seasons come at length!

This is sheer manhood; this is Charlemagne,
When he with his wide host came conquering home
From vengeance under Roncesvalles ta’en.
Or when his bramble beard flaked red with foam
Of bivouac wine-cups on the Lombard plain,
What time he swept to grasp the world at Rome.


 Hilaire Belloc (27 juli 1870. – 16 juli 1953)


De Russische schrijver Vladimir Korolenko werd geboren op 27 juli 1853 in Zjitomir (Volynië). Zie ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2007 en ook  mijn blog van 27 juli 2008 en ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2009.

Uit: The Vagrant And Other Tales

 ” In the days of old Lang Syne! ” The forest soughed. . . . The forest always soughed, now with a murmur calm and prolonged, like the echo of distant ringing, and again soft and gentle, like a song without words or a dim memory of the past. It always soughed, for it was an old and mighty forest, still untouched by the saw or the axe of woodman or trader. The tall, centennial pines, with their vast trunks, stood like threatening warriors, and their green tops formed a massive wall. Everything below was still; the air was filled with an odor of resin. Ferns of vivid hues pushed their way through the carpet of pine-needles with which the ground was strewn, expanding luxuriantly and resting thereon, like a soft fringe, without stirring a leaf. In the damp corners the greengrass shot up its tall and slender stems, and the white clover, heavy with bloom, drooped its languid head; while over all soughed the forest, with long-drawn, indistinguishable sighs. Now the sighs were growing deeper and louder; and as I rode along the forest path, although I could not see the sky, I judged by the moaning of the trees that heavy clouds were slowly rising above it. It was late in. the afternoon. Here and there a sunbeam, made its way, but in the dense woods the twilight was spreading rapidly. Evidently a storm was brewing. All plans for hunting must be given up for to-day. The storm might overtake me before I could find shelter for the night. My horse snorted and pricked up his ears, when, striking his hoofs against the naked roots, he heard the sharp sound of the forest echo, and he quickened his pace as he drew near a familiar hut. A dog barked, and whitewashed walls glimmered through the trees.


 Vladimir Korolenko (27 juli 1853 – 25 december 1921)


De Engelstalige schrijver Lafcadio Hearn werd geboren op 27 juli 1850 op het Griekse eiland Lefkada. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2009.

Uit: Chita. A Memory of Last Island

„Thirty years ago, Last Island lay steeped in the enormous light of even such magical days. July was dying;—for weeks no fleck of cloud had broken the heaven’s blue dream of eternity; winds held their breath; slow wavelets caressed the bland brown beach with a sound as of kisses and whispers. To one who found himself alone, beyond the limits of the village and beyond the hearing of its voices,—the vast silence, the vast light, seemed full of weirdness. And these hushes, these transparencies,

do not always inspire a causeless apprehension: they are omens sometimes—omens of coming tempest. Nature,— incomprehensible Sphinx!—before hermightiest bursts of rage, ever puts forth her divinest witchery, makes more manifest her awful beauty. . . .

But in that forgotten summer the witchery lasted many long days,—days born in rose-light, buried in gold. It was the height of the season. The long myrtle-shadowed village was thronged with its summer population;—the big hotel could hardly accommodate all its guests;—the bathing-houses were too few for the crowds who flocked to the water morning and evening. There were diversions for all,—hunting and fishing parties, yachting excursions, rides, music, games, promenades.

Carriage wheels whirled flickering along the beach, seaming its smoothness noiselessly, as if muffled. Love wrote its dreams upon the sand. . . .

. . . Then one great noon, when the blue abyss of day seemed to yawn over the world more deeply than ever before, a sudden change touched the quicksilver smoothness of the waters—the swaying shadow of a vast motion.“


Lafcadio Hearn (27 juli 1850 – 26 september 1904)


De Poolse dichteres Rajzel Zychlinski werd geboren op 27 juli 1910 in Gąbin, Polen. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2007 en ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2009.

Who calls me here in the meadow?
Who still knows my name?
A thorn bush burns in the field–
a child cries from the flames.

I take off my shoes and approach
the little son of my neighbor;
his little hands are charcoal,
but his eyes are open still.



I am leaving you, shtetl,
your roads are blue as before.
You will celebrate autumns and fairs,
and the river will flow through the valley.


Rajzel Zychlinski (27 juli 1910 – 13 juni 2001)


De Franse schrijver Alexandre Dumas fils werd geboren op 27 juli 1824 in Parijs. Zie ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2009.

Uit: La Dame aux camélias

Je restai quelque temps dans cette heureuse famille, tout occupée de celui qui leur apportait la convalescence de son coeur. Je revins à Paris oùj’écrivis cette histoire telle qu’elle m’avait été racontée. Elle n’a qu’un mérite qui lui sera peut-être contesté, celui d’être vraie. Je ne tire pas de ce récit la conclusion que toutes les filles comme Marguerite sont capables de faire ce qu’elle a fait ; loin de là, maisj’ai eu connaissance qu’une d’elles avait éprouvé dans sa vie un amour sérieux, qu’elle en avait souffert et qu’elle en était morte.J’ai raconté au lecteur ce quej’avais appris. C’était un devoir. »


Alexandre Dumas fils (27 juli 1824 – 27 november 1895)

Buste door Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux in het Musée d’Orsay


Zie voor onderstaande schrijver ook  mijn blog van 27 juli 2008 en ook mijn blog van 27 juli 2007.

De Russische dichter en soldaat Denis Vasilyevich Davydov werd geboren op 27 juli 1784 in Moskou..