Michail Lermontov, Italo Calvino, Tessa de Loo, P.G. Wodehouse, Mario Puzo, Vergilius, Kees Beekmans

De Russische dichter en schrijver Michail Joerjevitsj Lermontov werd geboren op 15 oktober 1814 in Moskou. Zie ook mijn blog van 15 oktober 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Michail Lermontov op dit blog.

The Dream

In noon’s heat, in a dale of Dagestan
With lead inside my breast, stirless I lay;
The deep wound still smoked on; my blood
Kept trickling drop by drop away.
On the dale’s sand alone I lay. The cliffs
Crowded around in ledges steep,
And the sun scorched their tawny tops
And scorched me – but I slept death’s sleep.
And in a dream I saw an evening feast
That in my native land with bright lights shone;
Among young women crowned with flowers,
A merry talk concerning me went on.
But in the merry talk not joining,
One of them sat there lost in thought,
And in a melancholy dream
Her young soul was immersed – God knows by what.
And of a dale in Dagestan she dreamt;
In that dale lay the corpse of one she knew;
Within his breast a smoking wound showed black,
And blood ran in a stream that colder grew.


Heaven And The Stars
Brilliant heavens of evening,

Distant stars clearly shining,
Bright as the rapture of childhood,
O why dare I send you nevermore greeting–
Stars, who are shining as clear as my joy?
What is thy sorrow?
Mortals make question.
This is my sorrow;
The heavens and the stars are–heaven and stars ever,
I am alas! but a perishing man!
Forever mortal
Envies his neighbor;
I envy rather
Ye in your freedom, ye stars ever radiant,
And only would be in your places!

Michail Lermontov (15 oktober 1814 – 27 juli 1841)
Lermontov, Poesjkin en Gogol op het Nationale Monument in het Kremlin van Novgorod

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Italo Calvino, Tessa de Loo, P.G. Wodehouse, Mario Puzo, Vergilius, Kees Beekmans

De Italiaanse schrijver Italo Calvino werd geboren in Santiago de las Vegas op Cuba op 15 oktober 1923. Zie ook mijn blog van 15 oktober 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Italo Calvino op dit blog.

Uit:Invisible Cities (Vertaald door William Weaver)

“And these innovations do not disturb your city’s astral rhythm?” I asked.
“Our city and the sky correspond so perfectly, ” they answered, “that any change in Andria involves some novelty among the stars.” The astronomers, after each change takes place in Andria, peer into their telescopes and report a nova’s explosion, or a remote point in the firmament’s change of color from orange to yellow, the expansion of a nebula, the bending of a spiral of the Milky Way. Each change implies a sequence of other changes, in Andria as among the stars: the city and the sky never remain the same.
As for the character of Andria’s inhabitants, two virtues are worth mentioning: self-confidence and prudence. Convinced that every innovation in the city influences the sky’s pattern, before taking any decision they calculate the risks and advantages for themselves and for the city and for all worlds.
If you choose to believe me, good. Now I will tell how Octavia, the spider-web city, is made. There is a precipice between two steep mountains: the city is over the void, bound to the two crests with ropes and chains and catwalks. You walk on the little wooden ties, careful not to set your foot in the open spaces, or you cling to the hempen strands. Below there is nothing for hundreds and hundreds of feet: a few clouds glide past; farther down you can glimpse the chasm’s bed.
This is the foundation of the city: a net which serves as passage and as support. All the rest, instead of rising up, is hung below: rope ladders, hammocks, houses made like sacks, clothes hangers, terraces like gondolas, skins of water, gas jets, spits, baskets on strings, dumb-waiters, showers, trapezes and rings for children’s games, cable cars, chandeliers, pots with trailing plants.
Suspended over the abyss, the life of Octavia’s inhabitants is less uncertain than in other cities. They know the net will last only so long. “

Italo Calvino (15 oktober 1923 – 19 november 1985)

Lees verder “Italo Calvino, Tessa de Loo, P.G. Wodehouse, Mario Puzo, Vergilius, Kees Beekmans”

Italo Calvino, Tessa de Loo, Mario Puzo, Vergilius, Kees Beekmans

De Italiaanse schrijver Italo Calvino werd geboren in Santiago de las Vegas op Cuba op 15 oktober 1923. Zie ook mijn blog van 15 oktober 2008 en ook mijn blog van 15 oktober 2009 en ook mijn blog van 15 oktober 2010

Uit: Invisible Cities (Vertaald door William Weaver)

Whether Armilla is like this because it is unfinished or because it has been demolished, whether the cause is some enchantment or only a whim, I do not know. The fact remains that it has no walls, no ceilings, no floors: it has nothing that makes it seem a city except the water pipes that rise vertically where the houses should be and spread out horizontally where the floors should be: a forest of pipes that end in taps, shouwers, spouts, overflows. Against the sky a lavabo’s white stands out, or a bathtub, or some other porcelain, like late fruit still hanging from the boughs. You would think that the plumbers had finished their job and gone away before the bricklayers arrived; or else their hydraulic systems, indestructable, had survived a catastrophe, an earthquake, or the corrosion of termites.

Abandoned before or after it was inhabited, Armilla cannot be called deserted. At any hour, raising your eyes among the pipes, you are likely to glimpse a young woman, or many young women, slender, not tall of stature, luxuriating in the bathtubs or arching their backs under the showers suspended in the void, washing or drying or perfuming themselves, or combing their long hair at a mirror. In the sun, the threads of water fanning from the showers glisten, the jets of the taps, the spurts, the splases, the sponges’ suds.

I have come to this explaination: the streams of water channeled in the pipes of Armilla have remained in th posession of nymphs and naiads. Accustomed to traveling along underground veins, they found it easy to enter the new aquatic realm, to burst from multiple fountains, to find new mirrors, new games, new ways of enjoying the water. Their invasion may have driven out the human beings, or Armilla may have been built by humans as a votive offering to win the favor of the nymphs, offended at the misuse of the waters. In any case, now they seem content, these maidens: in the morning you hear them singing.”


Italo Calvino (15 oktober 1923 – 19 november 1985)

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