Fay Weldon, Rosamunde Pilcher, György Faludy, Hans Leip, Uri Zvi Greenberg, Barthold Heinrich Brockes

De Britse schrijfster Fay Weldon werd geboren op 22 september 1931 in Alvechurch, Engeland. Zie ook alle tags voor Fay Weldon op dit blog.

Uit: Big Girls Don’t Cry

“Stephanie doesn’t get the joke. This is her life problem. Her life asset is her beauty. In 1971 she is twenty-five; she has perfect features, a lanky body, abundant blonde straight hair, and rather large hands and feet. Layla is twenty-six, shorter, plumper, funnier; she has curly dark hair. One side of Layla’s face does not line up with the other, so she is called sexy and attractive, but seldom beautiful. Layla does not regard this as a life problem. She has too much to think about.
The posters declare over and over, A Woman Needs a Man like a Fish Needs a Bicycle. People stare a moment and pass on. The message makes no sense. Obviously women need men. Everyone needs men. Masculinity is all. Armies need men, and government and business and technology and high finance. And teaching and medicine and adventuring and fashion. And all the serious arts. Offices, except for the typing pool, which is female, need men. It’s homes which need women, except for the lawn which is male. Women are for sex, motherhood and domesticity. Men are in for status and action. Outside the home is high status, inside the home is low status. In popular myth men make decisions, women try on hats. The world is all id and precious little anima. Layla and Stephie, friends, mean to change all this. A Woman Needs a Man like a Fish Needs a Bicycle. Ho, ho, ho. Everyone knows women compete for male attention; isn’t this how the problem of female bitchery arises? Catty? Felines are nothing compared with women. Perhaps this puzzle poster is advertising something?
A couple of tourists, Brian and Nancy from New Zealand, emerge from the crowds in Carnaby Street. They have been rendered punch-drunk by colour, fabric, and the smell of patchouli. These are still flower-power and drug days. See feather boas, silk caftans, crushed velvet hats; lots of mauve, flares, miniskirts, platform heels; good-looking guys with lots of hair, girls with doll faces drifting behind them; wide eyes, fake lashes, white faces. Brian and Nancy both wear white Aertex shirts and tennis shoes for ease and comfort. Both are in culture shock. They flew in today from Wellington. (It took thirty-six hours.) They are accustomed to mountains, plains and sheep farms. Brian is gloriously handsome and golden. Nancy is pleasing enough to look at, but lacks eroticism: she’s tall, long-limbed, and manages to appear gawky rather than slender.”

Fay Weldon (Alvechurch, 22 september 1931)

De Britse schrijfster Rosamunde Pilcher werd op 22 september 1924 geboren in Lelant, Cornwall, Groot-Brittannië. Zie ook alle tags voor Rosamunde Pilcher op dit blog.

Uit: The Shell Seekers

“She sometimes thought that for her, Nancy Chamberlain, the most straightforward or innocent occupation was doomed to become, inevitably, fraught with tedious complication.
Take this morning. A dull day in the middle of March. All she was doing … all she planned to do … was to catch the 9:15 from Cheltenham to London, have lunch with her sister Olivia, perhaps pop into Harrods, and then return home. There was nothing, after all, particularly heinous about this proposal. She was not about to indulge in a wild orgy of extravagance, nor meet a lover; in fact, it was a duty visit more than anything else, with responsibilities to be discussed and decisions made, and yet as soon as the plan was voiced to her household, circumstances seemed to close ranks, and she was faced with objections, or, worse, indifference, and left feeling as though she were fighting for her life.
Yesterday evening, having made the arrangement with Olivia over the phone, she had gone in search of her children. She found them in the small living room, which Nancy euphemistically thought of as the library, sprawled on the sofa in front of the fire, watching television. They had a playroom and a television of their own, but the playroom had no fireplace and was deathly cold, and the television was an old black-and-white, so it was no wonder they spent most of their time in here.
“Darlings, I have to go to London tomorrow to meet Aunt Olivia and have a talk about Granny Pen …”
“If you’re going to be in London, then who’s going to take Lightning to the blacksmith to be shod?”
That was Melanie. As she spoke, Melanie chewed the end of her pigtail and kept one baleful eye glued to the manic rock singer whose image filled the screen. She was fourteen and was going through, as her mother kept telling herself, that awkward age.
Nancy had expected this question and had her answer ready.
“I’ll ask Croftway to deal with that. He ought to be able to manage on his own.”
Croftway was the surly gardener-handyman who lived with his wife in a flat over the stables. He hated the horses and constantly spooked them into a frenzy with his loud voice and uncouth ways, but part of his job was helping to cope with them, and this he grudgingly did, manhandling the poor lathered creatures into the horse-box, and then driving this unwieldly vehicle across country to various Pony Club events. On these occasions Nancy always referred to him as “the groom.”

Rosamunde Pilcher (Lelant, 22 september 1924)
Scene uit de gelijknamige tv-film uit 1989 met o.a. Angela Lansbury als Penelope Keeling (rechts)

De Hongaarse dichter en schrijver György Faludy werd geboren op 22 september 1910 in Boedapest. Zie ook alle tags voor György Faludy op dit blog.

Ballade de celui qui n’est fils de personne

Comme un grand chapeau, le ciel bleu m’a recouvert,
et il s’est trouvé pour moi un seul ami fidèle: le brouillard.
Parmi des plats garnis la faim m’a saisi,
et j’ai eu froid à en mourir devant des poêles chauffés au rouge.
Là où j’ai mis la main, il n’y avait que des tuiles qui tombaient,
et la boue montait jusqu’à atteindre le bord de ma bouche,
près de ma route les roses mouraient
et mon souffle rendait l’été terne,
je m’étonne déjà presque de la lumière du jour,
de ce qu’elle brille encore parfois sur mes épaules en haillons,
moi qui ai parcouru tous les six mondes,
partout béni et partout cible de crachats.

J’ai lutté contre le vent dans les champs gelés,
mon vêtement n’est qu’une feuille de vigne,
rien n’est plus pur pour moi que la nuit,
rien n’est plus sombre pour moi que le midi.
J’ai éclaté en sanglots au fond des tavernes de marins,
de même que je ris dans les cimetières;
ce que j’ai est seulement ce que j’ai jeté dans la boue,
et j’ai tué tout ce que j’aime.
Avec son givre blanc, l’automne s’est déjà couché
sur mes tempes et mes cheveux roux comme le feu,
et je vais ainsi, sifflotant tout seul,
partout béni et partout cible de crachats.

Le ciel victorieux a posé sa tente sur moi,
la rosée a coloré de bleu mon front,
et c’est ainsi que j’ai poursuivi Dieu, qui a reculé,
et poursuivi l’avenir, qui est comme mon foyer.
Je me suis reposé des heures sur les sommets montagneux
et j’ai regardé avec admiration le casseur de pierres en sueur,
mais je suis passé en sifflotant près des cathédrales
et je me suis moqué de l’évêque aux vêtements ornés,
et pour cela il n’est tombé que baisers et coups de cravache
sur mon pauvre corps, qui s’est couché tout pareillement
parmi les coussins brodés et dans la boue des rues,
partout béni et partout cible de crachats.

Et bien que je n’aie ni maison, ni vin, ni épouse
et que le vent me siffle entre les jambes,
j’aurai encore de l’argent, et j’espère avec certitude
qu’un jour tout me réussira.
Et quand je serai lassé de manger dans des plats en or,
j’abandonnerai encore une fois les palais,
les vers danseront déjà la gigue pour atteindre mon ventre,
et quelque part sur les feuilles mortes d’automne,
au pied d’un vieux buisson d’épines sur lequel ne brillera
que la lumière douteuse d’une mauvaise étoile,
c’est là qu’un jour je resterai, François Villon, couché,
partout béni et partout cible de crachats.

György Faludy (22 september 1910 – 1 september 2006)
De Hongaarse acteur Turek Miklós presenteerde leven en werk van György Faludy tijdens een theatervoorstelling in Őriszentpéter, 2004

De Duitse dichter en schrijver Hans Leip werd geboren op 22 september 1893 in Hamburg. Zie ook alle tags voor Hans Leip op dit blog.

Uit: Die Nächtezettel der Sinsebal

“(Sinsebal tanzt vor einem Spiegel in ihrer einsamen Stube)

Dann tanze ich das Spiegellied. Das Spiegellied? Oho! Was weiß mein Bein von mir? Was weiß mein Nacken von mir? Was weiß die weiße Haut? Der Vorhang ist zu, der Teppich grau und ein einziger Kuß. Da schläft mein Bett allein. Nein, gaffen die Kissen? Und pumpen die Puppen im Stuhl in der Kuhle die Mäuler zum Wundern rund? Die Berge schmunzeln auf den Bildern. Was macht die Lampe denn? Die Lampe macht sich winzig, rennt in mein Knotenhaar, brennt in mein Bronzepudelhaar, ein Edelstein, mein süßer Karfunk!
Ei Fürstin, ei Engelbengel, hü! Ei Töchterlein, ei Schmatz, mein Schatz!
Nun neigen sich die Arme sehr, die Schultern schleichen hinterdrein. Nun schlüpft das Knie davon, nun ruft das andre zärtlich nach. Schnipp, macht der Finger.
Nun heben sich die Zehen, tirili. Nun scharwenzen die Hüften juja, nun klingeln ting, ting die Brüstelein.
Nun stülpt eine Glocke über mich. O schwanker Trunk, dunkles Blau! Wer schwingt mich so, o halt, nein! O ja, schön! Noch fängt mich der Spiegel, steif grapst mich sein Mantel, nun klemmt er nicht mehr, schmal bin ich ihm weg, fängt mich nicht, fängt mich nicht! Nun Kreisel, nun Mond im Griff. Wirft mich ein Gaukler? Ein Walfisch schnappt mich. Feuer ist, Feuer ist! O schauert mich Eis!
Nun kreiseln die Wiesen, viel Blumen wie Mücken, die Schwalben, die Rehe, o schwindelnder Duft; nun häng’ ich im Wind, wie Zweige geschaukelt, wie Blätter geschleudert, wie Sternschnuppen blank. Nun schieß’ ich hinauf, o dunkel, o sausend, nun schluckt mich die Sonne, nun ist sie mein Tanzrad, ist toll, ist toll, o Fieber, ich brenne! Zu Regenbögen gestriemt die Wände, die Puppen, die Stühle, mein Hemd, meine Kissen, mein Bett, meine Bücher, ich schwebe, ich falle!”

Hans Leip (22 september 1893 – 6 juni 1983)


De Israëlische Hebreeuwse en Jiddische dichter en politicus Uri Zvi Greenberg werd geboren op 22 september 1896 in Bialikamin, Lviv, in Galicië, destijds behorend tot Oostenrijk-Hongarije. Zie ook alle tags voor Uri Zvi Greenberg op dit blog.

We Were Not Likened To Dogs

We were not likened to dogs among the Gentiles—by them a dog is pitied
Caressed and even kissed by the Gentile mouth, for like the puppy
Beloved of his home, he is fondled and rejoiced in always:
And when this dog dies—how very much the Gentile mourns him!

We were not led like sheep to the slaughter in the boxcars
For like leprous sheep they led us to extinction
Over all the beautiful landscapes of Europe… .
The Gentiles did not handle their sheep as they handled our bodies:
Before slaughter they did not pull out the teeth of their sheep:
They did not pluck the wool from their bodies as they did to us:
They did not push the sheep into the fire to make ashes of the living
And to scatter the ashes over rivers and sewers.

Are there other parables like this, our catastrophe, that came to us from their hands?
There are no other parables (all words are shades of shadow)—
And therein is the horror-striking expression: There are no other parables!
Every cruel torture that man may yet do to man in a Gentile country,
The future fashioner of parables will liken so: He was tortured like a Jew.

Uri Zvi Greenberg (22 september 1896 – 8 mei 1981)
Portret uit 1942

De Duitse dichter Barthold Heinrich Brockes werd geboren in Hamburg op 22 september 1680. Zie ook alle tags voor Barthold Heinrich Brockes op dit blog.

Gedanken bey dem Fall der Blätter im Herbst

In einem angenehmen Herbst, bey ganz entwölktem heiterm Wetter,
Indem ich im verdünnten Schatten, bald Blätter-loser Bäume, geh′,
Und des so schön gefärbten Laubes annoch vorhandnen Rest beseh′;
Befällt mich schnell ein sanfter Regen, von selbst herabgesunkner Blätter.

Ein reges Schweben füllt die Luft. Es zirkelt, schwärmt′ und drehte sich
Ihr bunt, sanft abwärts sinkend Heer; doch selten im geraden Strich.
Es schien die Luft, sich zu bemühn, den Schmuck, der sie bisher gezieret,
So lang es möglich, zu behalten, und hindert′ ihren schnellen Fall.
Hiedurch ward ihre leichte Last, im weiten Luft-Kreis überall,
In kleinen Zirkelchen bewegt, in sanften Wirbeln umgeführet,
Bevor ein jedes seinen Zweck, und seiner Mutter Schooß, berühret;
Um sie, bevor sie aufgelöst, und sich dem Sichtlichen entrücken,
Mit Decken, die weit schöner noch, als persianische, zu schmücken.

Ich hatte diesem sanften Sinken, der Blätter lieblichem Gewühl,
Und dem dadurch, in heitrer Luft, erregten angenehmen Spiel,
Der bunten Tropfen schwebendem, im lindem Fall formiertem, Drehn,
Mit offnem Aug′, und ernstem Denken, nun eine Zeitlang zugesehn;
Als ihr von dem geliebten Baum freywilligs Scheiden (da durch Wind,
Durch Regen, durch den scharfen Nord, sie nicht herabgestreifet sind;
Nein, willig ihren Sitz verlassen, in ihren ungezwungnen Fällen)
Nach ernstem Denken, mich bewog, sie mir zum Bilde vorzustellen,
Von einem wohlgeführten Alter, und sanftem Sterben; Die hingegen,
Die, durch der Stürme strengen Hauch, durch scharfen Frost, durch schwehren Regen
Von ihren Zweigen abgestreift und abgerissen, kommen mir,
Wie Menschen, die durch Krieg und Brand und Stahl gewaltsam fallen, für.

Wie glücklich, dacht′ ich, sind die Menschen, die den freywillgen Blättern gleichen,
Und, wenn sie ihres Lebens Ziel, in sanfter Ruh′ und Fried′, erreichen;
Der Ordnung der Natur zufolge, gelassen scheiden, und erbleichen!

Barthold Heinrich Brockes (22 september 1680 – 16 januari 1747)

Dannie Abse, Lodewijk van Deyssel, Nick Cave, Fay Weldon, György Faludy, Hans Leip, Uri Zvi Greenberg, Rosamunde Pilcher, Nathan Hill

De Britse dichter en schrijver Dannie Abse werd geboren op 22 september 1923 in Cardiff, Wales. Zie ook mijn blog van 22 september 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Dannie Abse op dit blog.

In the Theatre

Sister saying—‘Soon you’ll be back in the ward,’
sister thinking—‘Only two more on the list,’
the patient saying—‘Thank you, I feel fine’;
small voices, small lies, nothing untoward,
though, soon, he would blink again and again
because of the fingers of Lambert Rogers,
rash as a blind man’s, inside his soft brain.

If items of horror can make a man laugh
then laugh at this: one hour later, the growth
still undiscovered, ticking its own wild time;
more brain mashed because of the probe’s braille path;
Lambert Rogers desperate, fingering still;
his dresser thinking, ‘Christ! Two more on the list,
a cisternal puncture and a neural cyst.’

Then, suddenly, the cracked record in the brain,
a ventriloquist voice that cried, ‘You sod,
leave my soul alone, leave my soul alone,’—
the patient’s dummy lips moving to that refrain,
the patient’s eyes too wide. And, shocked,
Lambert Rogers drawing out the probe
with nurses, students, sister, petrified.

‘Leave my soul alone, leave my soul alone,’
that voice so arctic and that cry so odd
had nowhere else to go—till the antique
gramophone wound down and the words began
to blur and slow, ‘ … leave … my … soul … alone … ‘
to cease at last when something other died.
And silence matched the silence under snow.



Most are innocent, shy, will not undress.
They own neither genitals nor pubic hair.
Only the fallen of the hierarchy
make an appearance these secular days.

No longer useful as artists’ models,
dismissed by theologians, morale tends
to be low—even high class angels grumble
as they loiter in our empty churches.

Neutered, they hide when a gothic door opens.
Sudden light blinds them, footsteps deafen,
Welsh hymns stampede their shadows entirely.
Still their stink lingers, cold stone and incense.

But the fallen dare even to Downing Street,
astonish, fly through walls for their next trick;
spotlit, enter the dreams of the important,
slowly open their gorgeous, Carnaby wings.

Dannie Abse (22 september 1923 – 28 september 2014)

Lees verder “Dannie Abse, Lodewijk van Deyssel, Nick Cave, Fay Weldon, György Faludy, Hans Leip, Uri Zvi Greenberg, Rosamunde Pilcher, Nathan Hill”

Uri Zvi Greenberg, Rosamunde Pilcher, Hans Leip, Barthold Heinrich Brockes

De Israëlische Hebreeuwse en Jiddische dichter en politicus Uri Zvi Greenberg werd geboren op 22 september 1896 in Bialikamin, Lviv, in Galicië, destijds behorend tot Oostenrijk-Hongarije. Zie ook alle tags voor Uri Zvi Greenberg op dit blog.


One Truth and Not Two

Your Rabbis taught: A land is bought with money
You buy the land and work it with a hoe.
And I say: A land is not bought with money
And with a hoe you also dig and bury the dead.
And I say: A land is conquered with blood.
And only when conquered with blood is hallowed to the people
With the holiness of the blood.
And only one who follows after the cannon in the field,
Thus wins the right to follow after his good plow
On this, the field that was conquered.
And only such a field gives nourishing and healthy bread
And the house which arises on its hill is truly a fortress and a temple,
Because in this field there is honorable blood.
Your Rabbis taught: The messiah will come in future generations:
And Judea will arise without fire and without blood.
It will arise with every tree, with every additional house.
And I say: If your generation will be slow
And will not grasp in its hands and forcibly mold its future
And in fire will not come with the Shield of David
And in blood will not come with its horses saddled –
The Messiah will not come even in a far off generation.
Judea will not arise.
And you will be living slaves to every foreign ruler.
Your houses will be straw for the sparks of every wicked one.
And your trees will be cut down with their ripe fruit.
And a man will react the same as a babe
To the sword of the enemy –
And only your ramblings will remain – yours…
And your statue, an eternal curse.
Your Rabbis taught: There is one truth for the nations:
Blood for blood – but it is not a truth for Jews.
And I say: There is one truth and not two.
As there is one sun and as there are not two Jerusalems.
It was written in the Law of Conquest of Moses and Joshua
Until the last of my kings and my traitors have consumed.
And there will be a day when from the river of Egypt until the Euphrates
And from the sea until the mountain passes of Moav my boys will go up
And they will call my enemies and my haters to the last battle.
And the blood will decide: Who is the only ruler here



Vertaald door Laurence Cramer



Uri Zvi Greenberg (22 september 1896 – 8 mei 1981)

Lees verder “Uri Zvi Greenberg, Rosamunde Pilcher, Hans Leip, Barthold Heinrich Brockes”

Uri Zvi Greenberg, Rosamunde Pilcher, Hans Leip, Barthold Heinrich Brockes

De Israëlische Hebreeuwse en Jiddische dichter en politicus Uri Zvi Greenberg werd geboren op 22 september 1896 in Bialikamin, Lviv, in Galicië, destijds behorend tot Oostenrijk-Hongarije. Zie ook mijn blog van 22 september 2010


Under the Tooth of their Plough

Once more the snows have melted there…and the murderers gone back to farming.
There they have gone out to plough their fields, for that is their name for my graveyards.
If the tooth of their plough, rolling skull-like over the furrow, should churn up
A skeleton of mine, the ploughman will not be saddened or shocked,
But will grin and recognize it, recognize the mark where his tools struck.

Spring anew over land: bud and bulb and lilac and warbling birds.
By the shining stream of shallow waters, the resting place of herds,
The roving Jews are no more: no more with their beards and side-curls.
They are no more in the inns with tallit and tsitsit over their shirts;
They are no more in the grocery store or the clothing store,
They are no more in their workshops and traincars now,
They are no more in the synagogue, even, or in the marketplace,
But under the tooth of the Christian plough.
For the Lord doth visit His goys with grace.

But spring will be spring- and summer comes fatly ever after,
The roadside trees are fruit-fat as garden trees, as never before.
The fruit has never been as red or juicy as it is now
That the Jews are no more.

The Jews didn’t have any bells to beckon God by1
Blessèd are the Christians, for theirs are the bells on high,
Bells whose voice booms gravely through the plain there now in spring,
Thickly spewed through the breadth of lands that fragrance and colors cover.
It is almighty and master of all: there is nothing more to pass over
As once He passed over the roofs of the Jews.

Blessèd are the Christians, for theirs are the bells on high,
To honor a God who loves all Christians and all of humankind.
And all of the Jews are corpses under the tooth of their plough
Or under the grass of pastures.

Or in the forest’s graves
On river banks, on river bottoms, or dumped along
The roads where they belong.

O praise ye your dear sweet Jesus
With the bang of your big bells:

Vertaald door A.Z. Foreman


Uri Zvi Greenberg (22 september 1896 – 8 mei 1981)

Lees verder “Uri Zvi Greenberg, Rosamunde Pilcher, Hans Leip, Barthold Heinrich Brockes”

Dannie Abse, Lodewijk van Deyssel, Fay Weldon, György Faludy, Uri Zvi Greenberg, Rosamunde Pilcher, Hans Leip, Barthold Heinrich Brockes

De Britse dichter en schrijver Dannie Abse werd geboren op 22 september 1923 in Cardiff, Wales. Zie ook mijn blog van 22 september 2007 en mijn blog van 22 september 2008 en ook mijn blog van 22 september 2009.


What is more intimate
than a lover’s demure whisper?
Like the moment before Klimt’s The Kiss.
What’s more conspiratorial
than two people in love?
So it was all our eager summers
but now the yellow leaf has fallen
and the old rooted happiness
plucked out. Must I rejoice when
teardrops on a wire turn to ice?
Last night, lying in bed,
I remembered how, pensioners both,
before sleep, winter come,
your warm foot suddenly
would console my cold one.



Some prowl sea-beds, some hurtle to a star
and, mother, some obsessed turn over every stone
or open graves to let that starlight in.
There are men who would open anything.

Harvey, the circulation of the blood,
and Freud, the circulation of our dreams,
pried honourably and honoured are
like all explorers. Men who’d open men.

And those others, mother, with diseases
like great streets named after them: Addison,
Parkinson, Hodgkin—physicians who’d arrive
fast and first on any sour death-bed scene.

I am their slowcoach colleague, half afraid,
incurious. As a boy it was so: you know how
my small hand never teased to pieces
an alarm clock or flensed a perished mouse.

And this larger hand’s the same. It stretches now
out from a white sleeve to hold up, mother,
your X-ray to the glowing screen. My eyes look
but don’t want to; I still don’t want to know.


Dannie Abse (Cardiff, 22 september 1923)


De Nederlandse schrijver Lodewijk van Deyssel werd geboren op 22 september 1864 in Amsterdam. Zie ook mijn blog van 22 september 2006 en ook mijn blog van 22 september 2007 en mijn blog van 22 september 2008 en ook mijn blog van 22 september 2009.

Uit: De kleine republiek

“In de koude kerk ging elk naar zijn vaste plaats, op de smalle vaalstoffige knielplankjes […]. Toen alle jongens er waren, begon achter op de bovenkerkvloer, in de felste aflichting der waterklare hoog-vensters, tegen het groote altaar op, de mis van den direkteur, het zwarte achterhoofd boven de witte en goudig-gele miskleêren, staand midden voor de hooge smalle altaartafel, en in eht half uur een enkele maal, geel en wit, naar den rechter hoek gaand en naar den linker hoek, zich enkele malen keerend naar kerk, de handen recht-op open voor de schouders en weêr lang uit in de hoogte samengehouden voor kin en borst, en al het zilverig witte licht uit den hooge afgekaatst op den effen kwart-bol van het helwit weêrschijnende voorhoofd als een zon door een regenlucht. De donkere jongenslijven waren beneden, in diepe verte naar het altaar, dat hoog en breed boven hun samen-donkerte was in zijn alleen geel en wit. Twee jongens in zwarte toogjes dienden de direkteurs-mis, knielend op de bovenste treê van de omrondende altaartrappen. En telkens kwam er uit een muurdeur rechts van het altaar, een jongen, in zijn gewone pakje, de handen voor de borst om een kerkboek heen, en, drie pas achter hem, een professer in miskleêren, blinkend geel en wit, waardig matig aankomend over de lange wit en blauw ruitige steenen vloer, daalden de smalle trapjes af en gingen naar links, naar rechts, voor de gebankten heen, bezijde de gebankten langs, en stil aan de kleine altaartjes in de zijbeuken en achter de zijbeuken, in de open kapellen die de zijbeuken voortzetten rechts en links van de bovenkerk, en elk zijn mis aan ’t doen. Door de hoog-sombere stilte der boven-kerkruimten ging het geprevel en het geschel van de altaartjes op, zware fluisteringen van alle kanten.


 “Zij gingen zitten op de onderste tree, luisterden of er niet iemand kwam, maar de hoge kerkstilte bleef onbewogen achter hen. Dan schoof Willem zich zo, dat zijn rechterdij helemaal de geliefde raakte. Dan pakte hij hem aan, met zijn grove jongenslinksheid, zijn rechterarm langs de grijze rug doend, zijn linkerarm over de linker van de geliefde en over zijn borst, tot zijn handen vreemd elkaar voelden en samenvatten op die rechterschouder. Dan drukte hij zich tegen hem aan en zoende hem op zijn wangen en zijn mond.”


Lodewijk van Deyssel  (22 september 1864 – 26 januari 1952)

Een nog jonge van Deyssel


De Britse schrijfster Fay Weldon werd geboren op 22 september 1931 in Alvechurch, Engeland. Zie ook mijn blog van 22 september 2006 en ook mijn blog van 22 september 2007 en mijn blog van 22 september 2008 en ook mijn blog van 22 september 2009.

Uit: The Life and Loves of a She-Devil

„Mary Fisher lives in a High Tower, on the edge of the sea: she writes a great deal about the nature of love. She tells lies.
Mary Fisher is forty-three, and accustomed to love. There has always been a man around to love her, sometimes quite desperately, and she has on occasion returned this love, but never, I think, with desperation. She is a writer of romantic fiction. She tells lies to herself, and to the world.
Mary Fisher has $ (US) 754,300 on deposit in a bank in Cyprus, where the tax laws are lax. This is the equivalent of ý502,867 sterling, 1,931,009 German marks, 1,599,117 Swiss francs, 185,055,050 yen, and so forth, it hardly matters which. A woman’s life is what it is, in any corner of the world. And wherever you go it is the same — to them that hath, such as Mary Fisher, shall be given, and to them that hath not, such as myself, even that which they have shall be taken away.

Mary Fisher earned all her money herself. Her first husband, Jonah, told her that capitalism was immoral, and she believed him, having a gentle and pliable nature. Otherwise no doubt by now Mary Fisher would have a substantial portfolio of investments. As it is, she owns four houses and these are cumulatively worth — depending on the state of the property market — anything between half a million and a million dollars. A house, of course, only means anything in financial terms if there is anyone to buy it, or if you can bear to sell it. Otherwise a house can only be somewhere to live, or somewhere where those connected with you can live. With luck, the ownership of property brings peace of mind; without this luck it brings aggravation and discontent. I wish unluck in property matters on Mary Fisher.
Mary Fisher is small and pretty and delicately formed, prone to fainting and weeping and sleeping with men while pretending that she doesn’t.
Mary Fisher is loved by my husband, who is her accountant.
I love my husband and I hate Mary Fisher.“


Fay Weldon (Alvechurch, 22 september 1931)


De Hongaarse dichter en schrijver György Faludy werd geboren op 22 september 1910 in Boedapest. Zie ook mijn blog van 22 september 2009.

The Cabbage Moth

My eyes are on the tiny terrace garden
under a forebodingly dark sky.
From the left a white cabbage moth
comes flying in between the high
supporting walls. Most likely this
morning gave him these carefree wings,
but he should know this evening will
see the end of his happy flutterings.
And soon he exits to the right,
his visit to earth a hurried one,
just like ours, his schedule tight.
The clouds are heavy with rain to pour.
Two drops, and the moth will be gone.
Funny, I think. For me, it’ll take no more.


The Seventy-Sixth

Aladdin’s lamps, the stars above
the city have long lost their sheen.
The field has turned into a highway,
and the forest a magazine.
Oil is consumed by marshes,
and oxygen by industry,
the lakes are spawning rotting fish,
sulfur spices up the sea.
But the placid public mood
can’t see the knife not so far off,
our son will starve tomorrow,
for us plenty is not enough.
We’ve conquered nature all right,
but it’s our nature we should rise above.


Vertaald door Paul Sohar


György Faludy (22 september 1910 – 1 september 2006)


De Israëlische Hebreeuwse en Jiddische dichter en politicus Uri Zvi Greenberg werd geboren op 22 september 1896 in Bialikamin, Lviv, in Galicië, destijds behorend tot Oostenrijk-Hongarije. Greenberg stamde uit een beroemde chassidische familie. Van 1915 tot 1917 was hij een soldaat in het Oostenrijks-Hongaarse leger. Toen deserteerde hij. Terug in Lviv (Dt: Lemberg) in 1918 was hij getuige van de pogroms, iets wat hem diep beïnvloed heeft. Hij woonde daarna in Berlijn en Warschau, waar hij begon te schrijven in het Jiddisch en Hebreeuws. In 1924 emigreerde Greenberg naar het Britse mandaatgebied Palestina. Daar werd hij enthousiast over de kibboetsbeweging en schreef hij alleen nog in het Hebreeuws, eerst voor het tijdschrift Davar, een belangrijk orgaan van de zionistische linkse arbeidersbeweging. Na het bloedbad in Hebron in 1929 werd Greenberg steeds militanter. Hij bekritiseerde de passiviteit van de Britse autoriteiten ten aanzien van het geweld in het Palestijnse Mandaatgebied. Hij werd lid van de rechtse Irgun en de ondergrondse organisatie Lehi, een afsplitsing van de Irgun. Sinds 1930 was hij een fervent voorstander van de revisionistische vleugel van het zionisme, en vertegenwoordigde de revisionistische zionistische beweging tijdens verschillende bijeenkomsten in Polen. Bij het uitbreken van de Tweede Wereldoorlog was hij toevallig in Polen, maar hij was in staat om terug naar Palestina te gaan. De rest van zijn familie kwam tijdens de Holocaust om het leven. Na de stichting van Israël in 1948 tradGreenbergtoe tot de Herut Partij van Menachem Begin en in 1949 werd hij in de Knesset gekozen.

A Land Lost

Trusting their folly though their pilot is out
Blind to what’s written on the walls all about
Written by a hand moved by G-d’s ire
Hubris of traitors that to lead aspire.

My people obey them like sheep in human attire
Multitudes drifting to their funeral pyre
Their herders know not, but I know what they do
Pray G-d, a miracle, save, their doom undo

Lord, bare are all rocks and on the heather no dew.
For most are in the pit and the rest at its portal
I know, for I totter with my feet on its edge
dragging myself as the most wretched of prophets
of land lost by the guilt of its leaders.


The Great Sad One

The Almighty has dealt bitterly with me
That I did not believe him until my punishment,
Till he welled up in my tears, from the midst of my wounds.
And behold he is very lonely,
And he also lacks someone to confess to,
In whose arms he might sob his unbearable misery,
And this G-d walks about, without a body, without blood,
And his grief is double the grief of flesh,
Flesh that can warm another body of a third,
That can sit and smoke a cigarette
And drink coffee and wine,
And sleep and dream until the sun —
For him it is impossible for he is G-d.


Uri Zvi Greenberg (22 september 1896 – 8 mei 1981)


De Britse schrijfster Rosamunde Pilcher werd op 22 september 1924 geboren in Lelant, Cornwall, Groot-Brittannië. Zie ook mijn blog van 22 september 2009.

Uit: September

Death is nothing at all. It does not count. I have only slipped away into the next room. Nothing has happened. Everything remains exactly as it was. I am I, and you are you, and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged. Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by my old familiar name. Speak of me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference into your tone. Wear no forced air of solemnity of sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the jokes that we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was. There is absolute and unbroken continuity. What is this death but a negligible accident? Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well.”


Rosamunde Pilcher (Lelant, 22 september 1924)


De Duitse dichter en schrijver Hans Leip werd geboren op 22 september 1893 in Hamburg. Zie ook mijn blog van 22 september 2008.

Uit: Hamburg, Juli 1943

„So sah mans in Blankenese vom Bismarckstein aus, als die Bomber davonwaren; ich stand und zeichnete dies Blatt, und die brennende Stadt leuchtete über viele Kilometer hin genug, so daß ichs hinkriegen konnte mit dem schwarzen Kreidestift. Es war der dritte große Angriff gewesen. Den Nachmittag war ich vom Bodensee nach Hause gelangt. Am anderen Morgen fuhr ich mit Baurat Müller in die Stadt (dem Vater Gesas, der Freundin meiner ältesten Tochter Mule). An manchen Stellen brannte es noch. Ich sah einen verstörten Mann im Schlafanzug umherirren, einen Band Gedichte in der Hand. Er beschäftigte meine Phantasie so sehr, daß ich ihn Herr Pambel nannte und sein Schicksal beschrieb.“

„Hab und Gut häufte sich auf den Straßen, als sollte eine Auktion in freier Luft stattfinden. Der große deutsche Ausverkauf hatte begonnen. In mir sagten sich die ersten Zeilen des „Liedes im Schutt“ her. Ich zeichnete dabei, was ich sah, obwohl es verboten war …“


Hans Leip (22 september 1893 – 6 juni 1983)
Leip in 1936


De Duitse dichter Barthold Heinrich Brockes werd geboren in Hamburg op 22 september 1680. Brockes studeerde rechtsgeleerdheid in Halle en maakte reizen naar Italië, Frankrijk en Nederland. Hij vestigde zich vanaf 1704 in Hamburg. In 1720 werd hij benoemd als lid van de Hamburgse gemeenteraad, en bekleedde diverse functies in het bestuur van de stad. Hij was 6 jaar (van 1735 tot 1741) magistraat in Ritzebüttel. Gedichten van Brockes werden in 9 banden gepubliceerd onder de titel Irdisches Vergnügen in Gott (1721-1748). Hij vertaalde Giambattista Marini’s La Strage degli innocenti (1715), Alexander Pope’s Essay on Man (1740) en James Thomson’s Seasons (1745). Het libretto Der für die Sünden der Welt gemarterte und sterbende Jesus (1712) was één der eerste passie-oratoria, een vrije en poëtische meditatie op het passieverhaal zonder gebruik van een evangelisch karakter. Het was een populair werk, en werd op muziek gezet door onder andere Reinhard Keiser, Georg Philipp Telemann, Georg Friedrich Händel enJohann Mattheson.


Es herrschet in der Welt die Falschheit aller Orten;
die Wahrheit ist verbannt, die Redlichkeit verjagt;
die Freunde dieser Zeit sind Freunde bloß in Worten:
der Allerehrlichste tut anders, als er sagt.

Der, so dich herzt und küsst, wird dich ohnfehlbar fällen,
So bald er glaubt, dein Fall könn’ ihm erspriesslich sein.
Kein Mensch ist, was er scheint: man weiss sich zu verstellen,
Nie stimmt mit dem Gemüt das Ansehn überein.

Doch dieses alles muß man nicht von Weibern meinen,
Weil ihrer keine fasst uns je betrogen hat,
Indem sie insgemein von aussen boshaft scheinen:
Und wenn man’s untersucht, so sind sie’s in der Tat.


Barthold Heinrich Brockes (22 september 1680 – 16 januari 1747)
Portret door Dominicus van der Smissen