Dolce far niente, Friedrich Hebbel, Václav Havel, Roberto Juarroz, John Taggart, K.L. Poll, Flann O’Brien, Sven Cooremans


Dolce far niente


In het Abramtsevo park door Ilya Ostroukhov, 1885



Dies ist ein Herbsttag, wie ich keinen sah!
Die Luft ist still, als atmete man kaum,
Und dennoch fallen raschelnd, fern und nah,
Die schönsten Früchte ab von jedem Baum.

O stört sie nicht, die Feier der Natur!
Dies ist die Lese, die sie selber hält,
Denn heute löst sich von den Zweigen nur,
Was vor dem milden Strahl der Sonne fällt.


Friedrich Hebbel (18 maart 1813 – 13 december 1863)
Het Hebbelhaus (museum) in Wesselburen, de geboorteplaats van Friedrich Hebbel


De Tsjechische schrijver en politicus Václav Havel werd op 5 oktober 1936 in Praag geboren. Zie ook alle tags voor Václav Havel op dit blog.

Uit:The Power of the Powerless (Vertaald door Paul Wilson)

“Even this very superficial overview should make it clear that the system in which we live has very little in common with a classical dictatorship. In the first place, our system is not limited in a local, geographical sense; rather it holds sway over a huge power bloc controlled by one of the two superpowers. And although it quite naturally exhibits a number of local and historical variations, the range of these variations is fundamentally circumscribed by a single, unifying framework throughout the power bloc. Not only is the dictatorship everywhere based on the same principles and structured in the same way (that is, in the way evolved by the ruling superpower), but each country has been completely penetrated by a network of manipulatory instruments controlled by the superpower centre and totally subordinated to its interests. In the stalemated world of nuclear parity, of course, that circumstance endows the system with an unprecedented degree of external stability compared with classical dictatorships. Many local crises which, in an isolated state, would lead to a change in the system, can be resolved through direct intervention by the armed forces of the rest of the bloc. In the second place, if a feature of classical dictatorships is their lack of historical roots (frequently they appear to be no more than historical freaks, the fortuitous consequence of fortuitous social processes or of human and mob tendencies), the same cannot be said so facilely about our system. For even though our dictatorship has long since alienated itself completely from the social movements that gave birth to it, the authenticity of these movements (and I am thinking of the proletarian and socialist movements of the nineteenth century) give it undeniable historicity. These origins provided a solid foundation of sorts on which it could build until it became the utterly new social and political reality it is today, which has become so inextricably a part of the structure of the modern world. A feature of those historical origins was the ‘correct understanding’ of social conflicts in the period from which those original movements emerged.”


Václav Havel (5 oktober 1936 – 18 december 2011)
Cover van de Tsjechische uitgave


De Argentijnse dichter, essayist en literatuurwetenschapper Roberto Juarroz werd geboren in Coronel Dorrego op 5 oktober 1925. Zie ook alle tags voor Roberto Juarroz op dit blog.


IV, 44

Een enkele keer herlees ik mezelf.
Als ik dat doe,
lijkt mij wie dat schreef
achterop te zijn geraakt,
wie weet om te wachten tot ik terugkeer
of om van ver naar ons te kijken,
of daarna een dwarsweg te zijn ingeslagen
om verder weer bij ons te komen.

Jezelf herlezen is vaag vermoeden
dat het leven dat voorbij ging
elders op ons wacht,
tegendraads als een verloren zoon
die op de drempel staat te wachten
op de onwaarschijnlijke terugkomst van zijn vader.

Achter elk voorheen geschreven woord
doemen, als een stiekem volkje, alle woorden op
die wij niet opschrijven konden.
Daarom vindt wie zichzelf herleest,
veeleer dan de visioenen die wij waren,
de visioenen die vruchteloos aanspraak op ons maakten
maar met zonderlinge aandrang aanwezig bleven
als algen die zich hebben vastgezet
op wat wij halvelings begrijpend hebben vergaard.

Was de tijd niet opgebruikt,
dan loonde het misschien de moeite jezelf te herlezen
alleen al om die aankleefsels



Words too fall to the ground,
like birds suddenly driven crazy
by their own movements,
like objects that suddenly lose their balance,
like men who stumble even when there’s no obstacle,
like dolls estranged by their own rigidity.

Then, the words themselves build a stairway
from the ground,
to climb up to human discourse,
to its stutter
or final sentence.

But some words remain forever fallen.
And sometimes we find such words
in an almost larval mimesis,
as if they knew someone were going to come
gather them up and build a new language,
a language made up entirely of fallen words.


Vertaald door Mariolein Sabarte Belacortu


Roberto Juarroz (5 oktober 1925 – 31 maart 1995)


De Amerikaanse dichter en criticus John Taggart werd geboren op 5 oktober 1942 in Guthrie Center, Iowa. Zie ook alle tags voor John Taggart op dit blog.


Precious Lord

The first time Mahalia does it as one interconnected phrase
she does it as three in one three words in one phrase
three in one: “take-en-n—my-ah-aah—ha-an-nd”
Mahalia does it in the same year in 1956 the same year as Aretha
same but different the second time it is more aggressive
it’s more aggressive: “take-ake my-ah han-and”
Mahalia was a big fine woman Mahalia was denuded
she sang “Precious Lord” at the funeral of Martin Luther King
Aretha sang “Precious Lord” at the funeral of Mahalia.

Thomas Dorsey met Mahalia met her for the first time in 1928
it was in 1928 that Georgia Tom moaned with Ma Rainey
he moaned with Ma Rainey he moaned and he groaned with Ma Rainey
he met Mahalia and he taught her how to moan
“you teach them how to say their words in a moanful way”
to say their words how to say his words
Mahalia was a big fine woman Mahalia was denuded
Dorsey knew the heavier the voice the better the singer

Al Green has a softened voice he has a voice made softened
he was made to sing softened by Willie Mitchell in 1972
softened and softened and softened
Al Green became Rev. Al Green of the Full Gospel Tabernacle in 1980
a tabernacle is a fixed or movable habitation
habitation where you stay together with the lord
Al Green has a softened voice he has a voice made softened
he was made to sing softened on “Let’s Stay Together”
in 1982 he was made to sing softened on “Precious Lord.”

Photograph of Thomas Dorsey photograph of a smooth operator
photograph of Georgia Tom photo of a smooth operator
the photo smoothed out retouched softened
one side of the face completely light one side of the face all dark
one side merges into the light smoothed out softened
one side merges into the dark smoothed out made softened
in the photograph a smooth operator is lighting a cigarette
slender fingers hold a matchbox hold a match
slender fingers hold a softened flame against the softened dark.


John Taggart (Guthrie Center, 5 oktober 1942)


De Nederlandse dichter, schrijver en journalist K. L. Poll, (volledige naam Kornelis Lubbertus Poll) werd geboren in Dordrecht op 5 oktober 1927. Zie ook alle tags voor K. L. Poll op dit blog.

Uit: Het Meer van de Ondank. Een tijdgedicht


Ik ben, zei Helmut Schmidt,
een oude man, een groot deel
van het leven ligt achter me.
Als ik terugkijk, en vergelijk,
als ik me afvraag
welke stemming nu overheerst,
is dat geen angst
voor het lot van de wereld.

Carl Friedrich von Weiszäcker:
stemmingen zijn moeilijk ontwarbare gehelen,
het gaat om argumenten.
Voor mij blijft de vraag,
kunnen mensen de sprong maken
naar een cultuur zonder oorlog?
Die cultuur heeft nog niet bestaan.
Vergissingen kunnen wij ons niet veroorloven.
Het verlangen naar hegemonie blijft.
Wij behoren niet tot wat de biologen noemen
de fehlerfreundliche organismen.

Gezien en gehoord,
in Rettenbach, Midden-Europa:
twee wijze Duitse politici.


K.L. Poll (5 oktober 1927 – 14 november 1990)
Helmut Schmidt


De Ierse schrijver Flann O’Brien werd geboren op 5 oktober 1911 in Strabane, County Tyrone. Zie ook alle tags voor Flann O’Brien op dit blog.

Uit: At Swim-Two-Birds

“My uncle drained away the remainder of his tea and arranged his cup and saucer in the centre of his bacon plate in a token that his meal was at an end. He then blessed himself and sat for a time drawing air into his mouth with a hissing sound in an attempt to extract foodstuff from the crevices of his dentures. Subsequently he pursed his mouth and swallowed something. A boy of your age, he said at last, who gives himself up to the sin of sloth – what in God’s name is going to happen to him when he goes out to face the world? Boys but I often wonder what the world is coming to, I do indeed. Tell me this, do you ever open a book at all? I open several books every day, I answered. You open your granny, said my uncle. 0 I know the game you are at above in your bedroom. I am not as stupid as I look. I’ll warrant you that. He got up from the table and went out to the hall, sending back his voice to annoy me in his absence. Tell me this, did you press my Sunday trousers? I forgot, I said. What? I forgot, I shouted. Well that is very nice, he called, very nice indeed. Oh, trust you to forget. God look down on us and pity us this night and day. Will you forget again today? No, I answered. As he opened the hall-door, he was saying to himself in a low tone: Lord save us! The slam of the door released me from my anger. I finished my collation and retired to my bedroom, standing for a time at the window and observing the street-scene arranged below me that morning. Rain was coming softly from the low sky. I lit my cigarette and then took my letter from my pocket, opened it and read it.
Mail from V. Wright, Wyvern Cottage, Newmarket, Suffolk. V. Wright, the backer’s friend. Dear Friend and member. Thanks for your faith in me, it is very comforting to know that I have clients who are sportsmen who do not lose heart when the luck is ’the wrong way’. Bounty Queen was indeed a great disappointment tho’ many were of opinion that she had dead-heated with the leaders but more of that anon. Considering I have been posting information from the same address since 1926, anybody leaving me now because of bad luck would indeed be a ‘puzzler’. You had the losers why not ‘row in’ and make a packet over the winners that are now our due. So much for the past, now for the future. SENSATIONAL NEWS has reached me that certain interests have planned a gigantic coup involving a certain animal who has been saved for the past month. INFORMATION from the RIGHT QUARTER notifies me that a sum of £5,000 at least will be wagered. The animal in question will be slipped at the right moment with the right man up and there will be a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to all who act `pronto’ and give their bookmaker the shock of his life. To all my friends forwarding 6d. and two S.A.E.’s I will present this THREE-STAR CAST-IRON PLUNGER and we will have the win of our lives and all the bad luck forgotten. We will feel ‘bucked’ when this animal flashes past the post at a fancy price.”


Flann O’Brien (5 oktober 1911 – 1 april 1966)
Portret door Micheál Ó’Nualláin, 1957


Onafhankelijk van geboortedata

De Vlaamse dichter en psycholoog Sven Cooremans werd geboren in Rumst 1970. Zie ook alle tags voor Sven Cooremans op dit blog.


Een mens hult een steen in het zachte

Een mens hult een steen in het zachte
binnen van een brood en wacht op de meeuwen,
de mouwen, de huid en het hart van de haas
gestroopt. Er ligt verf op de vensterbank
waar mijn ellebogen rusten. Op de velden
staat een scary man. Roerloos maakt hij
dag na dag een bootleg van het ruisen
van een zonevreemde pijn. In de kamer
bedekken schetsen de perenhouten vloer,
zwijgt mijn vrouw een tijd en met haar tong
langs haar lippen zwijgt mijn vrouw een tijd
voor ze toegeeft (ik heb dit uit liefde gedaan)
en het bed en haar stilte halfdonker maakt.


Sven Cooremans (Rumst, 1970)


Zie voor nog meer schrijvers van de 5e oktober ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2017 en eveneens mijn blog van 5 oktober 2014 deel 2.

Václav Havel, Roberto Juarroz, Stig Dagerman, K.L. Poll, Flann O’,Brien, Denis Diderot, Charlotte Link, José Donoso, Sven Cooremans

De Tsjechische schrijver en politicus Václav Havel werd op 5 oktober 1936 in Praag geboren. Zie ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2009 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Václav Havel op dit blog.

Uit:The Power of the Powerless (Vertaald door Paul Wilson)

A specter is haunting Eastern Europe: the specter of what in the West is called “dissent.” This specter has not appeared out of thin air. It is a natural and inevitable consequence of the present historical phase of the system it is haunting. It was born at a time when this system, for a thousand reasons, can no longer base itself on the unadulterated, brutal, and arbitrary application of power, eliminating all expressions of nonconformity. What is more, the system has become so ossified politically that there is practically no way for such nonconformity to be implemented within its official structures.
Who are these so-called dissidents? Where does their point of view come from, and what importance does it have? What is the significance of the “independent initiatives” in which “dissidents” collaborate, and what real chances do such initiatives have of success? Is it appropriate to refer to “dissidents” as an opposition? If so, what exactly is such an opposition within the framework of this system? What does it do? What role does it play in society? What are its hopes and on what are they based? Is it within the power of the “dissidents”—as a category of subcitizen outside the power establishment—to have any influence at all on society and the social system? Can they actually change anything?
I think that an examination of these questions—an examination of the potential of the “powerless”—can only begin with an examination of the nature of power in the circumstances in which these powerless people operate.
Our system is most frequently characterized as a dictatorship or, more precisely, as the dictatorship of a political bureaucracy over a society which has undergone economic and social leveling. I am afraid that the term “dictatorship,” regardless of how intelligible it may otherwise be, tends to obscure rather than clarify the real nature of power in this system. We usually associate the term with the notion of a small group of people who take over the government of a given country by force; their power is wielded openly, using the direct instruments of power at their disposal, and they are easily distinguished socially from the majority over whom they rule. One of the essential aspects of this traditional or classical notion of dictatorship is the assumption that it is temporary, ephemeral, lacking historical roots. Its existence seems to be bound up with the lives of those who established it. It is usually local in extent and significance, and regardless of the ideology it utilizes to grant itself legitimacy, its power derives ultimately from the numbers and the armed might of its soldiers and police. The principal threat to its existence is felt to be the possibility that someone better equipped in this sense might appear and overthrow it.”

Václav Havel (5 oktober 1936 – 18 december 2011)

Lees verder “Václav Havel, Roberto Juarroz, Stig Dagerman, K.L. Poll, Flann O’,Brien, Denis Diderot, Charlotte Link, José Donoso, Sven Cooremans”

Václav Havel, Roberto Juarroz, Stig Dagerman, K.L. Poll, Flann O’Brien, Denis Diderot, Charlotte Link, Sven Cooremans

De Tsjechische schrijver en politicus Václav Havel werd op 5 oktober 1936 in Praag geboren. Zie ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2009 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Václav Havel op dit blog.

Uit: To the Castle and Back (Vertaald door Paul Wilson)

“I’ve run away. I’ve run away to America. I’ve run away for two months, with the whole family; that is, with Dasa and our two boxers, Sugar and her daughter Madlenka. I’ve run away in the hope that I will find more time and focus to write something. I haven’t been president now for two years, and I’m starting to worry about not having been able to write anything that holds together. When people ask me, as they do all the time, if I’m writing something and what I’m writing, I get mildly annoyed and I say that I’ve already written enough in my life, certainly more than most of my fellow citizens, and that writing isn’t a duty one can perform on demand. I’m here as a guest of the Library of Congress, which has given me a very quiet and pleasant room where I can come whenever I want, to do whatever I want. They ask nothing from me in return. It’s wonderful. Among other things, I would like to respond to Mr. HvÌzdala’s questions.
I’d like to start the conversation with a question that touches on the second half of the 1980s, when you became the most famous dissident in Central Europe, or-as John Keane wrote-“a star in the theater of opposition.” Do you remember the moment when it first occurred to you that you would have to enter into politics, that your role as a playwright, essayist, and thinker would no longer suffice?
In the first place I’d take issue with the designation “star in the theater of opposition.” We did everything we could not to separate ourselves into the “stars” and the others. The better known someone among us became, and thus the better protected from arbitrary repression, the more he tried to come out in defense of those who were less known and therefore more vulnerable. The regime, after all, held to the principle of “divide and conquer.” To some they said: “How can you, sir, an educated man respected by everyone, demean yourself by associating with such losers?” To others they said: “Don’t get mixed up with those guys; they’re a protected species. They’re always going to lie their way out of trouble, and they’ll go scot-free and leave you to pay the price.” It’s understandable that in such circumstances we placed a special emphasis on the principle of the equality of everyone who somehow expressed opposition to the regime.”

Václav Havel (5 oktober 1936 – 18 december 2011)

Lees verder “Václav Havel, Roberto Juarroz, Stig Dagerman, K.L. Poll, Flann O’Brien, Denis Diderot, Charlotte Link, Sven Cooremans”

Roberto Juarroz, Václav Havel, Stig Dagerman, K.L. Poll, Flann O’Brien, Denis Diderot

De Argentijnse dichter, essayist en literatuurwetenschapper Roberto Juarroz werd geboren in Coronel Dorrego op 5 oktober 1925. Zie ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2009 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Roberto Juarroz op dit blog.

The most beautiful day

The most beautiful day
lacks something:
its dark side.
Only to a near-sighted god
could light by itself
appear beautiful.

Beside any Let there be light!,
Let there be darkness!
should also be said.

We don’t arrive
at necessary night by omission only.


Night shuts down sometimes

Night shuts down sometimes
like blocks of stone
and leaves us without space.
My hand then can no longer touch you
to defend us from death
and I can’t even touch myself
to defend us from absence.
A vein that springs up in that same stone
separates me from my own thought too.
Thus night is converted
into our first tomb.


Now I can only wear old shoes

Now I can only wear old shoes.
The road I follow
wears shoes out from the first step.

But only old shoes
don’t despise my road
and only they can arrive
where my road arrives.

After that,
you have to continue barefoot.


Vertaald door Mary Crow

Roberto Juarroz (5 oktober 1925 – 31 maart 1995)

Lees verder “Roberto Juarroz, Václav Havel, Stig Dagerman, K.L. Poll, Flann O’Brien, Denis Diderot”

Roberto Juarroz, Václav Havel, Stig Dagerman, K.L. Poll

De Argentijnse dichter, essayist en literatuurwetenschapper Roberto Juarroz werd geboren in Coronel Dorrego op 5 oktober 1925. Zie ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2009 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Roberto Juarroz op dit blog.

Eleventh. I. 13

The craziness of the world must be changed.
To begin this work,
we could, for example,
take all the proper nouns
and write them again with lower case letters,
beginning with the one you love
of the biggest absence,
without overlooking
the proper noun for death.

By making names progressively smaller,
we will be gradually recovering the emptiness they contain
and perhaps we can find an extra,
the proper name of nothingness.

And to name nothingness
could be precisely
the foundation we lack:
the foundation of a craziness
we won’t need to change.


Vertaald door Mary Crow


Uit: Vertical Poetry

The roads leading upward
never get there.
The roads leading downward
always get there.
Then there are the roads in between.
But sooner or later every road
leads up or down.


Interior deserts,
vague litanies for someone who died
leaving all the doors open.
A gray cloak over another cloak of no color.
Excessive densities.
Even the wind casts a shadow.
Mockery of the landscape.
Nothing left to call to
but a flat dark sun
or an endless rain.
Or wipe out the landscape
with the wind and its shadow.
And there is one further resort:
drive the desert mad
until it turns into water
and drinks itself.
It it better to madden the desert
than to live there.


Vertaald door W.S. Merwin

Roberto Juarroz (5 oktober 1925 – 31 maart 1995)

Lees verder “Roberto Juarroz, Václav Havel, Stig Dagerman, K.L. Poll”

Roberto Juarroz, Václav Havel, Stig Dagerman, Flann O’Brien

De Argentijnse dichter, essayist en literatuurwetenschapper Roberto Juarroz werd geboren in Coronel Dorrego op 5 oktober 1925. Zie ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2009 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Roberto Juarroz op dit blog.



Interior deserts


Interior deserts,

vague litanies for someone who died

leaving all the doors open.

A gray cloak over another cloak of no color.

Excessive densities.

Even the wind casts a shadow.

Mockery of the landscape.

Nothing left to call to

but a flat dark sun

or an endless rain.

Or wipe out the landscape

with the wind and its shadow.

And there is one further resort:

drive the desert mad

until it turns into water

and drinks itself.

It it better to madden the desert

than to live there.




Crack of imminence in the heart


Crack of imminence in the heart,

while the foot of hope

dances its blue dance,

in love with its own shadow.

There is an expectant hymn

that cannot begin

as long as the dance has not finished

its cultivation of time.

It is a hymn backward,

and inverted imminence,

the last thread to tie the fountain

before its flow carries it away.

There are songs that sing,

there are others that are silent,

the deepest of all go backward

from the first letter.



Vertaald door W.S. Merwin



Roberto Juarroz (5 oktober 1925 – 31 maart 1995)

Lees verder “Roberto Juarroz, Václav Havel, Stig Dagerman, Flann O’Brien”

Flann O’Brien, Roberto Juarroz, Václav Havel

De Ierse schrijver Flann O’Brien werd geboren op 5 oktober 1911 in Strabane, County Tyrone. Zie ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2009 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Flann O’Brien op dit blog.


Uit: At Swim-Two-Birds

“HAVING placed in my mouth sufficient bread for three minutes’ chewing, I withdrew my powers of sensual perception and retired into the privacy of my mind, my eyes and face assuming a vacant and preoccupied expression. I reflected on the subject of my spare-time literary activities. One beginning and one ending for a book was a thing I did not agree with. A good book may have three openings entirely dissimilar and inter-related only in the prescience of the author, or for that matter one hundred times as many endings.

Examples of three separate openings – the first: The Pooka MacPhellimey, a member of the devil class, sat in his hut in the middle of a firwood meditating on the nature of the numerals and segregating in his mind the odd ones from the even. He was seated at his diptych or ancient two-leaved hinged writing-table with inner sides waxed. His rough long-nailed fingers toyed with a snuff-box of perfect rotundity and through a gap in his teeth he whistled a civil cavatina. He was a courtly man and received honour by reason of the generous treatment he gave his wife, one of the Corrigans of Carlow.

The second opening: There was nothing unusual in the appearance of Mr. John Furriskey but actually he had one distinction that is rarely encountered – he was born at the age of twenty-five and entered the world with a memory but without a personal experience to account for it. His teeth were well-formed but stained by tobacco, with two molars filled and a cavity threatened in the left canine. His knowledge of physics was moderate and extended to Boyle’s Law and the Parallelogram of Forces.

The third opening: Finn Mac Cool was a legendary hero of old Ireland. Though not mentally robust, he was a man of superb physique and development. Each of his thighs was as thick as a horse’s belly, narrowing to a calf as thick as the belly of a foal. Three fifties of fosterlings could engage with handball against the wideness of his backside, which was large enough to halt the march of men through a mountain-pass.

I hurt a tooth in the corner of my jaw with a lump of the crust I was eating. This recalled me to the perception of my surroundings.

It is a great pity, observed my uncle, that you don’t apply yourself more to your studies. The dear knows your father worked hard enough for the money he is laying out on your education. Tell me this, do you ever open a book at all?

I surveyed my uncle in a sullen manner. He speared a portion of cooked rasher against a crust on the prongs of his fork and poised the whole at the opening of his mouth in a token of continued interrogation.”


Flann O’Brien (5 oktober 1911 – 1 april 1966)

Lees verder “Flann O’Brien, Roberto Juarroz, Václav Havel”

In Memoriam Vaclav Havel

In Memoriam Vaclav Havel


De Tsjechische schrijver, politicus en voormalige president van Tsjechië Vaclav Havel is overleden aan complicaties bij zijn langdurige ziekbed. Hij is 75 jaar geworden. Havel was van oorsprong (toneel)schrijver. Tijdens het communistische regime in Tsjecho-Slowakije was hij een van de belangrijkste dissidenten. Zie ook alle tags voor Václav Havel op dit blog.


Uit: To the Castle and Back (Vertaald door Paul Wilson)

„The days I spent there were important in my life. The hippie movement was at its height. There were be-ins in Central Park. People were festooned with beads. It was the time of the musical Hair. (Joe had presented it in the Public Theater before my play opened, and because it was so successful it moved to Broadway, where I saw the premiere.) It was the time when Martin Luther King Jr. was killed, a period of huge antiwar demonstrations whose inner ethos–powerful but in no way fanatical–I admired; it was also the heyday of psychedelic art. I brought many posters home, and to this day they are hanging in Hradecek. And I brought home the first record of Lou Reed with the Velvet Underground.
My stay in the United States influenced me considerably. After I returned, my friends and I experienced a very joyful, albeit a somewhat nervous, summer, which could not have ended well; on August 21, the Soviet troops arrived. And then, seeing long-haired, bead-festooned young people waving the Czechoslovak flag in front of the Soviet tanks and singing a song that was a favorite among the hippies at the time, “Massachusetts,” I had a truly strange sensation. In those circumstances it sounded a bit different from how it had sounded in Central Park, though it had essentially the same ethos: the longing for a free and colorful and poetic world without violence.
The second time I visited America–after a long and gloomy twenty-two years–I was president of my country. The former hippies were now no doubt respected senators or bosses of multinational corporations. Since then I’ve been here at least ten times; I’ve become close to three American presidents and to many American politicians (a special role among them was played by my compatriot the marvelous Madeleine Albright), as well as to important people and to many famous stars. These working or state or official visits, however, were brief and the program was always full, so that I only saw America from a speeding limousine. I sometimes found time to go for a walk or visit a rock club, but it was never easy. And so now, here I am on my second long visit almost forty years after the first one. In the meantime, I’ve lived through quite a bit, and perhaps precisely for that reason–paradoxically–I long for the freedom of movement I once enjoyed here when I was in my thirties.“


Václav Havel (5 oktober 1936 – 18 december 2011)

Flann O’Brien, Charlotte Link, José Donoso, Václav Havel

De Ierse schrijver Flann O’Brien werd geboren op 5 oktober 1911 in Strabane, County Tyrone. Zie ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2008 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2009 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2010.


Uit: The Third Policeman

‘Policeman MacCruiskeen put the lamp on the table, shook hands with me and gave me the time of day with great gravity. His voice was high, almost feminine, and he spoke with delicate careful intonation. Then he put the lamp on the counter and surveyed the two of us’Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.

‘Not that’ said the Sergeant. ‘This is a private visitor who says he did not arrive in the townland upon a bicycle. He has no personal name at all. His dadda is in far Amurikey.’

‘Policeman MacCruiskeen put the lamp on the table, shook hands with me and gave me the time of day with great gravity. His voice was high, almost feminine, and he spoke with delicate careful intonation. Then he put the lamp on the counter and surveyed the two of us.

‘Is it about a bicycle?’ he asked.

‘Not that’ said the Sergeant. ‘This is a private visitor who says he did not arrive in the townland upon a bicycle. He has no personal name at all. His dadda is in far Amurikey.’

‘Which of the two Amurikeys?’ asked MacCruiskeen.

‘The Unified Stations,’ said the Sergeant.

‘Likely he is rich by now if he is in that quarter,’ said MacCruiskeen, ‘because there’s dollars there, dollars and bucks and nuggets in the ground and any amount of rackets and golf games and musical instruments. It is a free country too by all accounts.’

‘Free for all,’ said the Sergeant. ‘Tell me this,’ he said to the policeman, ‘Did you take any readings today?’

‘I did,’ said MacCruiskeen.

‘Take out your black book and tell me what it was like a good man,’ said the Sergeant. Give me the gist of it till I see what I see,’ he added.

MacCruiskeen fished a small black book from his breast pocket.

‘Ten point six,’ he said.

‘Ten point six,’ said the Sergeant. ‘And what reading did you notice on the beam?’

‘Seven point four.’

‘How much on the lever?’

‘One point five’

There was a pause here. The Sergeant put on an expression of great intricacy as if he were doing far-from-simple sums and calculations in his head. After a time his face cleared and he spoke again to his companion“.


Flann O’Brien (5 oktober 1911 – 1 april 1966)

Portret door Daniel Krall

Lees verder “Flann O’Brien, Charlotte Link, José Donoso, Václav Havel”

Flann O’Brien, Charlotte Link, José Donoso, Václav Havel, Roberto Juarroz, Stig Dagerman, Ervin Sinko, Denis Diderot

De Ierse schrijver Flann O’Brien werd geboren op 5 oktober 1911 in Strabane, County Tyrone. Zie ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2008 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2009.

Uit: The Poor Mouth

„I AM NOTING down the matters which are in this document because the next life is approaching me swiftly—far from us be the evil thing and may the bad spirit not regard me as a brother!—and also because our likes will never be there again. It is right and fitting that some testimony of the diversions and adventures of our times should be provided for those who succeed us because our types will never be there again nor any other life in Ireland comparable to ours who exists no longer.

O’Coonassa is my surname in Gaelic, my first name is Bonaparte and Ireland is my little native land. I cannot truly remember either the day I was born or the first six months I spent here in the world. Doubtless, however, I was alive at that time although I have no memory of it, because I should not exist now if I were not there then and to the human being, as well as to every other living creature, sense comes gradually.
The night before I was born. it happened that my father and Martin O’Bannassa were sitting on top of the hen-house, gazing at the sky to judge the weather and also chatting honestly and quietly about the difficulties of life.
– Well, now. Martin, said my father, the wind is from the north and there’s a forbidding look about the White Bens; before the morning there’ll be ram and we’ll get a dirty tempestuous night of it that will knock a shake out of us even if we’re in the very bed. And look here! Martin, isn’t it the bad sign that the ducks are in the nettles? Horror and misfortune will come on the world tonight; the evil thing and sea-cat will be a-foot in the darkness and, if ’tis true for me, no good destiny is ever in store for either of us again.
– Well, indeed, Michelangelo, said Martin O’Bannassa, ’tis no little thing you’ve said there now and if you’re right, you’ve told nary a lie but the truth itself.
I was born in the middle of the night in the end of the house. My father never expected me because he was a quiet fellow and did not understand very accurately the ways of life. My little bald skull so astounded him that he almost departed from this life the moment I entered it and, indeed. it was a misfortune and harmful thing for him that he did not, because after that night he never had anything but misery and was destroyed and rent by the world and bereft of his health as long as he lived. The people said that my mother was not expecting me either and it is a fact that the whisper went around that I was not born of my mother at all but of another woman. All that, nevertheless, is only the neighbours’ talk and cannot be checked now because the neighbours are all dead and their likes will not be there again. I never laid eyes on my father until I was grown up but that is another story and I shall mention it at another time in this document.“


Flann O’Brien (5 oktober 1911 – 1 april 1966)


De Duitse schrijfster Charlotte Link werd geboren op 5 oktober 1963 in Frankfurt am Main. Zie ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2007 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2008 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2009.

Uit: Wenn die Liebe nicht endet

Ein Schauspieler in Narrenkleidung führte Späße vor, beobachtet von einigen kichernden Dorfmädchen. Er jonglierte mit Kieselsteinen, ließ ein Ei verschwinden und wieder auftauchen

und wackelte mit den Ohren. Ein dicker Wirt bot erwärmtes, schäumendes Bier an, das er aus einer Holzschale in Becher schöpfte, daneben arbeiteten ein Schuhmacher und ein Seifensieder.

Ein Kupferschmied hämmerte auf einem Stück glänzenden Kupfers herum, und ein Leintuchkrämer breitete große saubere Leinwandbahnen auf Brettern aus und pries nicht vorhandenen Zuhörern die Vorzüge der Stoffe.

Die drei Mädchen schlenderten von einem Wagen zum anderen. Sie waren so lange nicht mehr aus dem Kloster herausgekommen, dass ihnen alles neu und aufregend schien. Fasziniert blickten sie auf die Frauen, die in den Wagen saßen, auf verhärmte Gesichter, in denen sie nicht die Entbehrungen und das Elend sahen, sondern nur Zauber des Reisens und der Abenteuer. Im ganzen Reich sind sie schon gewesen, dachte Margaretha, wie großartig muss es sein, so weit herumzukommen!

Und schließlich blieben sie lange vor einem Stand stehen, an dem Schmuck verkauft wurde. Es funkelte alles so bunt im kalten Winterlicht. Margaretha wünschte sich ein Paar Ohrringe mit Steinen aus grünem Glas, Clara konnte sich nicht satt sehen an einem breiten Armband, mit Glasstücken besetzt, und Angela strich über eine zweireihige Kette aus silbrigem Blech. Ein kleiner, dunkelhaariger Mann trat heran.

„Gefällt Ihnen die Kette?“ fragte er. Seine Stimme hatte einen fremdländischen Klang.

„Sie ist wunderschön“, entgegnete Angela. Der Mann ergriff die Kette und hängte sie Angela um den Hals. Er trat einen Schritt zurück.

„Wie ein Engel“, sagte er ehrfürchtig.

Auch die anderen fanden das. Der Schmuck unterstrich auf wunderbare Weise Angelas edle Gesichtszüge.

„Darf ich Ihnen die Kette schenken?“ fragte der Mann.

Angela seufzte.

„Wir dürfen so etwas leider nicht tragen“, meinte sie, „außerdem kann ich das nicht annehmen.“


Charlotte Link (Frankfurt am Main, 5 oktober 1963)


De Chileense schrijver José Donoso (eigenlijk Jose Donoso Yáñez) werd geboren op 5 oktober 1924 in Santiago de Chile. Nadat Donoso drie jaar aan het Pedagogisch Instituut van de Universidad de Chile had gestudeerd, kreeg hij een tweejarige studiebeurs voor de universiteit van Princeton. Hier behaalde hij in 1951 het Bachelordiploma. Tijdens zijn tijd in Princeton, publiceerde hij verhalen in het Engels. Hij werkte daarna als docent Engelse literatuur en Engels op universiteiten in Chili, maar ook als journalist. In 1956 bekroonde de stad Santiago de Chile hem met een prijs voor zijn eerste bundel korte verhalen. Het daarop volgende jaar publiceerde hij zijn eerste roman, De kroning. Voor de Engelse vertaling werd hem in 1962 de William Faulkner Foundation Prize toegekend. In 1958 reisde Donoso naar Buenos Aires, waar hij in contact kwam met belangrijke Argentijnse schrijvers als Jorge Luis Borges en ontmoette hij zijn toekomstige vrouw. In 1964 verliet hij Chili en hij keerde pas zeventien jaar later terug. In die tijd woonde hij vooral in Spanje, maar ook in de Verenigde Staten. Tijdens deze jaren schreef hij zijn beroemde romans. In 1986 schreef hij The Island of the Dead, een kritische roman over het leven in Chili onder de dictatuur van Augusto Pinochet. In 1990 werd hij bekroond met de Premio Nacional de Literatura de Chile, de hoogste onderscheiding voor literatuur in Chili.

Uit: Curfew (Vertaald door Alfred MacAdam)

„Was this an accomplice? What did she know? Did she know that his soft hand perspired when he placed it on the knee of a woman he felt to be powerful? Did Christinita, exempted the same way Judit was, enjoy strange privileges in exchange for keeping Ricardo’s secret? Liliana didn’t know that if her plans for Ricardo worked out, she too was condemned to pardon. The complicity between the two of them was negligible, unimportant, partial, which shouldn’t have surprised her, since these were unimportant human beings who only acquired life in the reflected light of cruelty. Was it important that this man, with his high, falsely noble forehead, vigorous neck, black mustache above loquacious lips, engrossed in a dissertation on Boris, would pay for pardoning her? Was it possible for her to aim the pistol at him and avenge all pardons, including the imprudent Lilianita’s? Because from the beginning in Ada Luffs house–and she, and son Cesar, and all the women knew it–this was no seduction but a murder.
The pup was really splendid, said Ricardo. He’d won prizes at every show his daughter Cristy had entered him in. They were rare, these miniature Dobermans, as ferocious as the regular kind and much easier to train, even if at the beginning you had to punish them so they’d see the difference between what they could and couldn’t do. Farias had punished her with the worst punishment imaginable. No, he hadn’t punished her. He’d condemned her, because ever since her return from Caracas, with the remains of her ideology in rags after so much time and distance, she could not focus on anything but finding the man responsible for the rapes.

When she’d returned, she’d reestablished her network of accomplices from her underground days and sought their knowledge of the urban night–don Cesar, with his contacts and pals and his knowledge of jokes, bars, and wine, and Aury with her beauty-parlor chatter, and Dario’s father and Dario himself, with the kids in his slums, and Ada Luz–enlisting their help in her plan to destroy the past and begin again at zero. But every lead until now had turned into a dead end, and she and the others always came back empty-handed. It was never the right man.“

José Donoso (5 oktober 1924 – 7 december 1996)


De Tsjechische schrijver en politicus Václav Havel werd op 5 oktober 1936 in Praag geboren. Zie ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2006 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2008 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2009.

 Uit: Summer Meditations (Vertaald door Paul Wilson)

 Evil will remain with us, no one will ever eliminate human suffering, the political arena will always attract irresponsible and ambitious adventurers and charlatans. And man will not stop destroying the world. In this regard, I have no illusions. Neither I nor anyone else will ever win this war once and for all. At the very most, we can win a battle or two– and not even that is certain. Yet I still think it makes sense to wage this war persistently… This must be done on principle, because it is the right thing to do. Or, if you like, because God wants it that way.


It seems I am a naive dreamer trying to reconcile the irreconcilable, i.e., politics and morals. I know that theme well, I have heard it since forever. . . . Violence is well-known to breed violence, which is why most revolutions have degenerated into dictatorships, devouring their own offspring and bringing into the world new revolutionaries prepared for renewed violence, not knowing that they were digging their own graves and confining society in a vicious circle of revolutions and counter-revolutions. Communism was defeated by life, by thought, by integrity. Yet [there are] those who, even today, assert that politics is above all a manipulation of power, of public opinion, and that morals have no place in it. Politicking is not politics. . . .

True politics, worthy of the name — and the only kind I will practice — is the politics of service to one’s neighbor. Service to the community; service to those who will succeed us. Its origin is moral because it is nothing but responsibility realized toward all and by all. It is such responsibility that in itself constitutes superior responsibility by the fact that it is based in metaphysics; it is nourished by certitude, conscious or unconscious, that nothing ends by death, that all is recorded forever, all is appraised elsewhere, somewhere “above us” in what I have called the memory of being, in that part which is inseparable from the mysterious order of the cosmos, of nature, and of life, which believers call God, and to whose judgment all are subject.“


 Václav Havel (Praag, 5 oktober 1936)


De Argentijnse dichter, essayist en literatuurwetenschapper Roberto Juarroz werd geboren in Coronel Dorrego 1925. Zie ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2008 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2009.

Hoe het zwart afschrapen…

Hoe het zwart afschrapen,
de smaak van het zwart,
de klank van het zwart,
de zwartheid van zwart?

Hoe het zwart raspen,
zijn voedsel, zijn deeg,
totdat de specerij van het wit
in zijn kieren is doorgedrongen?

Hoe het zwart overstromen
met een visie in staat het te belopen
en op zijn bodem iets anders te vinden
dan het spoor van de dood?

Hoe in het zwart andere kleuren vinden,
blauwzwart, roodzwart, liefdezwart, zelfmoordzwart,
of in zijn ingewand eenvoudig verkruimelen
de kleur van het leven van de mens?


Vertaald door Mariolein Sabarte Belacortu


A man spells out his tiredness

A man spells out his tiredness.
All at once as he spells
he meets some strange capital letters,
unexpectedly alone,
unexpectedly tall.
They weigh more on the tongue.
They weigh more but they get away
faster and hardly
can they be spoken.
His heart crowds into the roads
where death is exploding.
And he meets, as he goes on spelling,
bigger and bigger capital letters.
And a great fear chokes him
of finding a word
written all in capitals
and not being able to pronounce it.


Vertaald door W. S. Merwin


I’m awake

I’m awake.
I’m asleep.
I’m dreaming that I’m awake.
I’m dreaming that I’m aslseep.
I’m dreaming that I’m dreaming.

I’m dreaming that I’m dreaming
that I’m awake.
I’m dreaming that I’m dreaming
that I’m asleep.
I’m dreaming that I’m dreaming
that I’m dreaming.

I’m awake.


Roberto Juarroz (5 oktober 1925 – 31 maart 1995)


De Zweedse schrijver en journalist Stig Dagerman werd geboren op 5 oktober 1923 in Älvkarleby.  Zie ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2008 en ook mijn blog van 5 oktober 2009.

Uit: Schwedische Hochzeitsnacht (Vertaald door Herbert G. Hegedo)

Wer klopft an das Fenster der Braut?

I m m e r  l a n g s a m – so schuf Gott die Schnecke. Oder wer es sonst war, der sie schuf. Doch wer es auch war, er hat es gut gemacht. Denn wozu braucht die Schnecke die Eile? Worauf sie kriecht, das gehört ihr. Wohin sie sich wendet in der Welt, ihr Haus steht auf eigenem Grund. Sie braucht sich nicht die Beine abzulaufen, um rechtzeitig zur Versteigerung, Pfändung oder Notschlachtung nach Hause zu kommen. Die Schnecke trägt ihr Haus auf dem Rücken. Solch einen Rücken müsste man haben.
Aber wenn man ihn hat, dann ist man schlecht angesehen. Da können die Sonnabendkätner, Steineputzer und Birkenrindensauger von Långmo auf ihren Brücken stehen und glotzen und Kautabak mahlen. Einige haben nur das zu tun. Einige haben ganz teuflische Brücken vor ihren zerfallenen Katen. So geschickt, dass sie die geringste Kleinigkeit, die in Fuxe geschieht, beobachten können. Sitzt man so vor dem Haus mit der »Smålänning« in der Hand, dann können die sie sogar lesen, wenn es hell genug ist. Und baut man ein Stockwerk hinzu, so stehen sie auf den Brücken und gaffen, bis das Maul voller Fliegen ist. Spuck aus! Viktor ist nun wohl ganz übergeschnappt. Tja. So hat man es sich auf den Brücken erzählt. Als ob die Bude nicht gelangt hätte für den Angeber-Palm, so wie sie seit den Tagen von Schwiegervater Asp Johannes war. Aber nein! Rauf mit einer Bude auf die Bude! Einen Herrenhof hat er sich wohl vorgestellt. Ein Gut mit zwölf Hektar. Herr Gutsbesitzer muss man vielleicht allmählich zu dem früheren Knecht sagen. Ein Pferd des Herrn Gutsbesitzers soll Druse gekriegt haben, und die Tochter des Herrn Gutsbesitzers soll eine Stellung bei einem Prokuristen in der Stadt haben. Die mit dem Unehelichen natürlich. Das erste Mal, das man getauft wird, rechnet nicht. Nur die anderen Male gelten. Der einzige Name, den man hat, ist der, den man mit Scham trägt. Den man von den Klatschbasen und Spitzzungen bekommt. Und hat man ein Haus gebaut, das ein Haus auf dem Rücken trägt, dann heißt man Schnecke, bis man stirbt.“


Stig Dagerman (5 oktober 1923 – 5 november 1954)


De Hongaars-sprekende Joegoslavische schrijver Ervin Sinko (eig. Franz Spitzer) werd op 5 oktober 1898 in Apatin (Vojvodina) geboren. Sinko ging naar het gymnasium en werd lid van de Sociaal-Democratische arbeidersbeweging. Hij ging naar school, toen de Eerste Wereldoorlog begon. In 1916 werd hij opgeroepen voor het leger en naar oostelijk front gestuurd. Daar raakte hij geïnteresseerd in de Russische Revolutie. Na de oorlog ging Sinko naar in Boedapest. In 1919 nam hij deel aan de Hongaarse radenrevolutie. Na hun nederlaag bleef Sinko ongeveer een maand ondergedoken in Boedapest en hielp Georg Lukács in de partij organisatie. Na verscheidene jaren van ballingschap in Wenen, keerde hij in 1926 terug naar Joegoslavië. In ballingschap schreef hij zijn roman, The Optimist. In de roman, zijn de gebeurtenissen van de Hongaarse radenrevolutie 1918/1919 beschreven. Om zijn manuscript te publiceren trok Sinko in 1932 naar Parijs. Daar ontmoette hij de voormalige Hongaarse minister-president Mihály Károlyi. Karolyi beval het manuscript aan bij Romain Rolland. Na bemiddeling door Rolland ging Sinko in 1935 naar Moskou. De sfeer van politieke censuur en het conformisme in de zogenaamde socialistische Sovjet-Unie bereikte in de tijd van de Moskouse processen hun hoogtepunt. In 1937 werd Sinko’s verblijfsvergunning niet verlengd en keerde hij terug naar Parijs. In hetzelfde jaar verhuisde Sinko naar Zagreb, waar hij woonde tot aan zijn dood in 1967.

Uit: Roman eines Romans – Moskauer Tagebuch (Vertaald door Edmund Trugly jun)

“Ich glaube an einen Morgen, an einen sozialistischen Morgen, wenn die Menschen unter so viel menschlicheren Voraussetzungen leben, daß sie gar nicht verstehen können, wie wir jemals diese heutige sowjetische Atmosphäre der Renaissance finsteren Aberglaubens, der Dummheit, der Selbstgefälligkeit, der Scheußlichkeit und der durchsichtigen Lüge als Grundprinzip staatlicher Propaganda überhaupt ertragen konnten. Ich hoffe und glaube, daß diese Menschen gar nicht mehr begreifen können, wie wir in dieser Atmosphäre überhaupt zu leben vermochten, die aber dennoch gegenüber der äußeren, faschistischen, kapitalistischen Welt die revolutionäre Negation nicht nur vertritt, sondern auch objektiv darstellt. Und weil ich an einen Morgen, an einen sozialistischen Morgen glaube, der im heutigen Zustand der Sowjetunion unbedingt eine Phase der Rückständigkeit, der unmenschlichen Willkür und der entmenschten Beamten erblicken wird, richte ich mich auf und versuche, über die Zeitmauer hinweg meine Hand einem jungen Menschen zu reichen, der einmal leben wird, wenn der Rückblick auf unsere Zeit nur noch eine in Schulbüchern festgehaltene böse Erinnerung einer unglücklichen Menschheit bedeutet.”


Ervin Sinko (5 oktober 1898 – 26 maart 1967)


De Franse schrijver, filosoof en kunstcriticus Denis Diderot werd geboren in Langres op 5 oktober 1713. Diderot was een prominente persoonlijkheid in wat als De Verlichting bekend zou worden. Hij was tussen 1750 en 1776 met D’Alembert redacteur van de beroemde Encyclopédie en schreef zelf ongeveer 6000 van de 72.000 artikelen in die encyclopedie. De encyclopedie kende veel tegenstanders, in 1759 werd de encyclopedie formeel verboden. Het werk ging vanaf die tijd clandestien door. De encyclopedie was door de nadruk op religieuze tolerantie en vrijheid van gedachten, en een democratische geest, een bedreiging voor de aristocratie. In 1773 onderneemt Diderot een journalistieke reis door Holland. (Voyage en Hollande). Samen met Baruch Spinoza en Pierre Bayle is Diderot de belangrijkste filosoof van de Radicale Verlichting. Diderot was voor de vrijheid van meningsuiting en godsdienst, hierover heeft hij ook enkele boeken geschreven. Diderot droeg ook bij aan de literatuur, in het bijzonder met zijn werk Jacques Le Fataliste, een satirische roman waarmee de auteur conventies over de structuur en inhoud van romans aan de kaak stelde, terwijl hij ook filosofische ideeën met betrekking tot de vrije wil onderzocht.

Uit: Jacques de fatalist en zijn meester (Vertaald door Martin de Haan)

Hoe hadden ze elkaar ontmoet? Bij toeval, zoals iedereen. Hoe heetten ze? Wat gaat u dat aan? Waar kwamen ze vandaan? Van de dichtstbijzijnde plaats. Waar gingen ze heen? Weet een mens waar hij heen gaat? Wat zeiden ze? De meester zei niets, en Jacques zei dat zijn kapitein zei dat alle goede en slechte dingen die ons hier beneden overkomen, daar boven geschreven staan.

MEESTER: Dat is een prachtig gezegde.

JACQUES: Mijn kapitein voegde eraan toe dat elke kogel die uit een geweer kwam zijn bestemming had.

MEESTER: En hij had gelijk…

Na een korte stilte riep Jacques uit: ‘De duivel hale de herbergier en zijn herberg!’

MEESTER: Waarom je naaste naar de duivel wensen? Dat is niet christelijk.

JACQUES: Omdat ik me zat te bedrinken met zijn slechte wijn en daardoor onze paarden naar het wed vergat te brengen. Mijn vader merkte het, hij werd boos. Ik schudde mijn hoofd, hij pakte een stok en liet die onzacht op mijn schouders neerkomen. Er trok een regiment langs, op weg naar het kamp voor Fontenoy; uit pure nijd nam ik dienst. We komen aan, de slag barst los.

MEESTER: En jij ontvangt de kogel die voor jou bestemd was.

JACQUES: Goed geraden: een schot in mijn knie. En God weet wat dat schot voor goede en slechte dingen met zich mee heeft gebracht, die allemaal net zo hecht in elkaar grijpen als de schakels van een kinketting. Zo zou ik zonder dat schot denk ik nooit van mijn leven verliefd zijn geweest, en ook niet mank.

MEESTER: Je bent dus verliefd geweest?

JACQUES: Nou en of!

MEESTER: En dat kwam door een geweerschot?

JACQUES: Ja, door een geweerschot.“


Denis Diderot (5 oktober 1713 – 31 juli 1784)
Portret door Louis-Michel van Loo, 1767