De Amerikaanse schrijver Bernard Malamud werd op 26 april 1914 in Brooklyn, New York, geboren. Zie ook alle tags voor Bernard Malamud op dit blog.
Uit: The Tenants
“Lesser catching sight of himself in his lonely glass wakes to finish his book. He smelled the living earth in the dead of winter. In the distance mournful blasts of a vessel departing the harbor. Ah, if I could go where it’s going. He wrestles to sleep again but can’t, unease like a horse dragging him by both bound legs out of bed. I’ve got to get up to write, otherwise there’s no peace in me. In this regard I have no choice. “My God, the years.” He flings aside the blanket and standing unsteadily by the loose-legged chair that holds his clothes slowly draws on his cold pants. Today’s another day.Lesser dresses unwillingly, disappointing surprise, because he had gone to bed in a fire of desire to write in the morning. His thoughts were sweet, impatient for tomorrow. He goes to sleep in anticipation and wakes resistant, mourning. For what? Whom? What useless dreams intervene? Though he remembers none although his sleep is stuffed with dreams, Lesserreveries one touched with fear: Here’s this stranger I meet on the stairs.”Who you looking for, brother?” “Who you callin brother, mother?”Exit intruder. Yesterday’s prowler or already today’s? Levenspiel in disguise? A thug he’s hired to burn or blow up the joint? It’s my hyperactive imagination working against the grain. Lesser makes things hard for himself for certain reasons. That’s a long tale but right now it means he doesn’t know how to end his book. Nor why the ending, this time, is so hard to come by if you’ve invented every step that leads to it, though some crumble when you look hard at them. Still, it’s bound to come, it always has. Maybe it’s some kind of eschatological dodge? Like an end is more than I can stand? Each book I write nudges me that much closer to death? As soon as he ends one he begins another.Now that the imagination is imagining Lesser imagines it done, the long labor concluded at last. Relief, calm, mornings in bed for a month. Dawn on the sea, rose lighting the restless waves touching an island waking, breathing the fresh breath of its trees, flowers, bayberry bushes, seashells.”

Lees verder “Bernard Malamud, Vincente Alexandre, Leo Stilma, Hannelies Taschau, Theun de Vries”