Dolce far niente (Charles Simic), Elisabeth Eybers, Anil Ramdas, Ingmar Heytze


Dolce far niente (Bij een huwelijksjubileum)


De ouderdom door Eduard Adrian Dussek, z.j.


Old Couple

They’re waiting to be murdered,  
Or evicted. Soon
They expect to have nothing to eat.  
In the meantime, they sit.

A violent pain is coming, they think.
It will start in the heart
And climb into the mouth.
They’ll be carried off in stretchers, howling.

Tonight they watch the window  
Without exchanging a word.  
It has rained, and now it looks  
Like it’s going to snow a little.

I see him get up to lower the shades.  
If their window stays dark,
I know his hand has reached hers
Just as she was about to turn on the lights.


Charles Simic (Belgrado, 9 mei 1938)

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