Martin Suter, Yórgos Seféris, Marin Sorescu, Howard Nemerov, Saul Williams, John Byrom

De Zwitserse schrijver Martin Suter werd geboren op 29 februari 1948 in Zürich. Zie ook alle tags voor Martin Suter op dit blog.

Uit: Ein perfekter Freund

“Das wollte ich Sie fragen.”
“Keine Ahnung?”
Fabio schüttelte vorsichtig den Kopf. Die Frau liess sein Handgelenk los, nahm das Krankenblatt vom Bettgestell und notierte etwas. “Sie sind in der Neurochirurgie der Uniklinik.”
“Sie haben eine Kopfverletzung.” Sie überprüfte die Infusionsflasche.
“Was für eine?”
“Ein Schädel-Hirn-Trauma. Sie haben einen Schlag auf den Kopf erhalten.”
“Wie das?”
Sie lächelte: “Das wollte ich Sie fragen.”
Fabio schloss die Augen. “Seit wann bin ich hier?”
“Seit fünf Tagen.”
Fabio schlug die Augen auf. “Ich war fünf Tage im Koma?”
“Nein, Sie sind seit drei Tagen wach.”
“Ich erinnere mich nicht.”
“Das hängt mit Ihrer Kopfverletzung zusammen.”
“Ist sie so schlimm?”
“Es geht. Kein Schädelbruch und keine Blutung.”
“Und der Verband?”
“Auf der Intensivstation hatte man Ihnen eine Hirndrucksonde eingesetzt.”

Martin Suter (Zürich 29 februari 1948)

Lees verder “Martin Suter, Yórgos Seféris, Marin Sorescu, Howard Nemerov, Saul Williams, John Byrom”

Stephen Spender, Bart Koubaa, Luc Dellisse, John Montague, Marcel Pagnol, Raphaële Billetdoux, Bodo Morshäuser

De Engelse dichter, essayist en schrijver Stephen Spender werd geboren op 28 februari 1909 in Londen. Zie ook alle tags voor Stephen Spender op dit blog.


A Childhood

I am glad I met you on the edge
Of your barbarous childhood

In what purity of pleasure
You danced alone like a peasant
For the stamping joy’s own sake!

How, set in their sandy sockets,
Your clear, truthful, transparent eyes
Shone out of the black frozen landscape
Of those gray-clothed schoolboys!

How your shy hand offered
The total generosity
Of original unforewarned fearful trust,
In a world grown old in iron hatred!

I am glad to set down
The first and ultimate you,
Your inescapable soul. Although
It fade like a fading smile
Or light falling from faces
Which some grimmer preoccupation replaces.

This happens everywhere at every time:
Joy lacks the cause for joy,
Love the answering love,
And truth the objectless persistent loneliness,
As they grow older,
To become later what they were
In childhood earlier,
In a world of cheating compromise.

Childhood, its own flower,
Flushes from the grasses with no reason
Except the sky of that season.
But the grown desires need objects
And taste of these corrupts the tongue
And the natural need is scattered
In satisfactions which satisfy
A debased need.

Yet all prayers are on die side of
Giving strength to naturalness,
So I pray for nothing new,
I pray only, after such knowledge,
That you may have the strength to be you.

And I shall remember
You who, being younger,
Will probably forget.


Stephen Spender (28 februari 1909 – 16 juli 1995)
Portret door Wyndham Lewis, 1938

Lees verder “Stephen Spender, Bart Koubaa, Luc Dellisse, John Montague, Marcel Pagnol, Raphaële Billetdoux, Bodo Morshäuser”

Daniel Handler, Dee Brown, Berthold Auerbach, José Vasconcelos, Sophie Tieck, Michel de Montaigne, Ernest Renan

De Amerikaanse schrijver Daniel Handler werd geboren op 28 februari 1970 in San Francisco, Californië Zie ook alle tags Daniel Handler op dit blog.

Uit: Why We Broke Up

“So it all went into the box and the box went into my closet with some shoes on top of it I never wear. Every last souvenir of the love we had, the prizes and the debris of this relationship, like the glitter in the gutter when the parade has passed, all the everything and whatnot kicked to the curb. I’m dumping the whole box back into your life, Ed, every item of you and me. I’m dumping this box on your porch, Ed, but it is you, Ed, who is getting dumped.
The thunk, I admit it, will make me smile. A rare thing lately. Lately I’ve been like Aimeé Rondelé in The Sky Cries Too, a movie, French, you haven’t seen. She plays an assassin and dress designer, and she only smiles twice in the whole film. Once is when the kingpin who killed her father gets thrown off the building, which is not the time I’m thinking of. It’s the time at the end, when she finally has the envelope with the photographs and burns it unopened in the gorgeous ashtray and she knows it’s over and lights a cigarette and stands in that perfect green of a dress watching the blackbirds swarm and flurry around the church spire.
I can see it. The world is right again, is the smile. I loved you and now here’s back your stuff, out of my life like you belong, is the smile. I know you can’t see it, not you, Ed, but maybe if I tell you the whole plot you’ll understand it this once, because even now I want you to see it. I don’t love you anymore, of course I don’t, but still there’s something I can show you. You know I want to be a director, but you could never truly see the movies in my head and that, Ed, is why we broke up.”


Daniel Handler (San Francisco, 28 februari 1970)

Lees verder “Daniel Handler, Dee Brown, Berthold Auerbach, José Vasconcelos, Sophie Tieck, Michel de Montaigne, Ernest Renan”