Siri Hustvedt, Helen Fielding, Jaan Kross, Helene Hegemann, Björn Kuhligk, Wolfgang Fritz, Dmitri Lipskerov

De Amerikaanse schrijfster en essayiste Siri Hustvedt werd geboren op 19 februari 1955 in Northfield, Minnesota. Zie ook alle tags voor Siri Hustvedt op dit blog.

Uit:The Blazing Worl

“Editing is the most obvious way of manipulating vision. And yet, the camera sometimes sees what you don’t – a person in the background, for example, or an object moving in the wind. I like these accidents. My first full-length film, Esperanza, was about a woman I befriended on the Lower East Side when I was a film student at NYU. Esperanza had hoarded nearly all the portable objects she had touched every day for thirty years: the Chock Full O’Nuts paper coffee cups, copies of the Daily News, magazines, gum wrappers, price tags, receipts, rubber bands, plastic bags from the 99-cent store where she did most of her shopping, piles of clothes, torn towels, and bric-a-brac she had found in the street. Esperanza’s apartment consisted of floor-to-ceiling stacks of stuff. At first sight, the crowded apartment appeared to be pure chaos, but Esperanza explained to me that her piles were not random. Her paper cups had their own corner. These crenellated towers of yellowing, disintegrating waxed cardboard stood next to piles of newspapers …
One evening, however, while I was watching the footage from a day’s filming, I found myself scrutinizing a pile of rags beside Esperanza’s mattress. I noticed that there were objects carefully tucked in among the fraying bits of coloured cloth: rows of pencils, stones, matchbooks, business cards. It was this sighting that led to the “explanation.” She was keenly aware that the world at large disapproved of her “lifestyle,” and that there was little room left for her in the apartment, but when I asked her about the objects among the rags, she said that she wanted to “keep them safe and sound.” The rags were beds for the things. “Both the beds and the ones that lay down on them,” she told me, “are nice and comfy.
It turned out that Esperanza felt for each and every thing she saved, as if the tags and town sweaters and dishes and postcards and newspapers and toys and rags were imbued with thoughts and feelings. After she saw the film, my mother said that Esperanza appeared to believe in a form of “panpsychism.” Mother said that this meant that mind is a fundamental feature of the universe and exists in everything, from stones to people. She said Spinoza subscribed to this view, and “it was a perfectly legitimate philosophical position.” Esperanza didn’t know anything about Spinoza …

Siri Hustvedt (Northfield, 19 februari 1955)

Lees verder “Siri Hustvedt, Helen Fielding, Jaan Kross, Helene Hegemann, Björn Kuhligk, Wolfgang Fritz, Dmitri Lipskerov”

Aschermittwoch (Louise Hensel)

Bij Aswoensdag


Aschermittwoch door Ernst Hanfstaengel, 1895



»Staub bist du und kehrst zum Staube,
Denk’, o Mensch, an deinen Tod!«
Wohl, dies weiß ich, doch mein Glaube
Sieht ein ew’ges Morgenroth.

Sieht ein Land, wo Friedenspalmen
Um des Siegers Scheitel wehn,
Wo umrauscht von ihren Psalmen
Wir der Engel Chöre sehn.

Wo Maria, die Getreue,
Ihr geliebtes Kind uns zeigt,
Wo die Sehnsucht und die Reue
Nun ihr selig Ziel erreicht.

Wo der Vater mit dem Sohne
Und dem heil’gen Geist zugleich
Thront auf einem ew’gen Throne,
Unaussprechlich herrlich, reich.

Wo wir Den, der je gewesen,
Schauen, wie Er ewig war.
O, dort wird mein Herz genesen!
O, dort wird mein Auge klar!


Luise Hensel (30 maart 1798 – 18 december 1878)
Portret door Josse Goossens


Zie voor de schrijvers van de 18e februari ook mijn vorige blog van vandaag.

Nick McDonell, Toni Morrison, Robbert Welagen, Bart FM Droog, Maarten Mourik, Huub Beurskens, Gaston Burssens

De Amerikaanse schrijver Nick McDonell werd geboren op 18 februari 1984 in New York. Zie ook alle tags voor Nick McDonell op dit blog.

Uit: The Third Brother

“So Mike is glad when the assignment comes, even though he is very surprised. He had been watching again, and Analect had been standing in conversation with Bishop for nearly ten minutes. Mike had been looking closely through the glass-he sensed the men were angry with one another-when Bishop suddenly turned and opened the door. Mike feared he was caught, but then Bishop waved him into the office and Analect asked if he wanted to go to Bangkok. “Help Tommy with some reporting,” as he put it.
Bishop nods slightly at Mike. Bishop is a small man, with fat features and prematurely graying black hair.
“The story, is backpacker kids going to Bangkok to do ecstasy,” Analect says. “Just don’t get arrested.”
“He doesn’t want to have to retrieve you,” Bishop says.
“It’s really just a travel story, is another way to look at it,” Analect goes on.
“Just a travel story,” Bishop repeats, chuckling.
“You’re their age,” Analect continues, “the backpackers’. You’ll be good at talking to them. Ask questions. It can be your story too. And one other thing I’ve already explained to Tommy …”
Mike catches Bishop rolling his eyes.
“… I want you to find Christopher Dorr.”
Mike can’t place the name.
“He used to do a lot of the investigative pieces Tommy does now,” Analect says, looking straight at him, seeming almost to ignore Bishop. “He’s been in Bangkok for a while, I think. It’d be good for someone from the magazine to look him up.”

Nick McDonell (New York, 18 februari 1984)

Lees verder “Nick McDonell, Toni Morrison, Robbert Welagen, Bart FM Droog, Maarten Mourik, Huub Beurskens, Gaston Burssens”

Charlotte Van den Broeck

Onafhankelijk van geboortedata

De Vlaamse dichteres Charlotte Van den Broeck werd in 1991 geboren in Borgerhout. Ze studeert woordkunst aan het Conservatorium van Antwerpen. Van den Broeck stond in 2013 in de top honderd van de Turing Gedichtenwedstrijd en won een plek in de finale van DichtSlamRap. In 2015 verscheen bij De Arbeiderspers haar debuut Kameleon met beeldende, verhalende gedichten dat als een van de beste debuutbundels van het jaar werd betiteld.


Ik spreek in een slepende melodielijn van ‘hier’ en ‘nu’ en ‘blijf’
herhaal dit zo vaak tot het schuurt
tot je me terug in je mond rolt, me onuitgesproken
op je deinende tong legt, zachtjes
zoals kleine meisjes met overgewicht zachtjes
stuiteren bij het lopen.
En ik wil dat je me opnieuw zegt, dat je niet kan ophouden mij te zeggen
dat ik uit de holte van je mond breek
en je me nieuwe namen geeft, de verkeerde
zoals ‘lief’ en ‘klein’ en ‘traag’
dat ik me daarnaar ga gedragen als een geconditioneerde hond,
voortaan mijn borsten bedek
als je onverwachts de badkamer binnenkomt.
Laten we ergens tussen tong en tanden
analoge liefde in dit hoofdkussen liegen.
Misschien schieten we elkaar alsnog te binnen.
Misschien herinneren we ons de plek
waar het schudden begon
en we het ritme niet meer vonden.

Charlotte Van den Broeck (Borgerhout, 1991)

Soir de carnaval (Jules Laforgue)

Bij Carnaval


Carnavalsscene, toegeschreven aan Marco Marcola (1740–1793)


Soir de carnaval

Paris chahute au gaz. L’horloge comme un glas
Sonne une heure. Chantez! dansez! la vie est brève,
Tout est vain, — et, là-haut, voyez, la Lune rêve
Aussi froide qu’aux temps où l’Homme n’était pas.

Ah! quel destin banal ! Tout miroite et puis passe,
Nous leurrant d’infini par le Vrai, par l’Amour;
Et nous irons ainsi, jusqu’à ce qu’à son tour
La terre crève aux cieux, sans laisser nulle trace.

Où réveiller l’écho de tous ces cris, ces pleurs,
Ces fanfares d’orgueil que l’Histoire nous nomme,
Babylone, Memphis, Bénarès, Thèbes, Rome,
Ruines où le vent sème aujourd’hui des fleurs ?

Et moi, combien de jours me reste-t-il à vivre ?
Et je me jette à terre, et je crie et frémis
Devant les siècles d’or pour jamais endormis
Dans le néant sans cour dont nul dieu ne délivre!

Et voici que j’entends, dans la paix de la nuit,
Un pas sonore, un chant mélancolique et bête
D’ouvrier ivre-mort qui revient de la fête
Et regagne au hasard quelque ignoble réduit.

Oh! la vie est trop triste, incurablement triste!
Aux fêtes d’ici-bas, j’ai toujours sangloté :
« Vanité, vanité, tout n’est que vanité! »
— Puis je songeais : où sont les cendres du Psalmiste?


Jules Laforgue (16 augustus 1860 – 20 augustus 1887)
Borstbeeld in Tarbes


Zie voor de schrijvers van de 17e februari ook mijn vorige blog van vandaag.

Shahrnush Parsipur, Sadegh Hedayat, Yevgeni Grishkovetz, Mo Yan,Frederik Hetmann, Emmy Hennings

De Iraanse schrijfster Shahrnush Parsipur werd geboren op 17 februari 1946 in Teheran. Zie ook alle tags voor Shahrnush Parsipur op dit blog.

Uit: The Gentlemen (Vertaald door Farzin Yazdanfar)

“Mr. Habibi: What should we look at? I don’t get it.
Mr. Nemati: He’s right, dear. We should look around. We just talk. We’ve been talking for 2500 years.**
Mr. Tahmooresi: According to history, 2800 years. I don’t understand why we’re insisting on 2500 years. Humanity has existed for a million years.
Mr. Habibi: Not humanity, ‘humans’.
Mr. Tahmooresi: ‘Humanity’ is symmetrical with ‘human’. One is meaningless without the other.
Mr. Habibi: But it’s correct to say ‘human’. For instance, Dr. Barnard,*** who performs heart transplant operations, replaces a human being’s heart; he doesn’t replace humanity’s heart.
Mr. Tahmooresi: You’re just playing with words. Well, if Dr. Barnard can change the heart of human beings, he’ll somehow be able to change the heart of humanity. Won’t he?
Mr. Nemati: But let’s be honest. The question of humanity aside, Dr. Barnard seems to have started a good business. There’s nobody to ask him what the fuss is about.
Mr. Tahmooresi: I really like Nemati.
He never lets the argument end up with a quarrel. I was once a soldier serving in the army in Kurdestan. I mean I wasn’t a soldier. I was higher in rank, I was a lieutenant…
Mr. Habibi: This is how they fool people. They think that if they give you a couple of badges and promote you to a higher rank, they have the right to bully you. I don’t understand the logic behind it. Why do they waste two years of one’s life?
Mr. Tahmooresi: It’s obvious. If a war breaks out, there should be some people to fight. After all, how would a war be possible without soldiers?
Mr. Nemati: I don’t understand at all what the real purpose of war is. I read somewhere that war isn’t part of man’s nature. Man invented war.
Mr. Habibi: Man invented God, too.”

Shahrnush Parsipur (Teheran, 17 februari 1946)

Lees verder “Shahrnush Parsipur, Sadegh Hedayat, Yevgeni Grishkovetz, Mo Yan,Frederik Hetmann, Emmy Hennings”

Ripe Fruit (Robert W. Service)

Bij Carnaval


Le carnaval à Dunkerque, sur les quais, door Orlando Norie, 1891


Ripe Fruit

Through eyelet holes I watched the crowd
Rain of confetti fling;
Their joy is lush, their laughter loud,
For Carnival is King.
Behind his chariot I pace
To earn my petty pay;
They laugh to see my monster face:
“Ripe Fruit,” I hear them say.

I do not laugh: my shoulders sag;
No heart have I for glee,
Because I hold aloft a hag
Who grins enough for me;
A hideous harridan who bears
In crapulous display,
Like two grub-eaten mouldy pears
Her bubbies on a tray.

Ripe Fruit! Oh, God! It’s hell to think
How I have drifted down
Through vice and dice and dope and drink
To play the sordid clown;
That I who held the golden key
To operatic fame,
Should gnaw the crust of misery
And drain the dregs of shame.

What matter! I’ll get soused to-night,
And happy I will be,
To sit within a tavern bright,
A trollop on my knee. . . .
So let the crazy pipers pipe,
And let the rapture ring:
Ripe fruit am I – yea, rotten ripe,
And Carnival is King.


Robert W. Service (16 januari 1874 – 11 september 1958)


Zie voor de schrijvers van de 16e februari mijn vorige blog van vandaag.

Elisabeth Eybers, Anil Ramdas, Ingmar Heytze, Iain Banks, Iris Kammerer, Alfred Kolleritsch

De Zuidafrikaanse dichteres Elisabeth Eybers werd geboren op 16 februari 1915 in Klerksdorp. Zie ook alle tags voor Elisabeth Eybers op dit blog.



Moeder, my eerste sekerte was jy,
gedugter as die voorbestemmingsleer;
diè slotsom was my soetste kettery,
dat aardse liefde ewige onheil weer.
Hoe moes ek snags, soms tot beswymens bang,
my uit die stikgreep van die Bose red,
verkluim, kaalvoet oor kwaste van die gang
voortstrompel na die vrystad van jou bed.
Jy het die vroegste flits van agterdog
op die gehurkte garingbuik, Calvyn,
wat waghou oor sy wrede web, laat skyn;
my douvoordag op ’n verkenningstog
geloods – bestem tot jou verdriet, maar steeds
erfkind van jou week hart en wakker gees.


’n Potskerf het die paadjies van die juk
geduldig opgespoor, die etterdruip
het droog geword, die tentatiewe tik
teen rowe laat die huid wellustig kruip.
As Gods hand alles uitwis bly die tyd
nog onvernietigbaar. Die ganse dag
was dus tot sy beskikking om die vlyt
van brommers in die vuilgoed te betrag
– aandagtig asemend, terwyl die stank
en sonsteek hul beswering om hom rank.
Toe al die yweraars ondergronds verdwyn
het hy sy bak sorgvuldig skoon gelek,
sy mantelflenters oor sy kop getrek
en ingekrimp tot ’n klein pit van pyn.


Twaalf jaar. Gespanne vóór die donker sprong,
jou klapperdop ’n korf wat gons van vrae,
astrant, seepbekkig soos ’n groenteklong,
jou moeder daeliks trotser, meer verslae.
Vanmôre dink ek weer aan die verhaal
van daardie vindingryke, vroegwys Knaap,
aan háár wat drie dae lank moes radeloos dwaal
terwyl die tempelgangers hul vergaap.
Hoe ver kan ek jou vergesel? Jou oë
is newelig en wimperswaar gedroom
van ruimtereise, radar en atoom…
Klein Ikaros, by voorbaat reeds bedroë,
weeg jy my wankel woorde, kyk my aan,
meewarig oor sovéél wat ‘k nie verstaan.


Elisabeth Eybers (16 februari 1915 – 1 december 2007)
Als jonge studente  in Johannesburg

Lees verder “Elisabeth Eybers, Anil Ramdas, Ingmar Heytze, Iain Banks, Iris Kammerer, Alfred Kolleritsch”

Fastnacht (Wolfgang Müller von Königswinter)

Bij Carnaval


Max Beckmann: Karneval, triptiek (1942 – 1943)



Lust’ge, lust’ge Fastnachtszeit!
Heute jubeln alle Leut’,
Heute sind wir alle toll,
Alle bunter Scherze voll.

Zieht die Schellenkappen um,
Hänget bunte Kleider drum!
Keiner kennt uns mehr heraus:
Welt ist wie ein Narrenhaus.

Räuber kommen wild heran,
Ritter reihen stolz sich dran,
Die Zigeuner fehlen nicht,
Schäfersmann ist jener Wicht.

Aus Tirol kommt der Gesell,
Jener aus dem Land des Tell.
Wenn ich doch ein Türke wär’!
Seht, dort trollt sogar ein Bär!

Auf der Geige auf dem Bass,
Auf der Flöte spielt der Spaß.
Kunterbunten Maskenscherz
Treiben froh wir allerwärts.

Lust’ge, lust’ge Fastnachtszeit!
Heute jubeln alle Leut’,
Heute sind wir alle toll,
Alle bunter Scherze voll.


Wolfgang Müller von Königswinter (15 maart 1816 – 29 juni 1873)
Buste op de Rheinallee in Königswinter


Zie voor de schrijvers van de 15e februari ook mijn vorige twee blogs van vandaag.

Richard Blanco, Elke Heidenreich, Chrystine Brouillet, Hans Kruppa, Douglas Hofstadter, Demetrius Vikelas

De Amerikaanse dichter Richard Blanco werd geboren op 15 februari 1968 in Madrid. Zie ook alle tags voor Richard Blanco op dit blog.


El Florida Room

Not a study or a den, but El Florida
as my mother called it, a pretty name
for the room with the prettiest view
of the lipstick-red hibiscus puckered up
against the windows, the tepid breeze
laden with the brown-sugar scent
of loquats drifting in from the yard.

Not a sunroom, but where the sun
both rose and set, all day the shadows
of banana trees fan-dancing across
the floor, and if it rained, it rained
the loudest, like marbles plunking
across the roof under constant threat
of coconuts ready to fall from the sky.

Not a sitting room, but El Florida where
I sat alone for hours with butterflies
frozen on the polyester curtains
and faces of Lladró figurines: sad angels,
clowns, and princesses with eyes glazed
blue and gray, gazing from behind
the glass doors of the wall cabinet.

Not a TV room, but where I watched
Creature Feature as a boy, clinging
to my brother, safe from vampires
in the same sofa where I fell in love
with Clint Eastwood and my Abuelo
watching westerns, or pitying women
crying in telenovelas with my Abuela.

Not a family room, but the room where
my father twirled his hair while listening
to 8-tracks of Elvis, and read Nietzsche
and Kant a few months before he died,
where my mother learned to dance alone
as she swept, and I learned Salsa pressed
against my Tía Julia’s enormous breasts.

At the edge of the city, in the company
of crickets, beside the empty clothesline,
telephone wires and the moon, tonight
my life is an old friend sitting with me 
not in the living room, but in the light
of El Florida, as quiet and necessary
as any star shining above it.


Richard Blanco (Madrid, 15 februari 1968)

Lees verder “Richard Blanco, Elke Heidenreich, Chrystine Brouillet, Hans Kruppa, Douglas Hofstadter, Demetrius Vikelas”