De Amerikaanse schrijver John Rechy werd geboren op 10 maart 1934 in El Paso, Texas. Zie ook alle tags voor John Rechy op dit blog.
Uit: City of Night
“And so Main Street is an anarchy where the only rule is Make It!
And the only reminders of the world beyond its boundaries are thepolicewagons that cruise the streets-the cops that pick you at random out of Hooper’s all-night coffee shop after 2:00 in the morning . The free jammed ride to the glasshouse for fingerprints…
Rock-n-roll sounds fill the rancid air.
This was the world I joined.
A couple of blocks away from Main Street, on Spring-squashed on either side by gray apartment buildings (walls greasy from days of cheap cooking, cobwebbed lightbulbs feebly hiding in opaque darkness, windowscreens if any smooth as velvet with grime-where queens and hustlers and other exiles hibernate)-just beyond the hobo cafeteria where panhandlers hang dismally outside in the cruel neonlight (fugitives from the owlfaces of the Salvation Army fighting Evil with no help from God or the cops; fugitives from Uplifting mission-words and lambstew) -is the 1-2-3.
Outside, a cluster of pushers gather like nervous caged monkeys, openly offering pills and maryjane thrills, and you see them scurrying antlike to consult with Dad-o, the Negro king of downtown smalltime pushers-and Dad-o, sitting royally at the bar like a heap of very black shiny dough, says yes or no arbitrarily.
And that is the way it is.
I saw Miss Destiny again one Saturday night at the 1-2-3. And that is when it swings.
“Oooee …” she squealed. “I wondered where you were, baby, and I have thought about you-and thought, why hes gone already-Escaped! -and oh Im so glad youre not, and come here, I want you to meet my dear sistuhs and their boyfriends-” being, naturally, the downtown queens and hustlers who are Miss Destiny’s friends.”
John Rechy (El Paso, 10 maart 1934)