Joe Queenan, Oodgeroo Noonuccal, Jan Boerstoel, André Malraux, Ann Scott, Dieter Wellershoff, Hanns Heinz Ewers, William Cullen Bryant

De Amerikaanse schrijver, humorist en criticus Joe Queenan werd geboren op 3 november 1950 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Zie ook mijn blog van 3 november 2010 en eveneens alle tags voor Joe Queenan op dit blog.

Uit: Balsamic Dreams: A Short but Self-Important History of the Baby Boomer Generation

“In the end, Baby Boomers didn’t deliver on any of their promises. Instead, they were a case study in false advertising. They professed to go with the flow, but it was actually the cash flow, and they most certainly did not teach their children well, as they were too busy videotaping them. Instead, they took a dive. They retreated into the deepest recesses of their surprisingly tiny inner lives. They became fakes, hypocrites, cop-outs and, in many cases, out-and-out dorks. And the worst thing was: Most of them didn’t realize it.
Certainly not Mr. Dog Guy. One day last summer I was sitting on the veranda of my elegant, well-appointed house overlooking the Hudson River when a Jeep Grand Cherokee drifted past with a twee Alaskan malamute trotting about twenty yards behind. As the Jeep inched up the street at about five miles an hour, the dog meekly scurried along in its wake, occasionally soiling people’s lawns. The dog and the vehicle soon disappeared around a bend in the road, but five minutes later they were back for the return leg of their little jaunt. When the dog attempted to do his business on my wife’s beloved flower bed, I made it my business to scare him away with a stick. The dog clambered off and that was that.
Over the course of the next three weeks, I observed the Jeep and the dog making their rounds early in the morning and late in the evening. The driver, about forty-five, was not from the neighborhood. Neither was the dog. The dog usually had the good sense to stay away from my lawn, but he invariably managed to take a dump somewhereelse. The two quickly became a kind of local legend. Everyone felt sorry for a pet unlucky enough to have an owner who was too lazy to get out of his car and actually walk the poor mutt. Everyone wondered what kind of a creep would own a beautiful dog like that and not only refuse to walk it, but refuse to clean up after it, and who would then compound that offense by driving to someone else’s neighborhood and encouraging his dog to defecate all over strangers’ properties. My neighbors proclaimed him a creep, a lowlife, a swine, not to mention a very thoughtless and insensitive human being.”

Joe Queenan (Philadelphia, 3 november 1950)

Lees verder “Joe Queenan, Oodgeroo Noonuccal, Jan Boerstoel, André Malraux, Ann Scott, Dieter Wellershoff, Hanns Heinz Ewers, William Cullen Bryant”