Patrick deWitt, Gabriel García Márquez, Jeremy Reed, Marijke Hanegraaf, Thomas Acda, Günter Kunert, Clark Accord, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Michelangelo

De Canadese schrijver en scenarist Patrick deWitt werd geboren op 6 maart 1975 op Vancouver Island. Zie ook alle tags voor Patrick deWitt op dit blog.

Uit: Undermajordomo Minor

“These words played in Lucy’s head as he stood on the platform awaiting the Count and Countess’s arrival. As the train came into the station, he could hear a man’s wild cackling; when the Count emerged from his compartment he was quite obviously drunken, swaying in place, a cigar planted in the fold of his slick, blubbery mouth. His skull was a softly pink egg, his eyes blood-daubed yolks — he drew back from the sunlight as one scalded. Once recovered, he focused on Lucy, gripping him by the lapel. “Ah, Broom, happy to see you again, boy.”
“Yes, sir, nice to see you, as well. Only I’m not Mr Broom; my name is Lucy.”
“My name is Lucy, sir.”
The Count stared. “You’re Broom.”
“I’m not he, sir.”
“Well, where has Broom run off to?”
“He has died, sir.”
The Count leaned back on his heels. Speaking over his shoulder and into the blackened compartment, he said, “Did you know about this?”
“About what?” said the Countess.
“Broom is dead.”
“The servant lad? Broom? You were so fond of him last time we visited.”
“Oh, yes, him. Nice boy — nice colouring. He’s dead, you say?”
“Dead as dinner, apparently.”
“How did he die?”
“I don’t know how.” The Count looked at Lucy. “How?”
Lucy said, “He was possessed by a wickedness and so cast himself into the Very Large Hole, sir.”
The Count made an irritable face.
“Did he say a very large hole?” the Countess asked.”


Patrick deWitt (Vancouver Island, 6 maart 1975)

Lees verder “Patrick deWitt, Gabriel García Márquez, Jeremy Reed, Marijke Hanegraaf, Thomas Acda, Günter Kunert, Clark Accord, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Michelangelo”