Natalka Bilotserkivets

De Oekraïense dichteres en vertaalster Natalka Bilotserkivets werd geboren op 8 november 1954 in het dorp Kuyanivka in de buurt van Soemy en studeerde af aan de Taras Shevchenko National University in Kiev. Ze is getrouwd met de criticus Mykola Riabchuk en werkt als redacteur voor het tijdschrift “Ukrainian” Culture in Kiev. Haar eerste dichtbundel, “Ballad about the Invincibles” (Balada pro neskorenykh), verscheen in 1976, terwijl ze nog studeerde. Ze publiceerde ook de bundels “The Underground Fire” (Підземний вогонь, 1984) en “November” (Листопад, 1989).[1] Voor haar dichtbundels “Allergy”(Алергія, 1999) en “Central Hotel” (Готель Централь, 2004) ontving zij respectievelijk in 2000 en 2004 deBoek van de maand prijs.


Hotel Central

for anyone

in one of the cities where at an uncertain time
capricious fate acknowledges us
where in the evening you can hear jazz in the restaurants
in the morning — bells from the gothic arches
water-lilies bloom in the canals there
people drink coffee there and later on beer
and the bicycles of radiant schoolgirls fly
in their sweet way in flocks

their backpacks bright and light
their legs long their hips slim
my God we once were like them too
ten twenty thirty years ago
but cast aside your itinerant pity
there\’s a Hotel Central in every city —
for those just like you who are no one for no one

here you\’ll unpack your ordinary things
remove the contacts from your eyes
wash your flesh get your drink
push the button of the pay TV —
there\’s everything you\’d want; and how you\’d want it too;
shut your eyes enter and take
nocturnal music knows no bounds
in the chambers of your Hotel Central

at three AM God like Bosch will come
to Hotel Central from the heavenly halls
with insects playing clarinets
with mosquitoes drinking submissive blood
with frogs and snails;
with fish, too;
and all your love —
is just caviar in the repositories of hell

just the struggle of a puny and a miserable slave
spread all over the walls,
of a human being — with a smiting Spirit
he sculpts and bends your body
then throws it into a tub of dung
removing it with his two fingers
shaking it looking and listening

like the first look of tender compassion
like the first touch of a somber “I love you”
like the burst of sun in the folds of a curtain —
Hotel Central meets the new dawn

and every day is like your last chance
and every night as though for the last time
and over the lily-flowered canals
the bicycles
of anxious schoolgirls fly

Grand Hotel Central
Rotterdam, June 22, 2002



In memory of Ernst Juenger

There are boys who befriend snakes.
They are fearless and they sing.
Their white shirts, like snow
fly above a fresh grave.

Beneath the black velvet of their pants
their knees burn, torn in marches
on the marble cliffs. Their voices
are thin, but even thinner is their pure breath.

Their perfect pitch resounds like thunder
from lop-eared ears to tender ribs.

…There is no falsity in my feelings
for You, my Lord, for You.

O this love, cold and clear,
this steel honor:
like crystal, salty and icy
and crystal.

There are lips that close the seam
on the sleepy wound;
and blood that drips from the sole
becomes dew.

This is the love that befriends snakes
and beats without pity;
and will kill if Your image
winks from the crystal

and points towards the bloodied path
between reapings
where snow lies on dead ships
and sailors sleep.


Vertaald door Dzvinia Orlowsky


Natalka Bilotserkivets (Kuyanivka, 8 november 1954)

Joshua Ferris, Anne Sexton

De Amerikaanse schrijver Joshua Ferris werd op 8 november 1974 in Danville, Illinois, geboren. Zie ook alle tags voor Joshua Ferris op dit blog.

UitA Calling for Charlie Barnes

.“What do you want from me, huh? What did you expect?
Those were some of the questions Steady Boy was asking that morning, after waking his computer and sitting awhile with the rapier-style letter opener, contemplatively cleaning his nails.
But of whom was he asking them? His children? Ex-wives?
Old colleagues, maybe. Like that bastard Larry Stoval.
He knew Larry from his time at Bear Stearns—that scrappy brokerage firm with the dog-eat-dog mind-set, now kaput. He and Larry Stoval were good buddies back then. This was years ago. Charlie worked the retail desk while Larry cleared dubious trades at the direct orders of Jimmy Cayne, Bear’s CEO, doing God knows what damage to the moral universe . . . but what was it that kept Larry up at night? It wasn’t boiler rooms and FTC fines. It was Charlie’s affair with a nurse at First Baptist.
It was fall, 1992. The nurse’s name was Barbara. Larry didn’t like her. Didn’t like the idea of her. Larry, the Oak Brook deacon, didn’t give a damn about Wall Street thievery, but coveting thy neighbor’s wife—now that Larry could not abide.
Human hypocrisy of this magnitude was one reason Charlie always felt far from God. Little did Larry know that that guilt-ridden affair, which ended when Charlie left Evangeline and married the nurse, sent him, for the first and only time in his life, to a therapist’s couch just to pull himself together.
Honestly, he’d assumed the extramarital shame would go on eating him alive, like the guy who stole fire from the gods and had his liver picked clean by birds. But did Larry offer him any comfort? Take-home pay that put Larry Stoval in the halls of Valhalla, but he still couldn’t afford a little compassion for his fellow fallen man. “Larry,” Charlie had said, making himself vulnerable to his good old friend, “I’m in real trouble here,” and what’d the guy do? Treated him like a fucking pariah. He set down the letter opener, picked up the phone, and dialed. with the rapier-style letter opener, contemplatively cleaning his nails.
But of whom was he asking them? His children? Ex-wives?
Old colleagues, maybe. Like that bastard Larry Stoval.
He knew Larry from his time at Bear Stearns—that scrappy brokerage firm with the dog-eat-dog mind-set, now kaput. He and Larry Stoval were good buddies back then. This was years ago. Charlie worked the retail desk while Larry cleared dubious
trades at the direct orders of Jimmy Cayne, Bear’s CEO, doing God knows what damage to the moral universe . . . but what was it that kept Larry up at night? It wasn’t boiler rooms and FTC fines. It was Charlie’s affair with a nurse at First Baptist.”


Joshua Ferris (Danville, 8 november 1974)


De Engelse dichteres en schrijfster Anne Sexton werd geboren op 9 november 1928 in Newton, Massachusetts. Zie ook alle tags voor Anne Sexton op dit blog.


Het mos van zijn huid

Het was alleen belangrijk
om te glimlachen en stil te zitten,
naast hem te gaan liggen
en even uit te rusten,
samen te worden opgevouwen
alsof we zijde waren,
weg te zinken uit de ogen van moeder
en niet te praten.
De zwarte kamer nam ons op
als een grot of een mond
of een inhuizige buik.
Ik hield mijn adem in
en papa was er,
zijn duimen, zijn dikke schedel,
zijn tanden, zijn haar dat groeide
als een veld of een sjaal.
Ik lag bij het mos
van zijn huid totdat
het raar werd. Mijn zussen
zullen nooit weten dat ik
uit mezelf val en doe alsof
Allah niet zal zien
hoe ik mijn vader vasthoud
als een oude stenen boom.


Vertaald door Frans Roumen


Anne Sexton (9 november 1928 – 4 oktober 1974)


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