Annie Proulx, Dorothy Parker, Willem Arondeus, Krijn Peter Hesselink

De Amerikaanse schrijfster en journaliste Annie Proulx werd geboren op 22 augustus 1935 in Norwich, Connecticut. Zie ook mijn blog van 22 augustus 2007 en ook mijn blog van 22 augustus 2008 en ook mijn blog van 22 augustus 2009 en ook mijn blog van 22 augustus 2010.


Uit The Old Ace in The Hole


“Irrigated circles of winter wheat, dotted with stocker calves, grew on land as level as a runway. In other fields tractors lashed tails of dust. He noticed the habit of slower drivers to pull into the breakdown lane — here called the “courtesy lane” — and wave him on.

Ahead cities loomed, but as he came close the skyscrapers, mosques and spires metamorphosed into grain elevators, water towers and storage bins. The elevators were the tallest buildings on the plains, symmetrical, their thrusting shapes seeming to entrap kinetic energy. After a while Bob noticed their vertical rhythm, for they rose up regularly every five or ten miles in trackside towns. Most were concrete cylinders, some brick or tile, but at many sidings the old wood elevators, peeling and shabby, still stood, some surfaced with asbestos shingles, a few with rusted metal loosened by the wind. Rectilinear streets joined at ninety-degree angles. Every town had a motto: “The Town Where No One Wears a Frown”; “The Richest Land and the Finest People”; “10,000 Friendly People and One or Two Old Grumps.” He passed the Kar-Vu Drive-In, a midtown plywood Jesus, dead cows by the side of the road, legs stiff as two-by-fours, waiting for the renderer’s truck. There were nodding pump jacks and pivot irrigation rigs (one still decked out in Christmas lights) to the left and right, condensation tanks and complex assemblies of pipes and gauges, though such was the size of the landscape and their random placement that they seemed metal trinkets strewn by a vast and careless hand. Orange-and-yellow signs marked the existence of underground pipelines, for beneath the fields and pastures lay an invisible world of pipes, cables, boreholes, pumps and extraction devices, forming, with the surface fences and roads, a monstrous three-dimensional grid. This grid extended into the sky through contrails and invisible satellite transmissions. At the edge of fields he noticed brightly painted V-8 diesel engines (most converted to natural gas), pumping up water from the Ogallala aquifer below. And he passed scores of anonymous, low, grey buildings with enormous fans at their ends set back from the road and surrounded by chain-link fence. From the air these guarded hog farms resembled strange grand pianos with six or ten white keys, the trapezoid shape of the body the effluent lagoon in the rear”.




Annie Proulx (Norwich, 22 augustus 1935)

Lees verder “Annie Proulx, Dorothy Parker, Willem Arondeus, Krijn Peter Hesselink”

Jeroen Theunissen, Gustaf Fröding, Panait Istrati, Jean Regnault de Segrais, Wolfdietrich Schnurre, Irmtraud Morgner, Georges de Scudéry

De Vlaamse dichter en schrijver Jeroen Theunissen werd geboren in Gent op 22 augustus 1977. Zie ook mijn blog van 1 juni 2009 en ook mijn blog van 1 juni 2010 en ook mijn blog van 22 augustus 2010.



Wij zouden gaan wonen in schoonheid


Wij zouden gaan wonen in schoonheid
van augustus, surfend op het net vonden
we de plek, spraken zacht, medelijden
zouden we met die anderen hebben.
Die dwazen, die maar werkten. En er
zou ook regen zijn maar vooral veel zon.
En we zouden weten welke maand
in augustusland past.
Zwerven zouden wij door wat ons langzaam
en dagelijks overstijgt, seizoenen,
de ochtend eten, drinken, jeugdig en rijp.
En ten slotte zouden we de boel
kort en klein slaan, we zouden spelend
na de vernieling terugkeren.



Jeroen Theunissen (Gent, 22 augustus 1977)


Lees verder “Jeroen Theunissen, Gustaf Fröding, Panait Istrati, Jean Regnault de Segrais, Wolfdietrich Schnurre, Irmtraud Morgner, Georges de Scudéry”