De Deense schrijver Ib Michael (eig. Ib Michael Rasmussen) werd geboren op 17 januari 1945 in Roskilde. Zie ook alle tags voor Ib Michael op dit blog.
Uit: Orbit (Vertaald doorJohn Mason)
„From out at sea he could only see the chimney sticking up above the cliff. It looked like a beacon. He came flying across the surface of the water, his light carbon fibre wing paddle flashing in the sunlight, water droplets running down his arms. Now he broke his rhythm, rested on his paddle as the kayak lost speed and drifted on wind and current. He remained sitting there and laid back his head.
The cliff rose up out of the landscape. Under the turf at the very top the earth had given way in layers of shale and clay, and a hollow with chalk walls opened into the dark. Birds circled on the thermal, gulls and cormorants.
They cried as he approached, and their cries redoubled in the vault of sky above him.
He let himself drift towards land with the swell, felt the rear being lifted up as he steered lightly with the carbon fibre blade. He rounded the bluff and caught sight of a set of steps. It was made of wood and snaked down in a zigzag from the house that lay concealed somewhere up there on Fyrbakken. Some portions of the stairway had collapsed under an earth slip, a longer section had been contorted and looked like a ladder that had been twisted. The whole construction was held together by the handrail, which was intact all the way up.
He stared a moment too long, then the swell tugged at the kayak. A crest came rushing in under its silky sheen, which tore apart the moment it broke and flung the fragile craft sideways. The swell pounded itself to foam on the granite slabs of the breakwater.
He leaned into the rush with his paddle, edged himself off by the skin of his teeth, the bows facing the breakers, and paddled away. He rode into the surge. It foamed over the cockpit, which was tied off.”
Ib Michael (Roskilde, 17 januari 1945)
Lees verder “Ib Michael, Raoul Schrott, Lukas Moodysson, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer, Roel Houwink”