De Tsjechische schrijver Pavel Kohout werd geboren op 20 juli 1928 in Praag in wat toen nog Tsjecho-Slowakije werd genoemd. Zie ook alle tags voor Pavel Kohoutop dit blog.
Uit: The Widow Killer (Vertaald door Neil Bernel)
“Thunder, mused Chief Inspector Buback, in February? It was over before he knew it. A large aerial bomb, he realized, and it had fallen uncomfortably close by.
The building of the Prague Gestapo, where Buback worked as liaison officer for the Reich’s criminal police office, swayed wildly for what seemed like an eternity, but did not collapse. The proverbial quiet followed the storm; time stopped. Eventually sirens began to wail, and the officers and secretaries trooped down to the shelter.
He stared, motionless, at the two faces on his desk.
Buback disliked the shelter, in the basement of the old Petschke Bank. Some of its safes had been converted into cells; he’d heard a good interrogation there helped political prisoners remember all sorts of forgotten details. So he stayed upstairs, thunderstruck: the blast and the shaking had brought Hilde and Heidi back to life.
Their framed picture had traveled with him throughout the war. The offices changed, as did the cities and countries, but everywhere they had smiled radiantly at him, older and younger versions of a quiet, soothing loveliness. He conducted meetings and interrogations as they gazed at him from that final peacetime summer on the Isle of Sylt; for the most part he barely noticed them. But not an hour went by without Buback remembering in a flash of joy that they were alive.
They had been on his desk last year in Antwerp as men in other departments prepared for the retreat by burning documents in the courtyard. He had sneezed as the pungent smoke tickled his nose, and for a moment he did not understand the voice on the telephone telling him that both of them were dead. The smiles in the picture still glowed inside him; they flatly contradicted what he heard. Then the official from Berlin headquarters read him the police report.”