Pier Paolo Pasolini, Arthur van Schendel, Koos van Zomeren, Jurre van den Berg, Nelly Arcan

De Italiaanse filmregisseur, dichter en schrijver Pier Paolo Pasolini werd geboren in Bologna op 5 maart 1922. Zie ook alle tags voor Pier Paolo Pasolini op dit blog.

Uit: Seven Poems for Ninetto

Your place was at my side,
and you were proud of this.
But, sitting with your arm on the steering wheel
you said, “I can’t go on. I must stay here, alone.”

If you remain in this provincial village you’ll fall into a trap.
We all do. I don’t know how or when but you will.
The years that comprise a life vanish in an instant.

You are quiet, pensive. I know it is love
that is tearing us apart.

I have given you
all the power of my existence,
yet you are humble and proud, obeying a destiny
that wants you to remain impoverished. You don’t know
what to do, whether to give in or not.

I can’t pretend your resistance
doesn’t cause me pain.
I can see the future. There is blood on the sand.

I think of you and I say to myself: “ I have lost him.”
I cannot bear the pain and wish I were dead. A minute
or so passes and I reconsider. With joy 

I take back strength from your image. I refuse to cry.
My mind is changed.
Then again I consider you, lost and alone.

Who is this ugly gentleman
who does not understand what concerns him most? Are you
or are you not this Other,

he who always loses without really dying?
He is my double: I, pedantic. He, informal.

Knowledge of him has changed everything in my life.
He says that if I am lost he will find me.
He knows that when he does I will be dead.

Pier Paolo Pasolini (5 maart 1922 – 2 november 1975)
Paolo Pasolini en Ninetto Davoli

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