Stille Zaterdag (Nel Benschop)

Bij Stille zaterdag


De kruisafneming door Jacopo Tintoretto, ca.1518-1594


Stille Zaterdag

’t Is morgen Pasen – God, maar overal is dood;
en zou ik dan van leven moeten spreken?
Mijn denken blijft bij Goede Vrijdag steken,
want daar leed Jezus onze diepste nood.

’t Is morgen Pasen – maar waar blijft de zon
die onze zieke wereld kan genezen?
Ik sta met Uw discipelen in angst en vrezen
bij ’t lege graf, waar ‘k U niet vinden kon.

’t Is morgen Pasen – feest van het gericht
dat U gevoerd hebt tegen dood en lijden,
feest van voorbijgaan van de dood, feest van bevrijden;
Heer, doe ons opstaan in Uw levenslicht!


Nel Benschop (16 januari 1918 – 31 januari 2005)
De Grote Kerk in Den Haag. Nel Benschop werd in Den Haag geboren.


Zie voor de schrijvers van de 15e april ook mijn twee vorige blogs van vandaag.

Tomas Tranströmer, Daniël Samkalden, Jérôme Lambert, Patrick Bernauw, Benjamin Zephaniah, Henry James, Wilhelm Busch, Ina Boudier-Bakker

De Zweedse dichter en schrijver Tomas Tranströmer werd geboren in Stockholm op 15 april 1931. Zie ook alle tags voor Tomas Tranströmer op dit blog.

Streets in Shanghai

The white butterfly in the park is being read by many.
I love that cabbage-moth as if it were a fluttering corner of truth itself!

At dawn the running crowds set our quiet planet in motion.
Then the park fills with people. To each one, eight faces polished like jade, for all situations, to avoid making mistakes.
To each one, there’s also the invisible face reflecting “something you don’t talk about.”
Something that appears in tired moments and is as rank as a gulp of viper schnapps
with its long scaly aftertaste.

The carp in the pond move continuously, swimming while they sleep, setting an example for the faithful: always in motion.

It’s midday. Laundry flutters in the gray sea-wind high over the cyclists
who arrive in dense schools. Notice the labrinths on each side!

I’m surrounded by written characters that I can’t interpret, I’m illiterate through and through.
But I’ve paid what I owe and have receipts for everything.
I’ve accumulated so many illegible receipts.
I’m an old tree with withered leaves that hang on and can’t fall to the ground.

And a gust from the sea gets all these receipts rustling.

At dawn the trampling hordes set our quiet planet in motion.
We’re all aboard the street, and it’s as crammed as the deck of a ferry.

Where are we headed? Are there enough teacups? We should consider ourselves lucky to have made it aboard this street!
It’s a thousand years before the birth of claustrophobia.

Hovering behind each of us who walks here is a cross that wants to catch up with us, pass us, unite with us.
Something that wants to sneak up on us from behind, put its hands over our eyes and whisper “Guess who!”


Vertaald door Patty Crane

Tomas Tranströmer (15 april 1931 – 26 maart 2015)

Lees verder “Tomas Tranströmer, Daniël Samkalden, Jérôme Lambert, Patrick Bernauw, Benjamin Zephaniah, Henry James, Wilhelm Busch, Ina Boudier-Bakker”

Bliss Carman, Beate Morgenstern, Jeffrey Archer, Bernhard Lassahn, Erich Arendt, Pol De Mont, Staf Weyts, Hans Egon Holthusen

De Canadese dichter Bliss Carman werd geboren in Fredericton, in de provicincie New Brunswick op 15 april 1861. Zie ook alle tags voor Bliss Carman op dit blog.

A Creature Catechism by Bliss Carman

Soul, what art thou in the tribes of the sea?

LORD, said a flying fish,
Below the foundations of storm
We feel the primal wish
Of the earth take form.

Through the dim green water-fire
We see the red sun loom,
And the quake of a new desire
Takes hold on us down in the gloom.

No more can the filmy drift
Nor draughty currents buoy
Our whim to its bent, nor lift
Our heart to the height of its joy.

When sheering down to the Line
Come polar tides from the North,
Thy silver folk of the brine
Must glimmer and forth.

Down in the crumbling mill
Grinding eternally,
We are the type of thy will
To the tribes of the sea.


The Rainbird

Far off I hear a rainbird. Listen!
How fine and clear
His plaintive voice comes ringing
With rapture to the ear!

Over the misty wood-lots,
Across the first spring heat,
Comes the enchanted cadence,
So clear, so solemn-sweet.

How often I have hearkened
To that high pealing strain,
Across the cedar barrens,
Under the soft gray rain!

How often I have wondered,
And longed in vain to know
The source of that enchantment —
That touch of long ago!

O brother, who first taught thee
To haunt the teeming spring
With that divine sad wisdom
Which only age can bring?

Bliss Carman (15 april 1861 – 8 juni 1929)

Lees verder “Bliss Carman, Beate Morgenstern, Jeffrey Archer, Bernhard Lassahn, Erich Arendt, Pol De Mont, Staf Weyts, Hans Egon Holthusen”