De Amerikaanse dichter en criticus John Taggart werd geboren op 5 oktober 1942 in Guthrie Center, Iowa. Zie ook alle tags voor John Taggart op dit blog.
Precious Lord
Brother Joe May has a big voice has a big and loud voice
Brother Joe May the thunderbolt of the Middle West
the way he sang “pra-aaa-aaa-aaa-shus” is like thunder
he was taught to sing “pra-aaa-aaa-aaa-shus” by Mother Smith
he was taught to sing by Mother Willie Mae Ford Smith
she was called Mother he called her Mother
Mother Smith: “the lord just anoints me while I’m singing”
when you’re anointed something goes all over you
must be that same thng went all over her went all over her son.
Mrs. Willie May introduced “If You See My Saviour” in 1930
this was before she was called Mother
twenty years before Brother Joe May sang “pra-aaa-aaa-aaa-shus”
in 1930 in Chicago at the National Baptist Convention
during the morning devotions at the convention
she sang “you saw me” during the morning devotions
in 1930 in Chicago Georgia Tom recorded “She Can Love So Good”
in 1931 in Chicago Georgia Tom recorded “Please Mr. Blues”
if you saw her you’d see Mr. Blues loving her so good.
Way past sixteen way past sweet sixteen and she’s moaning
she says “when I don’t feel like singing I moan”
it’s Sister Rosetta Tharpe at The Hot Club de France in 1966
Sister Rosetta had dyed her hair red played a hollow-body jazz guitar
Sister Rosetta has a resonating vibrato
she moans “ho-oo-oo-oo-meh” with a resonating vibrato
she moans out “ho-oo-oo-oo-meh” becomes resonant
“when I don’t feel like singing I moan”
she becomes completely resonant she has nothing left to hide.
Thomas Dorsey wrote the words wrote the words and the music
Thomas Dorsey wrote the words and the music for “Precious Lord”
the song is an answer song to another song
answer to George Nelson Allen’s “Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?”
George Nelson Allen thought the answer was no
a cross for everyone “there’s a cross for everyone”
Thomas Dorsey thought the answer was no
“see you got to be susceptible for whatever comes in the ear”
he got Sister Rosetta to be susceptible got everyone susceptible.

De Argentijnse dichter, essayist en literatuurwetenschapper Roberto Juarroz werd geboren in Coronel Dorrego op 5 oktober 1925. Zie ook alle tags voor Roberto Juarroz op dit blog.
Van tijd tot tijd
Van tijd tot tijd
is het nodig de dingen de revue te laten passeren,
opnieuw hun aanwezigheid vast te stellen.
Wij moeten weten
of de bomen daar nog staan,
of de vogels en de bloemen
hun onwaarschijnlijke toernooi voortzetten,
of de verborgen helderheid
de wortel van het licht nog voedt,
of de buren van de mens
nog aan de mens denken,
of god zijn plaats
heeft afgestaan aan een vervanger,
of jouw naam jouw naam nog is
of al de mijne,
of de mens zijn leerschool heeft afgemaakt
zich van buitenaf te bekijken.
En als wij alles de revue laten passeren
moeten wij ons niet laten misleiden:
geen ding kan een ander ding benoemen.
Niets mag het afwezige vervangen.
Vertaald door Mariolein Sabarte Belacortu

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