De Amerikaanse schrijfster en feministe Alice Malsenior Walker werd geboren op 9 februari 1944 in Eatonton, Georgia. Zie ook mijn blog van 9 februari 2008 en ook mijn blog van 9 februari 2009 en ook mijn blog van 9 februari 2010.
Uit: The Color Purple
„Dear God,
Mr. ___ finally come right out an ast for Nettie hand in marriage. But He won’t let her go. He say she too young, no experience. Say Mr. ___ got too many children already. Plus What about the scandal his wife cause when somebody kill her? And what about all this stuff he hear bout Shug Avery? What bout that?
I ast our new mammy bout Shug Avery. What it is? I ast. She don’t know but she say she gon fine out.
She do more then that. She git a picture. The first one of a real person I ever seen. She say Mr. __ was taking somethin out his billfold to show Pa an it fell out an slid under the table. Shug Avery was a woman. The most beautiful woman I ever saw. She more pretty then my mama. She bout ten thousand times more prettier then me. I see her there in furs. Her face rouge. Her hair like somethin tail. She grinning with her foot up on somebody motocar. Her eyes serious tho. Sad some.
I ast her to give me the picture. An all night long I stare at it. An now when I dream, I dream of Shug Avery. She be dress to kill, whirling and laughing.
Dear God,
I ast him to take me instead of Nettie while our new mammy sick. But he just ast me what I’m talking bout. I tell him I can fix myself up for him. I duck into my room and come out wearing horsehair, feathers, and a pair of our new mammy high heel shoes. He beat me for dressing trampy but he do it to me anyway.
Mr. ___ come that evening. I’m in the bed crying. Nettie she finally see the light of day, clear. Our new mammy she see it too. She in her room crying. Nettie tend to first one, then the other. She so scared she go out doors and vomit. But not out front where the two mens is.
Mr. ___ say, Well Sir, I sure hope you done change your mind.
He say, Naw, Can’t say I is.
Mr. ___ say, Well, you know, my poor little ones sure could use a mother.“
Alice Walker (Eatonton, 9 februari 1944)